Declaration of holiday on 2nd and 4th saturdays - BSNL CO denies issuing any letter:
BSNL CO has denied issuing the letter circulated in social media (Whatsapp) declaring holiday on second and fourth saturdays and proposes action against the miscreants. View letter30.11.2015:
DPC under seniority quota - furnishing current status of the left out JTOs w.r.f. to AIEL circulated on 20.2.2015:
BSNL CO has circulated the names of 85 JTOs in respect of whom fresh vigilance status is yet to be received. View letter30.11.2015:
Regular promotion to DE/AGM grade - foregoing of promotion:
BSNL CO has issued orders cancelling the regular promotion to DE/AGM grade in respect of four executives who have declined to accept the promotion. View orders29.11.2015:
The Second State Conference of West Bengal was held at Kolkata on 26th and 27th November 2015 under the Presidentship of Com.Sudip De Chaudhury. The conference commenced with Com.R.R.Balasubramanian, Patron, Advisory Body, hoisting AIBSNLOA flag, while thunderous slogans "AIBSNLOA ZINDABAD" rent the air. Zonal Secretaries' reports, discussion on Circle Secretary's report and Organisational review witnessed participation of the delegates with vigour and enthusiasm, the deliberations mostly being around revival of BSNL and strengthening AIBSNLOA. Com.Sapan Bhattacharjee, CHQ Finance Secretary felicitated the Conference. GS Com.Rakesh Sethi delivered special address in the delegates session explaining the status of various issues affecting BSNL executives. Members from the nook and corner of West Bengal participated in the Open Session on 27th November 2015 and the hall was virtually overflowing. Com.A.K.Pal, the Guiding Light of AIBSNLOA West Bengal welcomed the gathering. Com.Sudip De Chaudhury delivered the Presidential address. Com.Sukumar Ghosh, Circle Secretary, in his keynote address, elaborated in detail the successful activities of AIBSNLOA West Bengal in arresting leakage of revenue and saving BSNL crores of rupees. He explained how the association succeeded in creating compulsion to vacate decade long rental accommodation while sufficient space was available in department owned buildings. Com.Chitra Basu, CS, NFTE, Com.Biswanath Dutt, GS TEU BSNL, Com.Atanu Mondal, OS East CHQ and Com.R.R.Balasubramanian spoke on the factors behind BSNL's present financial condition and the joint efforts to be made by all unions and associations to defeat the Government's move to weaken BSNL. Shri A.Kundu, PGM CTD and Com.Rakesh Sethi, GS delivered Special address. GS emphatically focussed the need for BSNL to remain in the race, since otherwise we may go back to the era when the private operators fleeced the customers with very high call charges, charging even for incoming calls. He said DoT had failed to keep its commitments made in the Memoranda of Understanding with BSNL every year. He hoped that through our sustained efforts, we can ensure revival of BSNL in the near future. Com.Saumya Basak, Asst.State Secretary delivered Vote of Thanks. Later in the delegates session which continued, the existing body was dissolved. Com.Sanjoy Dhar acted as Election Officer and conducted the election of office bearers. Com.Sukumar Ghosh, Com.Saumya Basak and Com.Goutham Majumdar have been unanimously elected as President, Secretary and Finance Secretary respectively. CHQ congratulates the new office bearers, appreciates the active members who had worked night and day for the success of the conference and wishes all the Best to the entire membership of West Bengal. View list of office bearers29.11.2015:
Integration of HR issues:
BSNL CO has issued instructions that files related to promotion, HR policies, deputation, recruitment and deployment initiated from all Cadre Controlling Wings in BSNL i.e. BW,SEA, Elec & Arch. in respect of Executive cadre, are to be routed through Pers. section of BSNL corporate oflice. View instructions29.11.2015:
Date of joining in respect of AGM/DE(T) on Adhoc and Regular basis :
BSNL CO has again asked Circles/Units to furnish the date ofjoining of executives who were promoted to AGM/DE(T) on adhoc & regular basis. View letter29.11.2015:
Appointment of JAO DR on completion of training:
BSNL CO has issued orders appointing 33 direct recruit JAOs on completion of training. View orders23.11.2015:
Promotion of Govt. Servants exonerated after retirement - Procedure and Guidelines to be followed :
DoPT has circulated draft instructions on the procedure and guidelines to be followed on "Promotion of Govt. Servants exonerated after retirement ". View letter23.11.2015:
Posting of Government employees who have differently abled dependents :
DoPT has circulated a draft OM proposing to exempt a Government employee, who is also a care giver of "Thalassemia" and "Haemophilia" child, from the routine exercise of transfer/rotational transfer subject to the administrative constraints. View letter23.11.2015:
Proposed guidelines on issue of domicile/caste certificates to SC/ ST school students :
DoPT has circulated draft guidelines to be issued to State Governments/ Union Territories for institutionalization of the process of issue of domicile/caste certificates to SC/ ST school students while they are in Class VIII. View letter22.11.2015:
CHQ writes to CMD requesting cancellation of notification for Special Recruitment Drive of Management Trainees (Telecom Operations/TelecomFinance) from Persons With Disability from external candidates:
'Thus it may be seen that since there is no backlog reserved MT vacancy for Persons with Disability, there is no ground to resort to Special Recruitment Drive for filling up stated backlog vacancies reserved for PWD.' Read More20.11.2015:
Highlights of VII CPC report:
PIB has circulated the highlights of the recommendations of VII Central Pay Commission. View Highlights20.11.2015:
Relieving for Phase-I training of screening test qualified JTO - clarification:
BSNL CO has clarified that all the screening test qualified TTAs who are officiating as JTO be relieved for Phase I training directly without reverting them to TTA. View orders20.11.2015:
Inordinate delay in relieving officers under transfer to other circles/units:
BSNL CO has circulated a list of executives who have not yet been relieved and has directed the circles/units to relieve them by 30.11.2015. View orders20.11.2015:
Incorporation of corrections in Name/DoB/RY in final seniority lists 6 & 7 dated 8.6.2015:
BSNL CO has issued orders incorporating corrections in Name/DoB/RY in final seniority lists 6 & 7 dated 8.6.2015. View orders20.11.2015:
Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade. View orders20.11.2015:
Inter-circle transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of inter-circle transfers/retention in SDE (T) grade. View orders19.11.2015:
Meeting with Sr.General Manager (Pers):
GS along with AGS (HQ) and OS (North) met Sr. GM (pers) on Tuesday and discussed the following:1. Issue of clarifications we had sought for in MT RR:
Sr. GM (Pers) said that the clarifications sought for will be issued soon.2. Cancellation of Notification for Special Recruitment Drive of recruitment of MT from Persons with Disabilities:
Pointing out to DoPT rulings as detailed in our letter, we requested cancellation of the notification. Sr. GM (Pers) said that the notification was done as per the direction of Supreme Court. We argued that Supreme court direction is only in respect of backlog vacancies and no such vacancies exist in respect of MT. Sr. GM (Pers) said that this point will be considered.3. Reduction in stay period for Udhampur and Rajouri SSAs in J&K circle:
Sr. GM (Pers) said that the issue is being processed and orders will be issued in due course.4. Exemption of Persons with Disabilities from appearing in mandatory examination:
We argued that the earlier letter from Director (HR) stipulating recommendations of the Circle Heads should be suitably modified in respect of PWD. We also contended that the examination itself was unnecessary in respect of time found financial upgradation since in this case there is no change in status, designation and powers. Sr. GM (Pers) agreed with us but said that this will require amendment to BSNL EPP for which approval from the Board will be required. However, he assured to further examine this issue.5. Merger of ITPC and ERP units:
We contended that the letter issued by the Head of ITPC unit is without jurisdiction, since the Establishment and Pers-I and Pers-II cells have to take a decision on this issue. We further requested that those who are presently working in ERP and willing to go back to their parent circles should be given an option to do so. Sr. GM (Pers) has agreed to examine the issue.6. Promotion to DGM (T):
Sr. GM (Pers) said that promotion orders will be issued before month end and promotion to DE grade will be taken up afterwards.7.Transfer/retention requests in SDE/DE grades:
We have requested Sr. GM (Pers) to ensure issue of orders early and our request has been accepted by Sr. GM (Pers).8.Promotion to SDE (T) under 67% quota:
Sr. GM (Pers) said that there has been no improvement in this matter and assured that he will do all that is possible to get an early decision from the court.19.11.2015:
The VII Central Pay Commission has submitted its report to the Government today. The recommendations of the CPC in respect of pay and allowances of Government Servants do not have any direct impact on CPSE employees. Recommendations in respect of Executives of CPSEs will be made by the Pay Revision Committee which is yet to be constituted by the Government. But as BSNL absorbed employees draw pension under Government Rules recommendations by the CPC for amending CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 will be applicable to us also. On a fast reading of the report, the CPC has recommended status quo on most pension related issues, except in respect of minimum pension, ceiling on gratuity and pension revision. The CPC has recommneded raising gratuity ceiling from 10 lakhs to 20 lakhs and for revising the ceiling by 25% whenever the DA crosses 50%. It has recommended raising minimum pension to Rs.9000. In respect of pension revision for those who retired before 1.1.2016 (expected date of implementation of the recommendations) two formulae have been recommended leaving the option to choose any of the formulae to the retired employee. View full report18.11.2015:
Incorporation of corrections in Name/DoB/RY in final seniority lists 6 & 7 dated 8.6.2015:
BSNL CO has issued orders incorporating corrections in Name/DoB/RY in final seniority lists 6 & 7 dated 8.6.2015. View orders18.11.2015:
Promotion to SDE (T) grade under 67% quota - non-receipt of ACR/APAR:
BSNL CO has circulated a list of 186 JTOs in respect of whom the ACR/APAR are yet to be received. View letter18.11.2015:
Promotion to DGM (F) on adhoc basis:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion and postings to DGM (F) grade on adhoc basis. View orders17.11.2015:
Transfer and Posting in the grade of SDE (T):
BSNL CO has issued orders of inter-circle transfers in SDE (T) grade View orders17.11.2015:
Tenure transfer in the grade of SDE (T) - cancellation:
BSNL CO has issued orders cancelling tenure transfer and posting in SDE (T) grade. View orders16.11.2015:
Winding up of Board for Reconstruction of Public Sector Enterprises (BRPSE):
'In accordance with the decision of the Government, the BRPSE set up in DPE vide Resolution dated 6.12.204 and its amendments issued from time to time were wound up vide notification No.16(25)/2004-Fin. Dated 9th November, 2015.' Read More16.11.2015:
Transfer and Posting in the grade of SDE (T) - cancellation:
BSNL CO has issued orders cancelling transfer and posting in SDE (T) grade. View orders16.11.2015:
Transfer and Posting in the grade of DE/AGM - Modification:
BSNL CO has issued orders modifying transfer and posting in DE/AGM grade. View orders12.11.2015:
Transfer and Posting in the grade of Chief Accounts Officer:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and posting in CAO grade. View orders12.11.2015:
Meeting with DGM (Pers):
GS met DGM (Pers) on 10.11.2015 and discussed about delay in issue of promotion orders to DGM (T) grade. DGM (Pers) informed us that orders of promotion to DGM (T) grade will be issued by the end of this month. Thereafter promotion from SDE to DE will be taken up. He also conveyed that still a large number of VCs/APARs have not been received.10.11.2015:
Meeting with Sr. General Manager (Pers):
GS along with CHQ FS Com.Sapan Battacharya met Sr.GM (Pers) today and discussed the following:1. Consideration of transfer requests and retention requests:
Sr. GM (Pers) said that a set of transfer orders has been issued in DE/AGM grade. As the number of transfer requests is very huge, orders have been issued for those who have completed two years as on 30.9.2015. The remaining will be considered later. We have requested that orders may be issued in the remaining cases also at the earliest. Sr. GM (Pers) has agreed to consider the pending retention requests next week.2. Exemption for Physically Handicapped executives from mandatory examination:
We requested that all PH executives may be granted exemption without insisting for recommendation from the Circle Heads, since their physical disability has already been certified by competent medical authorities. Sr. GM (Pers) said that he was aware of the difficulties faced by PH executives and asked DGM (Pers) to put up the case to him for a decision.10.11.2015:
Meeting with Sr. General Manager (FP):
GS and CHQ FS met Sr. GM (FP) yesterday and requested early consideration of retention requests in AO and CAO grades. We also requested that those who have completed tenure may be released without waiting for reliever to join. Sr. GM (FP) said retention requests will be considered in due course. He assured that action will be taken to relieve those who have completed their tenure in time.10.11.2015:
Transfer and Posting in the grade of Accounts Officer / Senior Accounts Officer:
BSNL CO has issued a corrigendum to its earlier instructions that “Further, the circles are advised to relieve the executive/s working in hard/ soft tenure stations only on completion of his/her prescribed Hard/ soft tenure stay periodincluding excess leave period.
” View letter10.11.2015:
Transfer and posting in DGM (F) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in DGM (F) grade. View orders10.11.2015:
Promotion and posting to the grade of DGM (F):
BSNL CO has issued promotion and posting order to DGM (F) grade in respect of one executive. View orders10.11.2015:
Transfer and posting in DE/AGM grade - retention:
BSNL CO has issued orders retaining one executive on transfer upto 31.10.2016. View orders09.11.2015:
Recovery of excess pay in respect of PA/PS as per clarification dated 18.8.2015.:
BSNL CO has issued instructions for keeping the recovery in abeyance until further orders. View letter09.11.2015:
Transfer and posting in DE/AGM grade - retention/cancellation/modification:
BSNL CO has issued orders cancelling, modifying transfer orders in DE/AGM grade. View orders06.11.2015:
Unauthorised audio/video recording of official meetings:
BSNL CO has issued instructions warning action against unauthorised audio/video recording of official meetings. View letter06.11.2015:
Transfer and posting in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and posting in DE/AGM grade. View orders06.11.2015:
Tenure transfer in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued tenure transfer orders in SDE (T) grade. View orders06.11.2015:
Inter-circle transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued inter-circle transfer orders in SDE (T) grade. View orders06.11.2015:
a Transfer and posting in DE/AGM grade - cancellation thereof:
ag BSNL CO has issued orders cancelling the transfer in respect of DEs/AGMs. View orders06.11.2015:
Incorporation of corrections of Name/DOB/RY in Tentative seniority Lists I to XVII of SDEs(T):
BSNL CO has circulated a list containing corrections in Name/DOB/RY in the tentative senioritylists 1 to 17 of SDEs (T). View letter05.11.2015:
TDSAT sets aside CAF fine on RCom, asks DoT to examine form:
'"Further, in case the service provider does not submit the CAF without any good reason, the authorities should not close the case by simply imposing penalty for the non-submitted CAF. The service provider should be compelled to produce CAF or give reason for nonproduction," the order made it clear.' Read More05.11.2015:
Requirement of APARs of all working AGM/DE(T)s on Regular basis for considering them for promotion to DGM(T) as per eligibility:
'If APAR / Vigilance clearance of any executive is not received immediately, he/she will be left un-assessed and DPC will be conducted without further delay.' Read More05.11.2015:
Inter-circle transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued two orders on inter-circle transfer in SDE (T) grade. View orders05.11.2015:
Special Recruitment Drive for recruitment of Management Trainees from Persons with disability:
BSNL CO has notified SRD for MT Recruitment from PWD. View Notification04.11.2015:
Reduced tariff for the first 60 days - prepaid mobile:
BSNL has announced reduced tariff for the first 60 days under 'per minute' and 'per second' prepaid plans, in order to boost new activations. View letter04.11.2015:
Appointment of JAO DR on completion of training:
BSNL CO has issued orders appointing 164 direct recruit JAOs on completion of training. View letter04.11.2015:
Promotion to DGM (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders promoting two executives to DGM (T) grade on adhoc basis. View orders04.11.2015:
SDE (T) transfers - retention and cancellation:
BSNL CO has issued three orders either cancelling the transfer orders of SDEs (T) or retaining them for specific periods. View orders03.11.2015:
Promotional offer for Diwali under prepaid mobile services:
BSNL has notified promotional offers for Diwali under prepaid mobile services. View letter03.11.2015:
Inter-circle transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of inter-circle transfer in SDE (T) grade. View orders03.11.2015:
Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of tenure transfer in SDE (T) grade. View orders02.11.2015:
Facebook and BSNL partners to set up 100 Wi-Fi hotspots in rural India:
'Facebook will spend Rs.5 crore per annum for sponsoring these 100 Wi-Fi hotspots in the country. Facebook has partnered to sponsor 100 Wi-Fi hotspots in villages across west and southern India.' Read More02.11.2015:
Amendment to JAO Recruitment rules:
Column No.12 (B)(2) of schedule of JAO RR has been amended reducing regular service in the erstwhile department/BSNL in Group C grade to 5 years from 10 years. View amendment02.11.2015:
Regular promotion to CAO grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders promotiong six executives to CAO grade on regular basis. View orders