of Public Enterprises circulates Govt. decisions on recommendations of Justice
Rao committee on Pay revision for CPSE Executives.
It is disappointing to note that,
the Govt. has not only decided not to have A + category as recommended by
Justice Rao Committee for profit making PSUs like BSNL, but also has
diluted the pay scales proposed by Justice Rao for 'A' category PSUs. We
strongly protest against this.
View DPE's circular...
writes to Director (HRD) regarding
Transfers of the Executives to the hard tenure circles even after serving one
term: 'In the
present case, transfer order of Shri P Rama Rao, DE may be cancelled and Orissa
Telecom Circle may kindly be advised to send the latest stay particulars of the
issues circular for conduct of Management Trainees (Internal) Examination.
View circular...
View Scheme for Examination...
IDA merger issue for past pensioners of BSNL:
As wanted by DoT, BSNL has since
sent on 24.11.2008 its consent to DoT to bear the pension liability on 60:40
formula after receiving the approval of BSNL Board in the meeting held on
12.11.2008. For details log on to : http://aibsnlreachq.brinkster.net (No www is
issues orders bearing the Income Tax liability on
perquisite tax of accommodation owned by BSNL/DOT/Central Pool provided to BSNL
employees either rent free or licence fee recovery basis for the F.Y.2OO8-09.
Executives’ hope for better wages shattered: Government’s
decision not to accept one of the most important recommendations of Second Pay
Revision Committee to have five categories of CPSUs instead of four as at
present has dealt a serious blow to the expectation of the BSNL Executives to
get better wages. The recommendation of Second Pay Revision Committee to place
BSNL in category A+ with highest pay scales and other benefits had made the BSNL
Executives happy, that they would get not only higher pay scales but also higher
fitment benefits. But now placed in A category, with their present lower pay
scales compared to many other PSUs including MTNL, the Executives of BSNL are really
disappointed. Also, it will not be automatic that BSNL Executives get even the
revised pay scales as recommended
present disparity in pay scales with the Executives of other CPSUs removed.
Rejection, by the Government, of the recommendation for introducing A+
category of CPSUs and placing BSNL in it might have caused serious
disappointment in BSNL Executives, but at least one Association of BSNL
Executives will be happy now. Their strong plea before the pay revision
committee that, ‘There
is no need to revise the present classification of Schedule of CPSE (A, B, C,
D)’ was turned down and a new A+ category was recommended to be created
by Justice Rao
committee, with BSNL being included in it. However the Government has now
accepted the aforesaid Association's plea giving them a point to claim a great
success though it has affected the BSNL Executives very badly.
A+ categorisation:
Confirming the information from our sources, PTI reports that, 'For purpose of
fixation of pay scales of executives, the Cabinet, based on recommendations of
the CoS, decided to classify the CPSUs into four categories — A, B, C and D,
instead of five categories — A+, A, B, C and D recommended by the Rao Committee
in May. In a bid to minimise anomaly, the
revised pay scale would provide benefit of one additional increment for every
two increments earned to mitigate the problem of junior and senior executives
getting the same pay. Under the new revised pay scale, the ceiling of gratuity
for the executives of CPSUs has been enhanced to Rs 10 lakh.'
issues promotion orders from CAO to JAG (Finance) on adhoc basis.
View orders...
to our sources, all the recommendations of Justice Rao committee have not found
acceptance by the Union Cabinet. In particular, the categorisation of A+ is
reported to have been not accepted and top category will be 'A' only, implying
that BSNL Executives will have the pay scales specified for Category A only.
There are unconfirmed reports of some more important changes.
20.11.2008(1430 Hrs): Cabinet accepts recommendations of Justice Rao committee
report on Pay Revision for Executives of CPSEs:
Cabinet has given its approval for accepting the recommendations of 2nd Pay
Revision Committee (PRC) as a package with regard to Dearness Allowance, House
Rent Allowance, Leased Accommodation, City Compensatory Allowance, other
allowances / perks, Variable Pay / Performance Related Pay, Memorandum of
Understanding, Performance Management System, Remuneration Committee, Long Term
Incentives, Cost to the Company, retirement age, Non Unionized Supervisory
staff, pay of executives moving from holding companies to subsidiary companies
or vice-versa on deputation / transfer, pay of Government officers on deputation
to CPSEs and Superannuation Benefits.
clarifies that the two years dead line for completing two weeks mandatory
training before earning second increment in Time Bound Financial Upgradation is
to be counted from the date of issue of orders and not from the due date. Also
Executives retiring within two years from the date of issue of orders are
exempted from the training.
view orders...
approval for implementation of recommendations of Justice Rao Committee on Pay
Revision for Executives of CPSEs: A committee of
Secretaries is reported to have cleared the recommendations of Justice Rao
Committee on Revision of pay of CPSE Executives. The proposal is said to
have been put up for approval by the Union Cabinet. Approval by the
Cabinet is expected shortly. Thereafter, DPE will have to issue guidelines
for implementation of the recommendations.
issues promotion orders for 25 left out SDEs to DE Adhoc.
View orders...
issues notification for recruitment of Management Trainees (External):
BSNL has announced conduct of
Screening Test on 1.2.2009 for recruitment of about 300 Management Trainees
(External), in the IDA pay scale of Rs.13000-350-18250.
The successful candidates of Screening test will have to undergo
a recruitment process of Written Examination, Group Discussion, Interview
& Personality Test. After probation cum training they will be appointed as
Deputy Manager and will be promoted as Manager (STS) after completion of two
View Circular...
for promotion of 40 more left out SDEs (Telecom) to DE Adhoc has been reportedly
completed. Orders are expected to be issued on Monday.
issues transfer orders to DEs who have completed tenure and substitutes for
View orders...
issues one more order modifying the circle of posting for SDEs who have been
promoted to STS adhoc. View order...
of Group A Officers - Case in Delhi High Court: As
reported earlier in this website, the case came up before the bench on
10.11.2008. After a brief discussion, the court fixed the date for hearing on
12.11.2008. Accordingly, the case came up again for hearing yesterday. Next
date for hearing has now been fixed for 21.01.2009.
writes to Prime Minister on
Inordinate delay to withdraw the ITS Group `A’ Officers of
Department of Telecommunications working on deemed deputation basis in BSNL and
MTNL and filling up the positions by the Officers recruited/employed by these
CPSUs – Appeal for kind intervention: 'we
earnestly appeal to you to kindly intervene in this matter, so that one
particular section of the Officers are not allowed undue benefits by bending the
rules and in discrimination to the other employees and officers who followed
the policy of the Government. Let those ITS Group `A’ Officers who have not
exercised option for absorption in BSNL and MTNL be withdrawn from these CPSUs
CHQ writes to Minister of Public Enterprises &
Heavy Industries on
Abnormal delay in
releasing the decision of the Government on the Report of Second Pay Revision
Committee for the Executives of CPSUs - Request for kind intervention.
is reliably learnt that BSNL is proposing to hold Examination for Recruitment of
Management Trainees in May 2009. Our proposal for relaxing the age limit for
departmental candidates is likely to be partially accepted by raising the age
limit to 40 years.
Refer our letter dated 5.8.2008...
has clarified that the revised benefits in pay fixation and Special allowance
offered to Group A officers for absorption in BSNL shall be available to already
absorbed Group A officers also.
View Circular...
BSNL declares results of
departmental examination in Laws of Contracts for EE (Civil/Electrical) held on
View Results...
issues some clarifications on eligibility conditions for air travel to North
East Region while availing LTC.
View orders...
issues one more order modifying the circle of posting for SDEs who have been
promoted to STS adhoc. View order...
writes to Hon'ble MoC on
Formulation and execution of plan to manage the affairs
of BSNL by defeating the arm twisting tactics of some ITS Officers:
the above background, it is high time that Department of Telecom devise and
execute a plan to manage the affairs of BSNL by withdrawing the unabsorbed ITS
Officers from BSNL. We would like to suggest following few measures which will
not allow any vacuum to be created if these Officers are taken back in
Department of Telecom'.
06.11.2008:The Petitions from some ITS Group
A Officers in regard to absorption pending since long in Delhi High court came
up for hearing before the newly constituted Bench on 05.11.2008. The new Bench
opined that the previous Bench should hear the case. The case will be
posted before the previous Bench on 10.11.2008 for hearing.
issues promotion and posting orders for the successful candidates of JTO to SDE
25% Competitive Examination. View orders...
issues more orders modifying the circle of posting for SDEs who have been
promoted to STS adhoc. View orders...