According to calculations based on All India Consumer Price Index for September, October and November 2013, IDA is to increase by 5% w.e.f. 1.1.2014 from 85.5% to 90.5%.28.12.2013:
Meeting with General Manager (Trg/SR):
GS met GM(Trg/SR) yesterday and discussed about commencing of JAO training in ALTTC Ghaziabad. GM (Trg) has taken immediate action and has forwarded our letter on the subject by FAX to CGM, ALTTC for necessary action and report. GS also discussed about early holding of DPC for promotion to DE Adhoc in respect of remaining vacancies. GM(SR/Trg) was apprised of the fact that the case related to list no. 6 and 7 has been now admitted by the Supreme Court and therefore DPC may be conducted and promotion orders may be issued subject to the outcome of the SLP. GM (SR/Trg) assured us that he will discuss with GM (Pers) in this regard. GM (SR/Trg) also informed us that after the approval by the BSNL Board, SR section has already submitted the final guidelines in respect of membership verification among BSNL Executives, for the approval of competent authority. Guidelines may be issued next week. But process of verification will start after April 2014.27.12.2013:
CHQ writes to GM (Trg) requesting commencing of JAO Phase II training at ALTTC Ghaziabad:
'We therefore request you to kindly cause approval for conducting various phases of JAO training at ALTTC Ghaziabad and to depute candidates from BSNL Corporate Office, NTR, UP (West) circle and Uttaranchal circle for Phase II JAO training at ALTTC Ghaziabad.' Read More27.12.2013:
'As intimated in our letter cited under reference, we have called upon all our branches to observe 8.1.2014 as 'Translate Strategy Day' by holding meeting on that date, discussing the contents of the power-point presentation on Awareness Session on Growth and Development of BSNL' and recording the views and suggestions of the members.' Read More26.12.2013:
'Now that BSNL Management has spelt out its strategy, it is important to translate it throughout the organization. At the same time, the Management should be made aware of ‘real’ field conditions so as to make adjustments in its strategy. Therefore the CHQ calls upon the branches toobserve January 8, 2014 as 'TRANSLATE STRATEGY DAY'
by holding General Body meeting of all the Branches on that day, discussing the contents of the power-point presentation and recording the views and suggestions of the members.' Read More View specific pages of document View complete document26.12.2013:
Disbursement of pensionary benefits to all the combined service pension optee absorbed employees of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL):
'Based on the approval for payment of pensionary benefits to the erstwhile government employees absorbed in MTNL who have opted for combined pension in the same manner as in BSNL, necessary amendments in Rule 37-A of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 to include MTNL along with BSNL, will be issued and adjustments in respect of Government pension liability previously discharged by MTNL will be done within three months.' Read More26.12.2013:
Nine telecom operators attract penalty of Rs 50 lakh for poor service:
Nine mobile operators including Rcom, BSNL and Aircel have attracted penalty of Rs 50 lakh imposed by the regulator Trai for providing poor service: BSNL has faced a penalty of Rs 14.5 lakh while MTNL did not attract any fine. TRAI imposed Rs 12.5 lakh penalty on Aircel and Reliance Communications while a penalty of Rs 3 lakh on Idea Cellular, Rs 2 lakh each on Bharti Airtel and Vodafone, Rs 1.5 lakh each on Uninor and Vodafone has been imposed.CDMA operator MTS attracted the penalty of Rs 50,000. A service provider can face a fine of Rs 50,000 for failing to meet any quality of service parameter for mobile services and up to Rs 1 lakh for repeating such failure.(TT)25.12.2013:
AIBSNLOA MP Circle has launched its new website: http://aibsnloamp.webs.com24.12.2013:
Tenure transfers in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer orders to DEs/AGMs who have completed their tenure and to their substitutes. View orders24.12.2013:
Name, DOB, and Staff No. Correction of Officers in SDEs (T) Seniority List:
BSNL CO has examined the requests for corrections in Name, Date of Birth and Seniority number of SDE (T)s and submitted its proposals. View orders24.12.2013:
Follow-up of HOCC action points – Improvement in Skill Set – Local Training at SSA level - Monitoring of training achievement through CTMS:
'As per BRBRAITT guidelines, uniform course names are to be followed while entering HOCC training points achievements in CTMS.' View orders20.12.2013:
Promotional offers during the festival season under mobile services:
Based on feedback from field units BSNL CO has modified existing promotional offers under mobile services. View orders20.12.2013:
Transfer and Posting in the grade of Accounts Officer / Senior Accounts Officer:
BSNL CO has issued own request transfer and long stay transfer orders in AO/Sr.AO grades. View orders20.12.2013:
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM/DE(T) on regular basis and requirement of ACRs:
BSNL CO has circulated the names of officers for whom ACR/APAR are yet to be received. View letter19.12.2013:
Cancellation of promotion orders to DE grade on adhoc basis:
BSNL CO has cancelled the promotion orders to DE grade on adhoc basis in respect of 74 Executives who have refused to accept the promotion. View orders19.12.2013:
Guidelines for filing out Annual performance Appraisal Reports (APAR) of employees in BSNL:
BSNL CO has listed a few points to be taken care of while reporting and reviewing APARs. View letter19.12.2013:
Awareness session on growth and developrnent of B$NL - Suggestions received from Union and Associations:
BSNL CO has circulated the suggestions by unions/association on brand visibility and better customer experience. View letter18.12.2013:
The lokpal and lokayukthas bill-2011:
'Rajya Sabha passed the Lokpal and Lokayukthas Bill, 2011 on 17.12.2013 and the bill has been passed by the Lok Sabha today.' Read More18.12.2013:
CAG alleges DoT caused Rs 1,649-crore loss to government:
'The national auditor has accused the telecom department of causing a loss of nearly Rs 1,649 crore to the government, alleging that it failed to charge nine quashed licensees for offering telecom services beyond what was allowed by the apex court.' Read More18.12.2013:
Incentive for acquiring fresh higher qualification:
BSNL CO has clarified that BSNL employees who have acquired higher qualification after 1.10.2000 but have not claimed the incentive may make a claim within six months from the date of issue of this clarification. View clarification18.12.2013:
Cancellation of promotion orders to SDE (T) grade under 33% quota:
BSNL CO has cancelled the promotion orders to SDE (T) grade under 33% quota in respect of nine JTOs who have refused to accept the promotion. View orders18.12.2013:
Promotion and posting to DE grade on regular basis:
BSNL CO has issued promotion and posting orders to three executives to DE grade on regular basis. View orders18.12.2013:
Modification in promotion and posting orders in DE adhoc:
BSNL CO has issued modifed orders to two executives posting them to NCNGN circle. View orders17.12.2013:
Meeting with Sr.General Manager (Rect):
GS met Sr.GM (Rect) today and discussed regarding relaxation in minimum qualifying marks for the recently held competitive examination for promotion from TTA to JTO where no one has passed in Kolkata Telephones and very poor result has been reported in some other circles, like Chattisgarh circle where only 2 candidates have been declared successful. Sr.GM (Rect) told us that paper setting was done by the circles and the circles should have ensured that the questions are not unduly difficult, before printing the question papers. Recruitment cell has only circulated the syllabus and scheme of examination. He added that the establishment cell has to decide regarding any relaxation and that he will forward our letter to establishment cell and act according to their decision. GS also raised again the issue of some candidates earlier declared passed in SDE LDCE 2012 but were dropped in the revised results based on PCAT New Delhi orders. Sr.GM (Rect) stood his ground that whatever has been done was based on the PCAT orders and nothing can be done unless an order directing inclusion of these JTOs is obtained from PCAT.17.12.2013:
Deputing TTAs for JTO induction training to nearby training centres:
During discussions with GM (Trg) on 28.11.2013, we had brought to his notice the issue of TTAs of Punjab, J&K and Himachal Pradesh Circles who were being deputed for Phase I JTO training in Jabalpur Training Centre. We requested him that all these TTAs may be sent for training to RTTC Rajpura in Punjab Circle. We also requested him that, in general, efforts should be to be taken to depute all TTAs who are to undergo JTO Training, to training centres in their own circles or atleast the nearby circles. GM (Trg) had agreed to consider our request. We are thankful to GM (Trg) and the staff of Jabalpur Training centre, since now the TTAs of Punjab, J&K and HP have been re-allotted to Rajpura RTTC and leftout TTAs of Gujarat circle have been allotted to Jabalpur and Ahemdabad RTTC. Almost all TTAs have now got their training schedule except UP(E), which will also be settled by this Saturday.17.12.2013:
CHQ writes to Sr.General Manager (Pers) on Promotion from JTO (T) to SDE (T) under seniority cum fitness quota:
'While we do not intend to comment on their claim, our concern lies with the fact that JTOs who have been appointed during the years 1994 to 1998 are still awaiting their promotion as SDEs. It is unfortunate that their right to be promoted has been put into question due to one or other court case.' Read More17.12.2013:
CHQ writes to General Manager (Rect) on Relaxation in minimum qualifying marks for the recently held competitive examination for promotion from TTA to JTO:
'Instead of going in for another examination, which is likely to take atleast another year, we would request you to kindly follow some procedure like relaxing the minimum qualifying marks and declaring more candidates successful, as there is acute shortage in JTO grade and the work in the field units is suffering.' Read More17.12.2013:
CHQ writes to CMD on disposal of anonymous complaints:
'All such complaints may be caused to be closed even where investigation has already been initiated, by strictly adhering to the time schedule stipulated by the CVC for investigating into allegations in such complaints.' Read More17.12.2013:
Procure own EMF testing equipment for towers-Parliament panel to DoT:
'The Standing Committee on Information Technology questioned the credibility of the exercise to check electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation at telecom towers when the testing equipment are provided by operators who set up the towers.' Read More17.12.2013:
Local hardware companies find it tough to bag defence project:
'Ironically, the development comes at a time when India is looking to promote local manufacturers of electronic devices as a means to save on the import bill and as an added precaution against security the possibility of security being compromised by using foreign-made equipment.' Read More16.12.2013:
Date of joining in respect of AGM/DE(T) on Adhoc and Regular:
BSNL CO has circulated the names of 131 Executives in respect of whom the date of joining as DE Adhoc and DE Regular have not yet been received from the Circles. View list13.12.2013:
An adhoc committee has been formed in Madhya Pradesh circle with Com.R.K.Narang as Circle Secretary. View list of office-bearers13.12.2013:
Restriction of officiating pay under FR 35 — clarification:
DoP&T has clarified tha the provisions of the O.M. dated 8th March 2010 are applicable from 1st January 2006, the date from which the revised Pay Scales became applicable. View clarification13.12.2013:
Drop clauses that restrict local gear companies:
'DoT to BSNL:In an internal note to BSNL's chairman and managing director RK Upadhyay, DoT has asked the state-run telco to ensure domestic telecom gear suppliers are not subject to any restrictive tender conditions and that they be encouraged to supply equipment for the armed forces network in step with the preferential market access (PMA) policy.' Read More13.12.2013:
Proposal for Preferential Treatment to BSNL and MTNL Services:
Government had constituted a Group of Ministers (GoM) on 17.04.2013 to recommend short term, medium term and long term measures for revival and revitalization of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL). Department of Telecommunications has circulated a draft Note for inter-ministerial consultations on 30.10.2013 proposing preferential treatment to BSNL and MTNL services in Central Government Ministries/Central Government Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) and Autonomous Bodies to enhance the revenues earned by BSNL and MTNL. Giving this information in written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today, Shri Kapil Sibal, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, said that the proposal is not contrary to economic policy as it is limited to Government employees for whom reimbursement facility from Government is provided and limited to the extent of the reimbursement and to Government departments & PSUs for official use. The matter is presently under consultation and no decision has been arrived at. (PIB)12.12.2013:
DoP&T has notified amendment to Fundamental Rules, substituting clause (2) of Rule 29 with "If a Government servant is reduced as a measure of penalty to a lower service, grade or post or to a lower time-scale, the authority ordering the reductionshall specify,
the period for which the reduction shall be effective". Before substitution clause (2) of Rule 29 read as "If a Government servant is reduced as a measure of penalty to a lower service, grade or post or to a lower time-scale, the authority ordering the reductionmay or may not specify,
the period for which the reduction shall be effective". View Notification12.12.2013:
BSNL infrastructure might be shunted to new subsidiary:
'"BSNL's new tower company is expected to have a lean management and operational structure, for which eGoM approval is sought to outsource O&M, sales and marketing activities," the telecom department told the ministerial panel in an internal note seen by ET.' Read More12.12.2013:
BSNL CO has clarified that major penalty proceedings emanating after due date for upgradation but ending with imposition of minor penalty will not be a bar for assessing the Executive for financial upgradation. View clarification11.12.2013:
Revision of pulse duration of Inter Circle calls from BSNL fixed line/WLL (Fixed) Rural/Urban to BSNL fixed /WLL fixed:
BSNL CO has revised the pulse duration of Inter Circle calls from BSNL fixed line/SLL (Fixed) Rural/Urban to BSNL fixed/WLL fixed from 180 seconds to 120 seconds. View letter11.12.2013:
Tenure transfer in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer orders to SDEs (T) who have completed their tenure and to their substitutes. View orders11.12.2013:
Posting of SDE volunteers to ITPC for the formation of National ERP Implementation Unit for the roll out phase:
BSNL CO has issued transfer orders to SDEs (T) at their own cost for the formation of National ERP Implementation Unit for the roll out phase. View orders11.12.2013:
Furnishing of information for up-dating data, in connection with promotion to the grade of DGM on ad-hoc basis in Telecom Finance.:
'A proposal is being processed for extending relaxation in respect of AGMs (CAOs) who have completed 4 years of combined service in ad-hoc and regular capacity in STS (CAO) grade as on 1.1.2014.' View letter View list10.12.2013:
Pay fixation of JAO (Deptl) -2010 (40% quota) – Calling of Information:
BSNL CO has called for information from the Circles in respect of such qualified JAOs who were given officiating promotion after declaration of result of JAO (Pt-II) exam (40% quota) held in 2010 and their pay were fixed in Pre-revised IDA payscale of JAO in Rs. 9850-250-14600, for submission to the committee constituted to address the issue. View letter View proforma09.12.2013:
Removal of disparity in pay of DR JTOs of Recruitment year 2005:
Consequent to refixation of pay with 78.2% fitment benefit, BSNL CO has issued orders fixing the pay of the JTOs of 2005 batch who joined after 1.1.2007 at Rs.22820. View orders09.12.2013:
Requirement of APAR for DE/AGM regular promotion:
BSNL CO has circulated the list of Executives whose APARs have not yet been received for consideration for regular promotion as DE/AGM View circular09.12.2013:
Promotion of JTOs to the grade of SDE (Telecom) in B.S-N.L. against 33% Competitive quota modification in serial numbers after change/correction in eligibility year in the result:
Due to correction in eligibility years, BSNL CO has modified the serial numbers of in respect of nine JTOs. View letter07.12.2013:
Anti-apartheid hero, legend Nelson Mandela is no more:
Freedom fighter, prisoner, moral compass and South Africa's symbol of the struggle against racial oppression. That was Nelson Mandela, who emerged from prison after 27 years to lead his country out of decades of apartheid. He died Thursday night at age 95. His message of reconciliation, not vengeance, inspired the world after he negotiated a peaceful end to segregation and urged forgiveness for the white government that imprisoned him. "As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison," Mandela said after he was freed in 1990. Read More06.12.2013:
Tenure transfer in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued tenure transfers in DE/AGM grade and transfer of those who have completed their tenure. View orders06.12.2013:
Promotion and posting to DE/AGM grade on regular basis:
BSNL CO has issued promotion and posting orders to DE/AGM grade on regular basis for four Executives. View orders06.12.2013:
Regular Promotion to the Executives in AGM/DE grade - Modification/correction:
BSNL CO has issued corrigendum to its earlier orders promoting Executives to DE/AGM grade on regular basis. View orders06.12.2013:
Residential service connection over FTTH:
BSNL CO has circulated its decision to provide residential service telephone connection over FTTH wherever copper pair is not available. View circular06.12.2013:
Purchase of diaries:
BSNL CO has withdrawn its earlier decision to withhold supply of diaries to BSNL officers and has decided that diaries for the year 2014 can be purchased to the bare minimum as a special case. View letter03.12.2013:
TV viewing on BSNL mobile:
'BSNL Board Director (Consumer Mobility) Shri Anupam Shrivastava said that by spending a meagre extra amount ranging from Rs.3/- to Rs.40/- the BSNL customer would enjoy TV viewing on his mobile along with internet surfing and data download' Read More03.12.2013:
TRAI Issues Guidelines for Renewal of Special Tariff Vouchers for Protecting the Interests of Consumers :
'TRAI had received complaints of customers regarding renewal of STVs without their consent, after the expiry of the STVs. While activating an STV, the consumer is seldom aware of auto-renewal of such an STV and is forced to either continue with the STV or to seek deactivation. The service providers had submitted to TRAI that, in some cases, the offer for the STV provides for renewal and such renewal may be beneficial to consumers who may want to use such vouchers continuously. ' Read More02.12.2013:
BSNL, C-DoT to build CMS to track all forms of communication:
'The project will cost 450-crore and will be funded by the government. State owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam (BSNL) and telecom research arm of the government Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DoT) will collaborate to build a virtual private network that will use a technology known as multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) which will enable the centralised monitoring system (CMS) to track all, be it over mobile, landline, satellite, internet networks to even voice over internet protocol (VoIP) calls, according to an internal telecom department note.' Read More02.12.2013:
BSNL CO has issued orders discontinuing the existing system of providing Blackberry handsets to JAG and above level officers and reverting to the old system of reimbursing the cost of GSM mobile handsets once in three years. View orders02.12.2013:
BSNL CO has issued transfer orders as well as cancellation of some transfer orders in AO/Sr.AO grade. View orders01.12.2013:
As scheduled, the 'Awareness session on growth and development of BSNL' was held on 30.11.2013 at 9th floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi. GS and AGS(HQ) attended the session on behalf of AIBSNLOA. After the opening speech by GM(SR), Director (HR), Director (F) and CMD addressed the participants. In his address Director(HR) placed emphasis on increasing the revenue by providing quality and efficient service to the customers. Director(F) requested that every employee of BSNL should act as a DSA and try to sell BSNL products. CMD BSNL in his speech said that the session was meant for dissemination of details of strategic initiatives planned to all the unions and associations in order that all of us work together for revival of BSNL. He said that this is only a beginning and in future too such sessions will be held to generate a deep sense of involvement of all the employees. Business verticals-wise presentation was then made by each GM/PGM. The staff unions and executives' associations have been asked to give their constructive and practical suggestions. This session is a welcome change in the approach of the BSNL Management realising that development is not possible without involving one and all. Never before the Management has shared so much details and its future plans with the representatives of the employees. The power point presentation provides voluminous statistics on our revenue & expenditure in all business verticals, efforts to be taken to increasing revenue, strengthening sales channels, tariff management in accordance with the present trend in the industry, increasing VAS and DATA market, reducing OPEX, introducing non-conventional energy solutions, BSNL's role in NOFN, the NGN, initiatives to improve customer experience, improving performance orientation, rationalisation/reorganisation of SSAs etc. A lot of reading and understanding of the issues is required before we respond with our suggestions. For the time being, we request all the Executives in general and our members in particular to download the document and have a thorough reading, atleast in parts. Read All