DoT conveys Cabinet decision on BSNL, MTNL revival plan:
The DoT issues an OM conveying the details of Cabinet decisions on Revival of BSNL and MTNL. View DoT OM31.10.2019:
Data required for manpower planning in BSNL:
BSNL CO has called for SSA-wise data in order to analyse the impact of VRS and effective utilisation of manpower. View letter30.10.2019:
Meeting with PGM (Pers):
GS and AGS HQ met PGM (Pers) today and requested issue of promotion orders to DGM (T) grade by tomorrow. PGM (Pers) informed us that he is to meet CMD regarding administrative approval and hoped that promotion orders can be issued at the earliest after the administrative approval from CMD is received. It is learnt that VC from all circles have been received and CVO office will be able to complete its work by tomorrow.30.10.2019:
Consolidated DPE guidelines on VRS:
The DPE OM on consolidated guidelines on Voluntary Retirement Scheme/Voluntary Separation Scheme, issued on 20th July 2018, stipulates that the PSEs implement the schemes strictly in accordance with the provision set out therein. View DPE OM30.10.2019:
Promotion to DE/AGM grade on regular basis in the year 2018 - updating of data w.r.f. to joining on promotion in ERP:
BSNL CO has circulated the names of 74 Executives in respect of whom the required data are yet to be updated and has requested Circles again to furnish the report immediately. View letter23.10.2019:
Union Cabinet approves revival plan of BSNL and MTNL and in-principle merger of the two:
The Union Cabinet today approved the proposal for revival of BSNL and MTNL by administrative allotment of spectrum for 4G services, debt restructuring by raising of bonds with sovereign guarantee, reducing employee costs, monetisation of assets and in-principle approval of merger of BSNL &MTNL. View PIB report22.10.2019:
CHQ writes to the Convenor, AUAB:
"We continue to believe that agitations can complement and strengthen any dialogue but cannot replace it. The need of the hour is efforts to re-establish the link with the DoT/Government through whatever possible means." Read More22.10.2019:
AUAB writes to AIBSNLOA:
"We would like to bring to your kind notice that, the AUAB has decided to strengthen the unity of the Executives and Non-Executives of BSNL, by bringing all the unions and associations into the fold of the AUAB." Read More22.10.2019:
Retirement TA for settling in home town:
BSNL CO has clarified that an employee would be entitled for TA for settling at his home town after retirement. View orders22.10.2019:
Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued 8 orders of tenue transfers/retention/cancellation in SDE (T) grade. View orders22.10.2019:
Transfer and postings in AO grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in AO grade. View orders22.10.2019:
Transfer and postings in SDE (T) grade - retention:
BSNL CO has issued orders retaining four executives in their present circle for specific periods. View orders22.10.2019:
Transfer and postings in Architect stream:
BSNL CO has issued three orders of transfer and postings in Architect stream. View orders21.10.2019:
Transfer and postings in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in DE/AGM grade. View orders18.10.2019:
Meeting with Principal General Manager (Pers):
GS met PGM (Pers) today and requested immediate holding of DPC and issue of promotion orders from DE to DGM grade, since the Miscellaneous Application filed by BSNL in Chandigarh CAT has been allowed today. GM (Pers) assured that once the CAT order is available, action will be initiated for holding DPC and promotion orders will be issued within a short period. A few cases of transfer requests and retention requests were discussed and PGM (Pers) has agreed to consider the requests.18.10.2019:
Revised guidelines for role definition of Business Area and SSA forming part of Business Area:
BSNL CO has issued revised guidelines for role definition of Business Area and SSAs forming part of Business Area. View letter18.10.2019:
Transfer and postings in EE (Electrical) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in EE (E) grade. View orders18.10.2019:
Transfer and postings in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in SDE (T) grade. View orders17.10.2019:
Meeting with Director (HR):
Director (HR) called OBUA leaders for a meeting today in response to our yesterday's letter. We congratulated him for his joining as Director (HR), BSNL Board. In the meeting GM (SR) was also present. In addition to other issues, We discussed following two issues with Director (HR): (i) Non payment of salary and other dues to BSNL employees in time and (ii) Delay in implementation of revival package.Director (HR) conveyed that BSNL is in constant touch with DoT and DoT is making all out efforts for approval of revival plan for BSNL at the earliest, possibly in a week or two. He wanted us to wait till then before deciding on any agitation. He agreed with our concern about non-payment of wages for contract workers for the past several months and said that efforts are on for early settlement of the issue. When we raised the issue of non remittance of LIC premium recovered from the employees, which could result in denial of relief in case of untoward happening during the break period, he said he will look into the matter and will take necessary steps to resolve this issue shortly. On disbursement of September 2019 salary, he said that salary will be paid before Diwali. We insisted that salary payment should be made on 19th, before the intervening Sunday to enable purchases before Diwali, for which he expressed inability to do so. When we insisted on payment atleast on 21st, he said that he will have internal discussions and let us know in the evening.
Later, in the evening, GM SR informed us that CMD has assured that salary for the month of September 2019 will be disbursed on 23/24.10.2019. He added that, however, efforts will still be made to make the payment before 23.10.2019.
OBUA writes to CMD conveying is intention to organise one day hunger strike on 18.10.2019 on the issue of non-disbursement of salary and other dues to BSNL employees in time:
Both the BSNL Management and the DoT have been keeping a studied silence during the entire period, smacking of complete insensitivity towards the employees' concern. Therefore, we want an urgent meeting with you to have a knowledge of the measures being taken to come out of the crisis and for disbursement of September salary immediately so that we can apprise our members about the steps taken by the management for coming out from the current situation." Read More16.10.2019:
Clarification regarding date of joining as "jao on probation" after completion of 11week of pre-appointment training for 2nd merit list of Batch 2018 of DR quota:
BSNL CO has clarified that date of joining in Circle may be taken as date of joining in the grade of JAO. View orders16.10.2019:
Tenure transfer in SDE (T) grade - retention:
BSNL CO has issued orders retaining one executive in the present circle upto 31.3.2020. View orders14.10.2019:
Amendments to model CDA rules:
DPE has issued amendments to consolidated Model CDA Rules 12 (4) & 14-A for Central Public Sector Enterprises. View the DPE letter
AIBSNLOA Tamilnadu Circle holds its 5th Circle Conference:
The Fifth Circle Conference of AIBSNLOA Tamilnadu Circle was held on 12.10.2019 in Jeevana Jyoti Hall, Egmore, Chennai, under the Presidentship of Com.T.Gunasekaran, Circle President, in a very grand manner. Com.Rakesh Sethi, General Secretary unfurled the AIBSNLOA Flag. After Welcome Address by Com.P.Duraisamy, Circle Secretary, Com.T.Gunasekaran delivered the Presidential Address. CHQ President Com.P.Ramachandran delivered inaugural speech, covering extensively the reasons behind the present financial crisis of BSNL. Shri V.Raju, CGM Tamilnadu Circle and Shri D.Mohan, GM (HR) Tamilnadu Circle addressed the gathering. Com.Rakesh Sethi, in his Special Address, cleared the doubts and apprehensions in the minds of every BSNL employee, declaring with intent, that BSNL can never be closed. He said that VRS alone cannot revive BSNL and immediate infusion of liquidity is the need of the hour. He questioned the wisdom of BSNL and the Government in offering VRS without having a plan for the post-VRS scenario. CGM Tamilnadu Circle expressed similar view and said that focus should be in increasing the revenue and shifting focus to CM and new technology areas, from copper wire is important. GM (HR) expressed confidence that BSNL will overcome the crisis. Com.K.Rajasekaran, Advisor, CHQ, Com.M.Vijayakumar, CS, Chennai Telephones, Com.M.Balasubramanian, CHQ Vice President, Com.R.Selvakumar, AGS, Com.M.Anandan, CHQ AFS and Com.S.Kamalini, CHQ OS North felicitated the Conference. All the District Secretaries spoke on the current issues. Com.M.S.Radhakrishnan, former CS, Tamilnadu Circle delivered an inspiring speech, highlighting the uniquness of AIBSNLOA and appealed to everyone to work towards strengthening AIBSNLOA. Com.R.R.Balasubramanian, Patron CHQ, in his brief speech suggested issues on which the Conference should pass resolutions. After passing of resolutions, election of office bearers was held unanimously. Com.T.Gunasekaran, DGM, Trichy, Com.K.Ganapathisubramanian, SDE, CO Chennai and Com.A.Vijayabharathi, SDE, AT, Chennai have been elected as President, Secretary and Finance Secretary unanimously. Arrangements for the Conference had been done in an excellent manner by the host Circle Office District Branch, particularly by Com.K.Ganapathisubramanian, Com.G.Suresh, Com.P.Kannan, Com.S.Ranganathan, Com.A.Vijayabharathi and Com.R.Selvakumar. The new Circle Secretary Com.K.Ganapathisubramanian gave the Vote of Thanks. CHQ congratulates the members of Tamilnadu Circle and the newly elected circle office bearers.11.10.2019:
Transfer and postings in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in DE/AGM grade. View orders11.10.2019:
Tenure transfers in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of tenure transfers in DE/AGM grade. View orders10.10.2019:
Revision of IDA w.e.f. 1.10.2019:
BSNL CO has endorsed DPE orders on revision of IDA w.e.f. 1.10.2019. View orders10.10.2019:
Transfer and postings in AO grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and retention in AO grade. View orders09.10.2019:
Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued two orders of tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade. View orders07.10.2019:
Department of Expenditure forwards our letters on Pension Contribution on actual pay to DoT for appropriate action:
Our letters addressed to DoE on 22.2.2019 & 16.5.2019 and letter addressed to Finance Minister on 16.8.2019 with copy marked to the DoE, have now been forwarded by the DoE to the DoT for appropriate action. View the DoE letter07.10.2019:
Revision of IDA w.e.f.1.10.2019:
DPE has issued orders revising IDA w.e.f. 1.10.2019 from 146.7% to 152%. View orders04.10.2019:
Circle-wise cash inflow upto August 2019 as compared to August 2018:
BSNL CO has asked circles to monitor cash inflow on daily basis, citing negative trend in cash inflow in August 2019 compared to August 2018. View letter04.10.2019:
Tenure transfer in SDE (T) grade - cancellation:
BSNL CO has issued orders cancelling tenure transfer of one executive. View orders04.10.2019:
Tenure transfer in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of tenure transfer in DE/AGM grade. View orders03.10.2019:
Circulation of draft Central Civil Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2019:
DoP&T has circulated the draft CCS (PAR) Rules 2019 and has called for comments/suggestion/modifications on the draft tules, if any, to be furnished within two weeks. View DoP&T letter
AIBSNLOA CHQ ORGANISING SECRETARY (NORTH) Com.Sheesh Pal Singh retires on superannuation:
Our OS (N) and CS ALTTC, Com. Sheesh Pal Singh, AO ALTTC retired on superannuation on 30th September 2019. He was instrumental in formation of AIBSNLOA ALTTC circle and increasing of its membership manifold. CHQ wishes him a very happy and healthy retired life.01.10.2019:
Updation and checking of vigilance data in vigilance module of erp of all BSNL employees:
CVO BSNL has requested the Circle Vigilance Heads to update vigilance data for all employees in ERP, as "it is reliably learnt that VRS for BSNL is under consideration of Government." View letter01.10.2019:
Transfer and postings in AO grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in AO grade. View orders01.10.2019:
Group term insurance for executives - circulation of Master Policy and claim form:
BSNL CO has circulated the Master Policy and Claim Form for GTI. View letter