IDA increase w.e.f. 1.1.2010:
According to our calculation, IDA has increased by 5.6%
w.e.f.1.1.2010 from 25.3% to 30.9%. For Non-Executives of BSNL for whom
pay has not been revised on 1.1.2007, the increase is 9.4%.
Promotion to CAO Regular:
BSNL has issued orders promoting 505 CAO (Adhoc) to CAO
and 4 Sr.AOs to CAO.
View orders...
JAO LICE to be held on 4th, 5th & 6th January 2010:
As per the directions of CAT, Ahmedabad, BSNL permits use
of photo copies of P&T Manuals/books inside the Exam. Hall.
View Circular...
Meeting with GM (Estt):
We had a detailed discussion with GM (Estt) today on
BSNL's letter dated 4-12-2009 instructing deletion of HRMS number of TTAs
promoted as JTOs in Outside quota and our letter No.AIBSNLOA/CHQ/2009/62 dated
10-12-2009 requesting withdrawal of the said letter of BSNL. GM (Estt) has
assured that a case for reviewing the said letter will be processed.
Promotion and Posting in Accounts Officer cadre:
BSNL has issued orders of promotion and posting as
Accounts Officer for 196 JAOs/AAOs.
View orders...
Clarification on BSNL Medical Reimbursement Rules:
BSNL clarifies that for undertaking outdoor treatment
outside the place of posting/State permission of the competent authority is not
View clarification...
JTO 2008 Examination - Withholding of pre-appointment formalities:
BSNL has ordered withholding of pre-appointment
formalities in respect of 53 candidates.
View Circular...
Rs 35,000 crore expansion plan hits rough patch:'While
the major equipment supplier Ericsson has lowered its price substantially after
negotiations for the GSM expansion contract, the two government nominees-- joint
secretary J S Deepak and a senior DoT official P K Mittal-- have raised some
proprietary issues concerning the tender that was cleared early 2009.'
25.12.2009: Absorption
of ITS Group A in BSNL: In a
meeting of DoT officials with ITSA on 5.11.2009, DoT was reported to have asked
the Association to identify only two/three specific issues which could be again
taken up with cabinet and the Association thereafter asked three weeks time to
respond to this. DOT is reported to have waited for the response from them
till November end and even issued a reminder thereafter. But finally, finding no
change in the stance of the ITS Officers regarding the pre-conditions for their
absorption, DoT is said to have put up a case for the decision of the competent
authority on the matter of absorption and revision of pension.
Introduction of Maharatna category for CPSEs:
Cabinet has today approved introduction of
Maharatna Category for Central PSEs.
View cabinet decision...
More SDEs transferred to ERP Project:
BSNL has issued transfer orders for more SDEs(T) to
ERP Project, ALTTC, Ghaziabad.
View orders...
Conduct of LICE for promotion to JTO cadre under Departmental 35% quota & 15%
BSNL has directed recruiting Circles to hold LICE for
promotion to JTO cadre under 35% & 15% departmental quota at the earliest, for
vacancies calculated upto 31.3.2009.
View circular...
Anomaly in pay fixation in revised IDA scales for JTOs/JAOs/Assistants and
equivalent cadres:
DPE has forwarded
our letter dated 6.11.2009
to DoT for necessary action by DoT.
View DPE letter...
Spectrum auction on January 14th?:'An empowered group of
Ministers headed by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee which met on Monday to
resolve the impasse surrounding 3G spectrum auctioning assured that 3G spectrum
auction in the country will take place as scheduled on January 14, 2010.
Spectrum however will be handed over only by August as opposed to earlier
scenario when it was to be granted by June.'
AIBSNLOA CHQ has notified its first CWC to be held at New Delhi on
7th and 8th January 2010.
View notification...
Mobile Number Portability only in April: The
mobile users in India may now have to wait till April 2010 to be able to enjoy
mobile number portability (MNP) services, a facility that allows users to change
their operator while retaining the number. MNP was earlier scheduled to be
implemented from January 1, 2010, in metros and large circles, while the rest of
the country was slated to have access to this from April. At a review meeting on
Friday to evaluate MNP preparedness between operators, DoT and Trai officials
agreed to extend the deadline for metros to April 2010. Both private operators
and state-run telecom firms - BSNL and MTNL - during the meet said that while
equipment for MNP was already in place, they can be tested and commission only
by March next year.(PTI)
Cellular overtakes BSNL in GSM Market share: BSNL has been
relegated to fourth place in GSM Market share, due to Idea Cellular forging
ahead of it in November 2009.
View GSM Subscriber figures...
of STS (Telecom) to ERP Development Centre, ALTTC Ghaziabad:
BSNL has issued transfer orders for STS (T) of various
circles to ERP Development Centre, ALTTC Ghaziabad.
View orders...
of pay in Stenographers Grade I:
BSNL has issued clarifications that the pay of
Stenographer Grade I in the CDA scale of Rs.5500-175-9000 as on 1.10.2000 is to
be first fixed in the IDA scale of Rs.7800-225-11175 [substantive in PS (Adhoc)]
and then in the IDA scale of Rs.9850-14600 of promoted post [PS (Adhoc)].
View orders...
issues clarifications on Time Bound Upgradation in respect of JTOs/JAOs:
BSNL has clarified that Time Bound Upgradation of
JTOs/JAOs on or after 1.1.2007 will be kept in abeyance till final scales are
View clarifications...
of subscription rates of CGHS:
BSNL has circulated Dept. of Health and Family
Welfare O.M. revising rates of subscription for CGHS, consequent to revision of
scales of Central Government employees and revision of Pension/Family Pension.
View circular...
of Civil wing Executives to ERP Project:
BSNL has issued orders transfering JTO(C), SDE(C)
and EE(C) to ERP Project at ALTTC, Ghaziabad.
View orders...
Eligibility for full pension - date of effect of revised rules preponed:
DoP&PW has decided that linkage of 33 years of
qualifying service with full pension shall be dispensed with from 1.1.2006
instead of from 2.9.2008.
View orders...
transfers in SDE (T):
BSNL has issued transfer orders for SDEs (T) who
have completed tenure and substitutes for them.
View orders...
11.12.2009:DPC for
promotion to STS (Adhoc): BSNL has called for ACRs of 1017 SDEs (T) for holding
DPC for promotion to STS (Adhoc).
View circular...
View list...
CHQ writes to CMD on withdrawal of clarifications
regarding old HRMS number of TTAs selected as JTOs in Direct Recruit quota:
'Deletion of HRMS numbers given in the lower posts and creating a new
number will result in complete loss of data of service in lower post, which will
be virtually a break in service. All data relating to Salary, Loan/advance
deductions, PF subscriptions, LIC/PLI deductions, Leave particulars, Income tax
records etc. would be lost causing unwanted problems, since drawl of salary and
related payments and sanction of leave etc are based on HRMS modules.'
View BSNL clarification...
DPC for promotion from STS to DGM (Adhoc):
BSNL has called for ACRs of 279 STS (T) for holding DPC for promotion to DGM (Adhoc).
View circular...
View list...
CDMA players fight over 11-digit Number:
'Under the circumstances, reserving levels 2,3,4,5,6,7,
and 8 for fixed line is unreal and blocks out way too many precious resources.
They seek the release of levels 7 and 8 specifically, in addition to level 9,
for introducing a new mobile series. It is estimated that with these three
series, a billion plus subscribers can be served without the need for any fresh
allocation of levels.'
Promotion/Regularisation in EE(E):
BSNL Corporate Office Electrical Wing calls for ACRs of
121 SDEs(E) for promotion/regularisation in EE (E) cadre.
View letter...
cuts roaming charges in price war:
BSNL on Monday cut charges on calls made outside a
user's local coverage area, saying it was joining an ongoing tariff war in the
world's fastest-growing wireless market. State-run BSNL, which is India's No. 2
telecoms firm including fixed-line subscribers, will let users choose roaming
charges of either 49 paisa (1 US cent) per minute or 1 paisa per second.(PTI)
07.12.2009:BSNL issues
more inter-circle transfer orders in SDE (Telecom) from various Circles
to ERP Project at ALTTC, Ghaziabad.
View orders...
BSNL's 93 mn GSM-lines tender in limbo; cancels
Huawei order: 'Sources
also indicated that BSNL was weighing various options, including calling fresh
bids for adding 93 million GSM lines to its networks. Officials said, in the
process, BSNL would lose further market share to private operators as it may
exhaust the remaining capacity in various circles soon.'
Unrelenting fight to ensure proper reservation in SDE (T):
At the instance of Com.Sant Kumar, JTO, Solan, Himachal
Pradesh Circle (now our Circle Secretary of Himachal Pradesh) CHQ had written a
letter to administration on 25.5.2009 drawing attention to non-filling of SC/ST
quota in SDE promotion on seniority basis ordered on 15.5.2009. Com.Sant
Kumar had given valuable inputs regarding SC/ST vacancies shown to have been
filled with already promoted and retired officers. CHQ followed up the
issue with GM (Pers) [See our reporting on 15.7.2009, 8.10.2009 and 24.11.2009]
and was assured that roster will be updated and unfilled SC/ST vacancies will be
filled in next DPC. Now BSNL has initiated the process for updating the
roster (BSNL circular available below on 4.12.2009). CHQ will continue to
pursue the issue till satisfactory settlement.
Preparation of Eligibility List of JTOs for promotion under the seniority quota
of 2008-09: BSNL has
initiated the process of preparing JTO Eligibility List for promotion under
seniority quota for 2008-09. OC category JTOs of Recruitment year 1994 and 1995,
SC category JTOs of year 1996 and ST category JTOs upto the year 2001 will be
eligible for inclusion.
View BSNL circular...
04.12.2009: Updation
of reservation roster in respect of TES Group B officers:
In order to update the reservation roster for the years
2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09, BSNL has called for from Circles, the details of
SDEs(T) retired, voluntarily retired, resigned, expired, promoted to higher
cadre etc. for the period from 1.4.2006 to 31.12.2009.
View letter...
for LDCE for promotion to SDE (T) held on 15.7.2007:
BSNL has called for details of candidates who had appeared
in LDCE for promotion to SDE (T), but had not completed 3 years qualifying
service as on 1st July of the vacancy year, in connection with O.A.No.238/09 in
Hyderabad CAT.
View letter...
LTC travel by tour packages operated by IRCTC:
DoP&T has issued orders allowing reimbursement of air fare
along with rail and road fare in case of LTC journey in tours offered by IRCTC.
View orders...
launches operations in 7 Indian mobile zones:Norway’s
Telenor Group alongwith its Indian partner Unitech Wireless today launched GSM
services under the Uninor brand name in 7 circles of India namely Tamil Nadu,
Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, UP East, UP West and Bihar including
Jharkhand.Keeping in line with the ongoing competitive tariff trends in the
country, Uninor is offering subscribers two tariff structures to choose from.
Talkmore@29p offers local calls at 29 paise per minute and STD calls at 49 paise
per minute with a call set up fee of 39 paise.(TT)
BT partner to offer global conferencing solutions:
BSNL is expanding its "Managed Enterprise Business
Solutions," offering and has now partnered with BT. This will help BSNL to
provide the world's best audio and web conferencing solutions to customers, CMD
Kuldeep Goyal said today.The conferencing solutions to be rolled-out by BT will
allow BSNL to deliver the latest conferencing technologies in the Indian market,
which will help increase business efficiency for enterprises while also
providing for a greener environment by increasing collaboration and reducing the
need for corporate travel, both the companies said. (PTI)
Soon, your cell phone number may have eleven digits:
DoT has prepared a draft notification in which it wants
all mobile users to adopt a 11-digit numbering plan by pre-fixing '9'. All 500
million mobile users in the country may have to change their phone numbers from
January 1, 2010, and adopt a 11-digit cellular
connections if a DoT proposal is accepted by the industry. But, all
leading operators said that it would be ‘next to impossible’ for the country to
move to a 11-digit mobile number by January 2010 as this would involve making
massive technical changes to both software and mobile network configurations,
while adding that this process could take up to 12 months. (ET)
02.12.2009: MTNL
dials 1/2 paise per second plan:
MTNL on Tuesday raised the bar for competitive tariffs by
announcing a half paise-per-second plan for mobile calls on its 2G as well as 3G
network in Delhi and Mumbai circles. For calls made to other networks, the
tariff is 1 paise-per-second, MTNL chairman and managing director RSP Sinha
said. (TNN)
Amendments to BSNL MS RR:
BSNL issues amendments to BSNL MS RR adding bench mark and
CPC composition in Electrical and Architecture streams.
BSNL issues inter-circle transfer orders in SDE (Telecom) from various Circles
to ERP Project at ALTTC, Ghaziabad.
View orders...