30.08.2013:New radiation rule on mobile handsets effective from Sept 1:'All companies will have to display radiation emitted from mobile phones on the handset in terms of SAR ( specific absorption rate) unit.' Read More...
29.08.2013:Closure of NCES Circle:BSNL has decided closure of NCES circle and simultaneous creation of NCNGN Circle (National Centre for Next Generation Network circle) renaming the NCES circle. View orders...
29.08.2013:Addendum to LDCE for promotion to SDE (Civil):BSNL has issued addendum to the LDCE for promotion to SDE (civil) mentioning the vacancies pertaining to different vacancy years. View orders...
29.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 2 Executives. View orders...
29.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of0ne Executive, retaining him in his present circle till 31.3.2014. View orders...
29.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 5 Executives, retaining them in their present circles till 31.3.2014. View orders...
27.08.2013:Disclosure of personal information under RTI Act 2005:"The performance of an employee/Officer in an organisation is primarily a matter
between the employee and the employer and normally those aspects are governed by the service rules which fall under the expression 'personal information', the
disclosure of which has no relationship to any public activity or public interest. On the other hand, the disclosure of which could cause unwarranted invasion of the
privacy of that individual."
27.08.2013:LDCE for promotion to SDE (Arch)/AE (Arch):BSNL has issued modification in the scheme of written examination for promotion to SDE (Arch)/AE(Arch) grade, in respect of minimum pass marks. View orders...
27.08.2013:Tenure transfers in DE/AGM grade:BSNL has issued transfer orders to 2 DE/AGM grade officers, on completion of their tenure. View orders...
27.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 5 Executives, retaining them in their present circles till 31.3.2014. View orders...
27.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 2 Executives, retaining them in their present circles till 31.3.2014. View orders...
27.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 4 Executives, retaining them in their present circles till 31.3.2014. View orders...
27.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 2 Executives retaining them in the present circle till 31.3.2014. View orders...
27.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 3 Executives. View orders...
27.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 1 Executive retaining her in the present circle. View orders...
27.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 2 Executives. View orders...
27.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 3 Executives. View orders...
26.08.2013:Promotion and posting as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has issued orders of promotion and posting as DE on adhoc basis for 12 more Executives. View orders...
26.08.2013:Holding of LDCE for promotion to SDE (Civil):BSNL has notified holding of LDCE for promotion to SDE (Civil) on 15.12.2013. View orders...
26.08.2013:Tenure transfers in DE/AGM grade:BSNL has issued transfer orders to 4 DE/AGM grade officers, on completion of their tenure in A&N circle. View orders...
26.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 1 Executive, retaining them in their present circles till 31.3.2014. View orders...
26.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 3 Executives, retaining them in their present circles till 31.3.2014. View orders...
26.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 3 Executives. View orders...
26.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 3 Executives, retaining them in their present circles till 31.3.2014. View orders...
26.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 1 Executive. View orders...
26.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 6 Executives. View orders...
26.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 2 Executives, retaining them in their present circles till 31.3.2014. View orders...
23.08.2013:Conduct of membership verification of BSNL Executives' Associations:BSNL has circulated the recommendations of the committee constituted for the purpose, as draft notification. Circle Secretaries are requested to send their views and suggestions in consultation with their Branches on or before 26th August 2013, by email to gsaibsnloa@gmail.com. View draft notification...
23.08.2013:CHQ writes to Director (HR) regarding reallotment to Chennai Telephones on promotion as DE on adhoc basis:'These seniors have already lost precious 3 years of service in STS and this order of l9-7-2O13 has not put an end to their agonizing wait but instead has further added to their woes.' Read More...
23.08.2013:Revised norms for materials for maintenance of landlines:BSNL has circulated revised norms for the materials like drop wire, jumper wire, U/G cable and Jointing Kits. View circular...
23.08.2013:LDCE for promotion to SDE (Civil) grade - modifications in scheme:BSNL has issued modifications in the minimum pass marks for the written Examination for promotion to SDE (Civil) grade. View orders...
23.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 2 Executives, retaining them in their present circles till 31.3.2014. View orders...
23.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of an Executive, posting him to circle of his choice. View orders...
22.08.2013:Meeting with Sr.GM (Pers):GS met Sr. GM(Pers) today and discussed following:
(i) Reallotment of Executives of Chennai Telephones posted to other circles on promotion as DE adhoc: We drew the attention of the Sr.GM (Pers) that out of 136 executives who got the promotion as DE adhoc, 92 have been posted in other circles. Difference between Circle and BSNL CO persisted on the number of STS (T) vacancies available in the circle. We also drew his attention towards the various DO letters sent by the circle.The executives who were promoted by the earlier DPC held in the year 2010 and posted to other circles, had declined promotion then and they have again been posted to other circles now. We requested that all of them should be retained in Chennai Telephones. We also requested retention of female executives in Chennai TD and also to consider the requests on medical grounds. While Sr.GM(Pers) agreed with our contention he said that he could not consider all requests. Also the number of female executives promoted is very high but they are being reallotted to nearby circles on representation. Sr.GM (Pers) informed us that all the representations received were being considered on merits of each case and modified orders are under issue.
(ii) Promotion from JTO to SDE under seniority cum fitness quota: Sr.GM (Pers) informed us that CRs have not been received from some of the circles and work for calculation of vacancy is under progress. AGM (P-II), who was present during the meeting, said that he had information that stay to conduct the DPC has been given by Hon'ble CAT Ernakulam. Sr GM(Pers) informed us that notification for holding the LDCE will be issued by the Recruitment Cell soon.
(iii) Promotion from SDE to STS adhoc: We requested Sr GM (Pers) to take necessary action for filling up remaining vacancies in STS (T). Sr GM(Pers) agreed with our proposal and informed us that in this regard necessary instructions will be issued soon. However DGM (Pers-II) said that due to an interim order by the Hon'ble High Court of Madras, the process may be delayed.
(iv) Submission of report by the committee for restructuring and pay revision of Hindi cadres: We requested Sr.GM(Pers) to use his good offices for early submission of report by the Committee for restructuring and pay revision of Hindi cadres. Sr GM (Pers) assured us that he will speak to the Chairman of the committee in this regard.
22.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 6 female Executives, retaining them in their present circles. View orders...
22.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 17 Executives, retaining them in their present circles upto 31.3.2014. View orders...
22.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 2 Executives, retaining them in their present circles upto 31.3.2014. View orders...
22.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 3 Executives, posting them to other circles of their choice. View orders...
21.08.2013:CHQ writes to Secretary, DoT on Benefit of merger of 50% DA with Basic Pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007, effectively amounting to 78.2%, for the purpose of fitment and pay fixation in the revised pay scales:'No one appeared to have realized that the fitment benefit of 78.2% was not related to profit/loss of the company, but related to the compensation paid to the employees, pensioners and family pensioners for rising prices of essential commodities.' Read More...
21.08.2013:CHQ writes to Sr.GM (Estt) on Issues related to provisions of superannuation benefits to directly Recruited BSNL employees:'We believe that the proposal is in a very nascent stage and commenting on it now would be inappropriate, without knowing what return exactly could be obtained from insurance companies and whether such return would facilitate payment of superannuation benefits to the extent of 30% of Basic Pay + DA (as amended by DPE OM No. No.2 (70)/08-DPE (WC)/GL-VII/09 dated 2nd April, 2009).' Read More...
21.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 10 Executives, retaining them in their present circles upto 31.3.2014. View orders...
21.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion as DE (Adhoc):BSNL has modified the posting orders in respect of 4 Executives. View orders...
20.08.2013:Meeting with GM (FP):GS and AGS (HQ) met GM (FP) today and discussed:
1. Promotion to AO grade: GM (FP) informed us that the Standing counsel for Haryana Telecom Circle has communicated that stay no longer exists. Legal opinion has been sought for and DPC work could commence after receipt of legal opinion.
2. Issues related to Postal JAOs: We requested for early settlement of various issues related to Postal JAOs including their seniority and promotion to AO grade. After discussions, GM (FP) agreed to consider our points.
3. Promotion to CAO grade on regular basis: We have requested GM (FP) to cause issue of orders for promotion to CAO grade on regular basis at the earliest.
20.08.2013:Pension and/or gratuity cannot be withheld during pendency of departmental/criminal proceedings - Supreme Court:In an important judgment delivered recently, Hon'ble Supreme Court has ruled that "pension is not a bounty payable on the sweet will and pleasure of the Government and that, on the other hand, the right to pension is a valuable right vesting in a government servant"; the right of the petitioner to receive pension is property under Article 31(1) of the Constitution"; "A person cannot be deprived of this pension without the authority of law, which is the Constitutional mandate enshrined in Article 300 A of the Constitution. It follows that attempt of the appellant to take away a part of pension or gratuity or even leave encashment without any statutory provision and under
the umbrage of administrative instruction cannot be countenanced." Read the Judgment...
20.08.2013:DoT new guidelines paves way for full Internet telephony:'According to the guidelines, "for migration of ISPs with BWA spectrum to Unified Licence" for offering voice call services, "an additional fee equal to the difference between the entry fee for UASL" (old licences) would have to be paid.' Read More...
19.08.2013:Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:BSNL has issued transfer orders to the SDEs (T) who have completed their tenure and to the substitutes in their place. View orders...
16.08.2013:Promotion and posting to DE grade on regular basis:BSNL has issued orders of promotion and posting to DE grade on regular basis, for 246 Executives. View letter... View list...
16.08.2013:Promotion and posting to DGM (T) grade on adhoc basis:BSNL has issued orders of promotion and posting to DGM (T) grade on adhoc basis, for 3 Executives. View orders...
16.08.2013:CHQ writes to Director (HR) regarding discrimination by MP Telecom Circle in cancellation/change/retention orders issued by it:'We therefore request you to kindly intervene and advise Madhya Pradesh Circle administration to remove the discrimination against our members and thus render justice by posting them to the places where their spouses are working.' Read More...
14.08.2013:Modification in the scheme of LDCE for promotion to SDE (E) grade:BSNL has issued modifications in the minimum pass marks in the written examination for promotion to SDE (E) grade. View orders...
13.08.2013:Meeting with GM (Estt):GS along with AGS (HQ) met GM (Estt) today and discussed the following issues:
(1) Revised fixation benefit amounting to 78.2% of pre-revised basic pay as on 1.1.2007 for those who retired after 1.1.2007 but before 10.6.2013: GM(Estt) said that reply to DoT letter dated 28.6.13 has been sent and decision in this regard will have to be taken by the DoT, since as per the orders dated 10.6.2013 of DoT, the benefit of mergerof 50% DA effectively amounting to 78.2% as on 1.1.2007 for the purpose of fitment in respect of BSNL employees has been allowed w.e.f. 10.6.2013 and no arrear was paid to BSNL employees and therefore pay revision is effective only for those employees who were in service on 10.6.2013. We expressed our disagreement with his view and explained that according to DoT orders, revised fixation has to be done for all those who were in service as on 1.1.2007 and only arrears from 1.1.2007 to 9.6.2013 was not to be drawn. GM (Estt) however wanted us to wait for orders from DoT.
(2) Regular appointment as JTOs – case of TTAs officiating as JTOs : In view of recent decision of Hon'ble HC of Punjab and Haryana disposing of the contempt petition as withdrawn, we requested GM(Estt) to take a favourable decision in respect of TTAs who are officiating as JTOs for more than seven to eight years. We requested for their regular appointment as JTOs from the date they are officiating as JTOs. GM(Estt) informed us that the orders of the Hon'ble HC of Haryana and Punjab is being examined and assured us that a favorable decision will be taken soon.
(3) Finalization of standard E2 and E3 pay scales for JTOs and SDEs respectively and their equivalent cadres: We requested GM(Estt) to take a positive decision on this issue immediately, since the JTOs and SDEs continue to draw pay in lesser scales for more than six years now, than the E1A and E2A scales they were drawing prior to pay revision. GM(Estt) said that a decision in this regard will be taken by the committee consituted for the purpose. We requested GM (Estt) to ensure that the committee submits its report without further delay.
(4) Superannuation benefits for BSNL recruited employees : A detailed discussion was held on this subject and we requested GM(Estt) to take a positive decision in this regard in consonance with DPE guidelines. GM(Estt) informed us that Establishment section is examining this issue and already a proposal has been sent to all unions and associations for their comments. A decision will be taken after receiving inputs from the unions and associations.
13.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion to DE on adhoc basis:BSNL has issued orders cancelling the retention orders of 4 Executives as they ceased to be office-bearers of Executive Association. View orders...
13.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion to SDE (T) under competitive quota:BSNL has issued orders retaining 5 JTOs in their present circles till 31.3.2014. View orders...
13.08.2013:Payment of statutory dues, salary and wages in sick / loss making CPSEs:'The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs today approved the proposal for providing non-plan budgetary support of Rs.128.26 crore for liquidation of statutory dues (Provident Fund, Gratuity, Pension, Employees State Insurance and Bonus) and salary and wages from 01-10-2012 to 31-03-2013 in respect of ten Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) under the Department of Heavy Industry, namely Hindustan Cables Ltd., HMT Ltd., HMT (Watches) Ltd., HMT (Chinar Watches) Ltd., Nagaland Pulp & Paper Co. Ltd., Triveni Structurals Ltd., Tungbhadra Steel Products Ltd., Nepa Ltd., HMT Bearings Ltd. and Hindustan Photo Films Limited.' Read More...
13.08.2013:India to lease bandwidth from Bangladesh to reduce BSNL's dependence on Tata Communications:'The move is aimed at reducing BSNL's dependence on Tata Communications Ltd 's Chennai landing station for routing international voice and data traffic emanating from India's eastern, northeastern and southern states. However, this expenditure of valuable foreign exchange could have been avoided had a planned cable landing station been built in time, say experts.' Read More...
12.08.2013:Consumer Price Index:Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India has decided to prepare a new series of Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers. For this purpose, Government has set up a Standing Tripartite Committee (STC) to advise the Government on issues pertaining to the Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (New Series). The STC will go into details of various parameters that are taken into consideration for updation of the base year such as the weighting diagram, consumption basket, selection of centres, sample size of establishments for price collection etc. (PIB)
12.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion to SDE (T) under competitive quota:BSNL has issued orders retaining 10 JTOs in their present circles till 31.3.2014 on medical grounds. View orders...
11.08.2013:IT refund, drop in costs may help BSNL cut losses:BSNL is likely to narrow its annual losses in the year ended March 31 to about Rs 8,100 crore, helped by an income-tax refund and a dip in costs, even as its revenue continues to slip, a top company executive said. The company is likely to have cut its yearly losses, helped by a near Rs 900-crore income tax refund and a 5% reduction in operation & maintenance and administration costs, a company director told ET, declining to reveal specifics since the board is yet to approve the annual financial numbers.(ET)
08.08.2013:CHQ writes to CMD BSNL requesting reallotment to Chennai TD on promotion as DE (Adhoc):'We are of the firm opinion, sir, that if the 43 vacant posts {19 vacant as on date plus the 24 (I5% of the sanctioned strength i.e. 161)} are filled up strictly on merit and seniority basis, this will prevent mass scale exodus of experienced and senior Executives from Chennai thereby fulfilling needs of the Chennai Telephones Administration also and pave way for a smooth and uninterrupted working. The balance left over Executives numbering about 44 can be accommodated in the neighboring circles after getting due requests, if any, from the individual oflicers.' Read More...
08.08.2013:CHQ writes to CMD BSNL on Non-resolution of long pending issues of BSNL Executives - Finalization of standard E2 and E3 pay scales for JTOs and SDEs respectively and their equivalent cadres:'We are of the view that openness, positive approach and willingness to listen to and understand the problems are the need of the hour. Management needs to settle genuine issues without seeing as to who raised the issue and without waiting for it to precipitate. No one, howsoever vocal they may be, should be allowed to put spokes in settlement of genuine issues.' Read More...
08.08.2013:CHQ writes to Director (HR) requesting to review posting on promotion to SDE (T) grade under 33% competitive quota:'One category is those who have already served in tenure circles and the other one is those who have only recently come on transfer to the present circle under Rule 8 after serving in other circles on their initial posting as JTOs. The requests of these JTOs for posting in the circle of their choice may also be favourably considered and modified orders may be issued. ' Read More...
08.08.2013:CHQ writes to Director (HR) requesting to review posting on promotion to DE grade on adhoc basis:'But some female Executives, due to their personal and family constraints are unable to move out even to nearby circles. They need retention in their present circles.' Read More...
07.08.2013:CHQ writes to CMD BSNL on Revised fixation benefit amounting to 78.2% of pre-revised basic pay as on 1.1.2007 for those who retired after 1.1.2007 but before 10.6.2013:'All the retired Executives and Non-executives belonging to this category are fervently waiting for their pay being re-fixed with fitment benefit of 78.2% as on 1.1.2007, since their last pay drawn will automatically get changed. They will, therefore, be entitled to get additional benefit as are admissible based on their revised last pay drawn.' Read More...
07.08.2013:Promotion and Posting to the grade of DE on adhoc basis:BSNL has issued promotion and posting orders to 34 SDEs/Sr.SDEs as DE on adhoc basis. View orders...
07.08.2013:Transfer and Posting in the grade of Executive Engineer (Civil):BSNL has issued transfer and posting orders in the grade of Executive Engineer (Civil). View orders...
07.08.2013:BSNL estimates say it needs Rs 40,000 crore in 5 years:'BSNL needs to invest an estimated Rs 40,000 crore in the next five years to become profitable, Chairman and Managing Director R K Upadhyay said today.' Read More...
07.08.2013:BSNL suffered Rs 132.79cr loss for telegram service in 2012-13:'The company earned a revenue of Rs 9.89 crore as against an expenditure of Rs 142.68 crore in 2012-13, Minister of State for Communications and IT Milind Deora said in a written reply to Lok Sabha.' Read More...
06.08.2013:Appointment of JAOs on probation under 40% quota consequent to their completion of Phase-I training:BSNL has approved appointment of 630 JAOs on probation under 40% quota subject to successful completion of Phase-I training. View orders... View Annexure-I... View Annexure-II...
05.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion to DE on adhoc basis:BSNL has issued orders retaining one Executive in his parent circle upto 31.3.2014. View orders...
04.08.2013:GS addresses the Mass Dharna by AIGETOA at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi:GS Com.Rakesh Sethi addressed the Mass Dharna by AIGETOA at Jantar Mantar New Delhi on 2nd August 2013, the fifth day of the continuous Dharna and extended moral support to the agitation. View video...
02.08.2013:Confirmation on completion of probation of JAOs appointed in BSNL from other Ministries/Dept. of Posts:BSNL has conveyed its approval for issuing confirmation orders to the Junior Accounts Officers appointed vide BSNL CO ND letter No.4-85/2003-SEA BSNL dated 18-01-2005, even number dated 02-02-2005, 09-02-2005 & 22-03-2005 from the date of completion of 2 year probation period after their joining in BSNL and on successful completion of all the three phases of induction training as stipulated in the terms and conditions contained in BSNL CO ND letter No.4-85/2003-SEA BSNL dated 05-11-2004. View orders...
02.08.2013:Transfer and Posting in CAO grade:BSNL has issued own request and interest of service transfer and posting orders in CAO grade. View orders...
02.08.2013:LICE for promotion to SDE (E):BSNL has decided to hold LICE for promotion from JTO (E) to SDE (E) grade under 33% quota for vacancy years 2011-12 and 2012-13 on 24.11.2013. View orders...
02.08.2013:Govt unveils new telecom licence norms:'Government today unveiled long awaited Unified Licence norms that provide for delinking of spectrum from operational permits and allows companies to offer services using any technology.' Read More...
01.08.2013:Meeting with GM (FP):GS met GM(FP) today and discussed about the difficulties that are being faced by Executives of Telecom Finance posted to remote places in NE region, with particular reference to lady executives. GM(FP) assured us that he will talk to the concerned CGM on this. We also had discussions about JAO to AO promotion and AO to CAO promotion. In respect of JAO to AO promotion, GM(FP) informed us that due to stay granted by Haryana and Punjab CAT, it will not be possible to complete the process till the stay is vacated. We requested him to take necessary action for vacation of stay at the earliest. He informed us that the next date of hearing is 29.8.13 and he will soon cause instructions and necessary input to the BSNL advocate for early vacation of stay. GM(FP) also informed us that VC has already been called for 237 vacancies of CAO promotion on regular basis and that CPC will commence as and when VCs are received. We requested him for expedite the work of CPC.
01.08.2013:Meeting with GM (Rect):GS and AGS met GM(Rectt) and requested him to take necessary action with reference to our letter dated 09.07.2013 wherein we had requested inclusion of the names of 119 JTOs who had been declared successful vide BSNL letter dated 4.7.2012 and are not finding a place in the revised list of successful candidates circulated vide BSNL letter dated 28.6.2013 and to thus render justice to them.We pointed out that Hon'ble PCAT Delhi had not issued any direction to remove the names of the candidates who had been declared successful in the first instance but could not make it in the revised list. We also pointed out the two SC judgments discussed by Hon'ble PCAT Delhi in its order which categorically state that all those who were earlier declared as having qualified would also retain their declared status in such circumstances.GM (Rect) informed us that before declaring the revised result, all the precautions have been taken to comply with the PCAT orders. We requested GM(Rect) to examine our request based on the two Supreme Court Judgments. GM(Rectt) agreed to issue necessary direction for examining the points raised in our letter.
01.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion to DE on adhoc basis:BSNL has issued orders retaining 2 Executives in their parent circle upto 31.3.2014. View orders...
01.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion to DE on adhoc basis:BSNL has issued orders giving reallotment to nearby circles in respect of six Executives. View orders...
01.08.2013:Cancellation of promotion to DE on adhoc basis:BSNL has issued orders cancelling the promotion to DE on adhoc basis in respect of two executives due to change in their seniority number. View orders...
01.08.2013:Modification in posting orders on promotion to SDE (T) under competitive quota:BSNL has issued modified orders in respect of 3 JTOs on receipt of revised details of their present circle. View orders...
01.08.2013:Cabinet approves 100 pc FDI in telecom:In a major reform push, government today approved 100 per cent foreign direct investment (FDI) in the telecom sector, meeting a key demand of the fund-starved industry. It has been decided to increase FDI cap in telecom to 100 per cent from 74, up to 49 through automatic route and beyond that FIPB, Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma said after a meeting of the Union Cabinet.(PTI)
01.08.2013:GoM on state-run telcos discuss pension issue of MTNL staff:A Group of Ministers looking at ways to revive state-run telecom companies today discussed about the pension liabilities of MTNLBSE -1.43 % and decided upon the broad contours of the issue. A final decision, however, will be taken after the government signs an agreement with the employees union. "...we only dealt with the issue of pension of MTNL employees. The broad contours of that have been decided but till we have an agreement from the union in writing, we will not be able to reveal to you what the broad contours are. But I think we will meet the concerns of the employees by and large," Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal said here. The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) is believed to be in favour of a lumpsum payment of around Rs 5,925 crore as pension benefits to the MTNL staff. Asked if the spectrum issue was also discussed, Sibal said, "That issue has not yet been (discussed)."(PTI)
01.08.2013:Special Arrangements for Receipts of Returns during 1ST to 5TH August 2013 Including on Saturday and Sunday (3RD and 4TH August 2013):As a measure of taxpayer convenience, Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has extended the ‘due date’ for filing Returns of Income for A.Y. 2013-14 by Individuals, HUFs and non-auditable cases from 31st July, 2013 to 5th August, 2013. The field offices have been asked to make special arrangements for accepting the returns of income from 01.08.2013 to 05.08.2013, including on 3rd August 2013 (Saturday) and 4th August 2013 (Sunday) to facilitate the taxpayers to file their returns.(PTI)
01.08.2013:CHQ writes to CMD BSNL requesting initiation of process of promotion of DGM and DE on adhoc basis to fill remaining vacancies:'However we would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that still around 300 posts in DGM grade and 1000 posts in DE grade remain unfilled. At an average, fifty to sixty DGMs/DEs retire every month, increasing the resultant vacancies in these grades.' Read More...