31.12.2010: IDA
increase w.e.f. 1.1.2011:
According to our calculation the IDA shall increase by 3.2% from 39.8% to 43%
w.e.f. 1.1.2011.
30.12.2010: Tenure
Transfers in DE grade:
BSNL has issued transfer orders for DEs who have
completed their tenure and substitutes for them.
View orders...
29.12.2010: Transfer
and Postings in the grades of AOs and Sr.AOs:
BSNL has issued transfer and posting orders in AO
and Sr AO grades.
View orders...
Addendum to orders cancelling DE Adhoc promotions:
BSNL has issued addendum to its earlier orders
cancelling DE adhoc promotions in respect of officers who had not joined their
promotion and postings.
View orders...
28.12.2010: AIBSNLOA
Himachal Pradesh Circle News:
AIBSNLOA Circle Secretary, Himachal Pradesh reports
joining of Com.Daya Chand, Ex-District Secretary, Solan of another Association,
along with his supporters, terming AIBSNLOA as the only Executive Association
having REAL concern in the interests of BSNL and its Executives.
TRAI floats consultation paper on termination charges:
'GSM players association COAI which is against
reduction in the termination charges claims that below cost termination charge
will make it uneconomical to serve low usage subscribers.'
27.12.2010:REVISION OF
Information received from reliable sources indicate that
the Cabinet Memo proposing revision of pension of the absorbed BSNL Employees
who retired prior to 1.1.2007 may take some more time for being put up to the
Cabinet for its decision. DOT, as was stated to have been advised by the Cabinet
Secretariat, modified the original Memo and submitted the same to MOC&IT. The
MOC&IT had seen the same and said to have suggested for a few
corrections/changes. DOT, thereafter, is reported to have already acted
accordingly and re-submitted the file to MOC&IT for his approval. Efforts are
being made to send the Memo to the Cabinet Secretariat at the earliest. These
developments are not uncommon and there is no need to press the panic button.
24.12.2010:Promotion &
Postings to EE(Civil) grade and Transfers in EE (Civil) grade:
BSNL has issued promotion & posting orders from SDE
(Civil) to EE (Civil) on adhoc basis and transfers in EE (Civil) grade.
View orders...
23.12.2010:Outcome of
the meetings with CMD and other senior officers (on 21st and 22nd December 2010
where Com.G.P.Patel and Com.J.N.Mishra were present with GS):
1. Denial of revised IDA pay scales for JTOs & equivalent and SDEs & equivalent
cadres: We were informed that DoT has not referred
the proposals to DPE during the past one and a half years. BSNL is still
pursuing with DoT. We have insisted that since DPE has made it clear that
intermediary scales would not be allowed, BSNL should pursue for only E2 and E3
scales as replacement scales.
2. Anomaly in pay
fixation for JTO Batches 2006 & 2007: The case is
pending with Management Committee of BSNL.
DPC for promotion from JTO to SDE (T):
Since the court stay has been got vacated, the process has
been started again. But ACRs for eligible candidates are still awaited from some
Circles and the process would be completed next month. We have requested
to expedite the process.
4. DPC for promotion to
DGM (T) on adhoc basis: The process is
nearing completion and around 250 regular DEs are likely to be promoted as DGM
on adhoc basis shortly. We have requested that action for regularisation
of the remaining adhoc DEs and promoting more SDEs to DE adhoc should follow
immediately afterwards. It has been agreed to. We have requested to ensure
that disputes in seniority list of SDEs are removed finally by putting end to
5. Promotion from SDE (Civil) to EE
(Civil): DPC was said to have been completed and
orders are likely to be issued in a few days.
6. Promotion from SDE (E) to EE (E): Vigilance
clearance for some SDEs (E) are yet to be received from CVO.
7. Suspension of long-stay transfer in all cadres:
We requested that unnecessary expenditure on this
account may be avoided at a time when BSNL's finance is in a bad shape. He
has agreed to consider the issue further.
with CMD and other senior officers:
We had a series of meetings with CMD and other senior officers - with CMD & PGM
(FP) yesterday and with GM (Estt), GM (Rect), GM (SR) and PGM (E) today.
Important issues raised in our recent letters were discussed with them.
Details of the outcome of the meetings will be published tomorrow.
of HPL against shortfall of Earned Leave:
BSNL has issued corrigendum to its earlier order dated 1.7.2010, replacing "BSNL
asbsorbed/directely recruited Executives/Non-Executives" in Para 2 with "all
BSNL employees."
View corrigendum...
21.12.2010:Stay on
operation of Foot Note 2 below Schedule IA of BSNL MS RR:
AIBSNLOA application (MA 787/2010 in OA 983/2010) for
impleading in the case came up for hearing today. An advocate appearing on
behalf of two other Executives Associations informed the Court that she would
file an application for impleading in a day or two. On this, the Judge
postponed the hearing for 4.1.2011.
in AO grade to CDR Data Centre:
BSNL has issued orders transfering 16 AOs to CDR Data Centre, Hyderabad.
View orders...
Answer Key for the JTO Special Recruitment Drive Examination for disabled
persons held on 19.12.2010:
BSNL has published the provisional answer key for the above examination for
discrepancies if any to be brought to its notice.
20.12.2010:Stay on
operation of Foot Note 2 below Schedule IA of BSNL MS RR:
AIBSNLOA application (MA 787/2010 in OA 983/2010) for
impleading in the case will be heard tomorrow. Meanwhile the Original
Application has been listed for tomorrow for being mentioned.
India GSM subscriber figures for November 2010:
BSNL has achieved 4.01% growth rate over October 2010.
(C) to SDE (C) Promotion & Posting:
BSNL issues orders promoting 9 JTOs (Civil) to SDE (Civil).
View orders...
receiving due attention of the Government:
While speaking at MOU Excellence Awards and SCOPE Awards Ceremony on 14th
December 2010, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said that, "Enterprises which
are facing difficulties, such as Air India and BSNL, are receiving the due
attention of the government."
for annulling licences of five new telcos over roll-out:
In a swift action against new telecom players who were given licences in 2008,
telecom regulator TRAI on Thursday asked government to cancel 62 licences given
to five companies including Etisalat (Swan), Uninor and Videocon. (ET)
Industrial Dearness Relief using orders available on DPE website:
To avoid delay in payment of dearness relief to IDA
pensioners, DoT has decided that the CCAs may download the orders on IDA rate
revision from DPE website and act accordingly.
View DoT Circular...
from SDE (C) to EE (C) on regular basis: BSNL has issued
promoting SDEs (C) as EEs(C) on regular basis.
View orders...
of EE (Civil): BSNL has
issued orders regularising adhoc EEs (Civil).
View orders...
transfers in SDE grade: BSNL
has issued transfer orders to SDEs who have completed their tenures and
replacements for them. View
postings in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL has issued inter-circle transfer orders in DE/AGM grade.
15.12.2010: New Points
of Interconnect at Rs.39000/- per port from BSNL:
'Currently, operators had been paying BSNL Rs 55,000 per
port, since 2001. However, in 2007 telecom regulator Trai lowered the charges to
Rs 39,000 but it was set aside by telecom tribunal TDSAT. Operators have moved
the Supreme Court against the TDSAT order.'
14.12.2010: Telcos
unlikely to start tariff war in 3G:
Consumers awaiting high-speed third-generation (3G)
services should be ready to shell out a premium for data as telecom players gear
up to rollout their services over the next few months. Industry experts say the
price war fought during the 2G days will not hold true for the 3G services
considering the hefty prices that operators have paid for acquiring licenses.
Telecoms analysts say 3G will not be mass market to begin with due to its price
premium and, therefore, the pick-up will be slow, coupled with the fact that
only 6-7 % of the overall mobile subscriber base owns a 3G enabled handset.
13.12.2010: Stay on
operation of Foot Note 2 below Schedule IA of BSNL MS RR:
BSNL has recently circulated the operative portion
of Hon'ble CAT, Chennai interim orders directing BSNL not to make any promotions
based on the relaxation contained in Foot Note No.2 of Schedule IA of BSNL MS
RR, for strict compliance by Circles. Foot Note 2 pertains to relaxation
in qualification for existing SDEs/AOs for promotion to DE/CAO. This has
created panic among the BSNL Executives. The orders of CAT, Chennai is not
based on merits after hearing both sides, but is only of interim nature till the
date of next hearing, ie. 6.1.2011. The administration has been requested
to act swiftly to get the stay vacated.
AIBSNLOA has already initiated action to get impleaded as a respondent in
the case.
10.12.2010: Amendment
to RTI Rules:
Government has proposed to notify Right to
Information Rules in supersession of the existing rules and has called for
View proposed Notification...
of 2G spectrum licenses: TRAI
has recommended cancellation of 38 UAS licenses. Read
in pension in cases of Pay fixation of Group B officers who have opted for
IDA pay scale from the date of promotion which happened to fall after 1.10.2000:
BSNL has circulated DoT letter dated 4.11.2010 on the above subject for necessary action.
View circular...
[DoT letter is available in the news item dated 11.11.2010 down below]
07.12.2010:Payment of
March salary in March itself:
BSNL has issued orders for payment of salary for the month of March on the last
working day of March itself w.e.f. the financial year 2010-2011.
07.12.2010:Posting to
TERM Cell in SDE grade: BSNL
has issued orders posting SDEs who had opted to work in TERM Cell on temporary
basis. View
transfers in SDE grade: BSNL
has issued inter-circle transfers in SDE (Telecom).
View orders...
Seniority list of Regular DEs:
BSNL circulates seniority list of Regular DEs for
representations if any for corrections.
View letter...
View list...