NEWS - JULY 2018
Extension of last date for reporting and reviewing of e-apar for 2017-18:
BSNL CO has extended the last date of submission of self-appraisal, reporting and reviewing of APAR for the year 2017-18 till 8.8.2018, 18.8.2018 and 25.8.2018 respectively. View letter30.07.2018:
Revised Air travel norms for HAG & SAG level absorbed officers in BSNL:
BSNL CO has issued revised air travel norms for HAG & SAG level officers absorbed in BSNL. View letter30.07.2018:
Furnishing of stay particulars of SDE (T) and DE (T):
BSNL CO has asked circles to send the long stay list containing the particulars of 25 SDEs (T)/DEs (T) in order that substitutes are posted for the officers completing tenure period. View letter30.07.2018:
Absorption in BSNL and issue of Presidential Order of left out cases - submission of the cases by circles in proper format:
BSNL CO has asked circles to submit the left out cases in proper format and along with required documents. View letter27.07.2018:
Holding Board meetings/strategy meets etc of central public sector enteprises:
In continuation of its OM dated 24th May 2018, DPE has listed another 30 destinations requesting the administrative departments to advise CPSEs under their jurisdiction to hold at least one or two Board Meeting(s)/Strategic Meet(s) or Conference(s) etc at one of the 30 destinations in a year to further develop tourism in the country. View DPE OM26.07.2018:
Grant of additional increment on post based promotion in same pay scale - proper implementation:
BSNL CO has issued clarification that certain orders issued by it on 25.7.2016, 8.5.2017, 6.6.2017 and 5.9.2017 have lost their validity and the position prescribed by EPP under para II (V) prevails so far as the grant of additional increment on post based promotion in same scale is concerned subject to DoT order dated 17.5.2018. View letter26.07.2018:
Inter-circle transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of inter-circle transfers in SDE (T) grade. View orders26.07.2018:
Linking of SCT cell with SR cell in BSNL corporate office:
BSNL CO has communicated the decision of the competent authority that SCT Cell in BSNL CO, will henceforth be linked with Staff Relation Cell, by de-linking it from Personnel Cell with immediate effect. View letter25.07.2018:
Message from Director (HR):
'Management further intends to continue with its exercise of promotion till the scheme of CPSE heirarchy is finalised keeping in view BSNL Board directions given on 28.6.2018. A committee has already been convened to find ways and means to implement the decision.' Read More25.07.2018:
Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade. View orders25.07.2018:
Implementation of the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala's Common Order dated 5.6.2018 - Preparation of revised AIEL:
BSNL CO has asked the circles who have not yet sent the required information by 28.7.2018. View letter25.07.2018:
Provisional Eligibility List for promotion to the grade of DGM on Adhoc Basis - Conduction of CPC in Telecom Finance:
BSNL CO has circulated the names of 26 Telecom Finance executives who have completed three years regular service as CAO and has asked circles to confirm their substantive status. View letter25.07.2018:
Cancellation of promotion from SDE (T) to DE/AGM grade due to change in seniority of SDE (T):
BSNL CO has cancelled the DE/AGM promotion orders issued to four executives due to revision of their SDE (T) seniority. View orders24.07.2018:
Applicability of GST while enforcement of Bond Agreement in respect of DR JE/JTO:
BSNL CO has amended the Bond Agreement providing that while enforcing Bond in respect of DR JTO (T) or DR JE, in addition to the 18% interest as mentioned in the Bond Agreement, GST as applicable at that time, should also be charged from the official. View letter23.07.2018:
Transfer and postings in AO grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings/cancellation/re-allotment in AO grade. View orders23.07.2018:
BSNL endorses DPE order revising IDA rate w.e.f. 1.7.2018:
BSNL CO has endorsed DPE orders revising IDA rate from 127.2% ti 128% w.e.f. 1.7.2018. View letter20.07.2018:
Preparation for e-dpc - list of AGM Regular working as on date & screening committee report:
BSNL CO has circulated the list of all AGMs working on regular basis for communication of errors/omission/addition/deletion/correction if any in the data. View letter20.07.2018:
Promotion and postings in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders promoting another 123 executives to the grade of DE/AGM. View orders20.07.2018:
Requirement of screening committee report in respect of all OC category SDE (T) in list 8:
BSNL CO has requested circles to complete the Screening Committee Report for the period from 2010-11 to 2016-17 in respect of all OC category SDEs, as it may be required at short notice. View letter20.07.2018:
APAR of Finance Executives not yet received:
BSNL CO has circulated the list containing names of 259 executives whose APARs have not yet been received. View letter20.07.2018:
Corrections in Seniority lists 6, 7 & 8 of SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued corrections in Name/DOB/Category/Staff No/Seniority No in Seniority Lists 6, 7 and 8 of SDEs (T). View letter20.07.2018:
Tenure transfers in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of tenure transfers in DE/AGM grade. View orders18.07.2018:
Bringing CCS (Leave) Rules in conformity with the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016:
DoP&T has issued instructions that leave applied under Rule 20 of CCS (Leave) Rules 1972 shall not be refused or revoked without reference to Medical Authority, whose advice shall be binding. View DoP&T OM18.07.2018:
Forwarding of applications for deputation outside BSNL:
BSNL CO has issued orders that the term/condition of "10 years' service in BSNL" need not be relaxed while processing applications for deputation outside BSNL. View orders17.07.2018:
Meeting with General Manager (SR):
GS, along with other Leaders of Organisation of BSNL Unions and Associations, Com. S P Sharma GS BSNL WRU and Com.Rana Pratap GS BEA met GM (SR) today and enquired about implementation of 3rd pay revision in BSNL. GM (SR) told us that reply to DOT queries has already been sent last week. Now, DoT will have to take necessary action for preparation of cabinet note for circulation among concerned Ministries. In respect of wage revision committee meeting for non-executive employees, GM (SR) said that the meeting with BSNL recognised unions will be held on 20.07.2018. On our query regarding submission of views by other unions, GM (SR) replied that all unions can submit their views on this and all the views will be taken into consideration before finalisation of the committee report. GM (SR) further said that efforts will be made for submission of report within the shortest period of time so that action will be taken by the DOT at the earliest. Apart from this, discussions were also held on revised promotion policy (cadre hierarchy) and reservation in revised promotion policy and issue of promotion orders in different grades.16.07.2018:
Transfer and postings in SDE (Civil) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in SDE (C) grade. View orders13.07.2018

Is this a matter of pride? Is this not a shame on the recognised association which enjoyed all facilities of a recognised association ever since 2004? Is this the way the association 'STANDS FOR' deprived lot? Perhaps leaving things uncared for years and chest-beating when the issues resolve on their own is part of its 'history'.
What have they achieved in the past one and a half years after officially crowned as recognised association?
E2, E3 pay scales in place of E1, E2 ? No
Cadre hierarchy? No
30% Superannuation benefit for BSNL recruited employees? No
Rs.22820 pay scale for JTOs of Batch 2007 onwards ? No
Implementation of 3rd pay revision in BSNL? No
Formation of BSNL Tower corporation? a big YES
The recognised association and the support association are enjoying the facilities since the year 2004. Like political parties, they both played the 'vote bank' game alternatively. In the name of getting the issues of BSNL direct recruits resolved, they betrayed both the BSNL absorbed as well as BSNL recruited executives all these years, meanwhile enjoying the exclusive power of negotiation with Management, membership in committees, special casual leave and more than all, misusing the facility of immunity and misusing the recognition as a tool to harass and coerce members of other associations to join them. Any how, BSNL executives have by now become aware of the fact that whatever move they make on issues is to safeguard their top leadership.
On the other hand, AIBSNLOA has been doing whatever possible at the right time and in the right direction. When other associations were basking under the glory of their 'achieving' Board approval for cadre hierarchy, AIBSNLOA met GM (Pers) on 30.5.2018 and pressed for completion of promotion in all grades before implementing the cadre hierarchy. GM (Pers) who was to go on leave from next day, kick started the process by issuing instructions to all officers and officials of Personnel section to start processing the matter. Interim order of Supreme court and final order from Ernakulam High court came handy at the right time. Promotion orders started raining. Realising the sudden turn of events the recognised and support associations competed to reap the outcome, notwithstanding dramatic mudslinging on each other as to who went to court on what issue and who stands for which cadre. Ignoring all these, AIBSNLOA continues to pursue promotion to CAO grade, promotion to DGM (T), promotion to DE from seniority list 8 and promotion to SDE for the left out absorbees and BSNL recruited JTOs who have put in long years of service.
AIBSNLOA always works silently with the only thought about welfare of the Executives. For example AIBSNLOA relentlessly and successfully pursued grant of E6 scales to adhoc DGMs. Declaration of the Udhampur SSA and Rajouri and some stations of J&K circle as hard tenure station and tenure of these station modified from 2 years to one and half/ one year and provisioning of all due powers and facilities to 'Looking after' executives. AIBSNLOA's role in revision of ADOL pay scale cannot be denied. A long list of many small but significant achievements have earlier been published in this website.
It is time for all absorbed as well as BSNL recruited executives to see the truth and to rally behind AIBSNLOA. With a little support AIBSNLOA has been able to achieve many things during the past 10 years. With large scale support, AIBSNLOA can and will resolve major issues to the advantage of executives.
We appeal to all executives who have by now understood the reality to come out openly and join AIBSNLOA.
This is time for a wise decision.
CHQ writes to CMD on promotion from SDE to DE/AGM grade:
'We would also like to point out that the executives who were promoted as SDEs under SCF quota from year 2004 onwards are placed in seniority list number 8. They have completed more than 14 years of service in SDE grade and are awaiting their promotion to DE/AGM. Even according to the proposed BSNL EPP Amendment & RR, they have completed the required period of service as SDE and are thus eligible to be promoted as DE/AGM.' Read More13.07.2018:
CHQ writes to CMD on promotion from JTO (T) to SDE (T) grade:
'While a large number of DoT recruited JTOs, who were awaiting their first post-based promotion for more than 18 years have now been promoted, still there are some left out. Similarly, the JTOs recruited after formation of BSNL are also waiting for more than 16 years to get their first regular promotion.' Read More13.07.2018:
Review of extension of without voucher facility to retired employees:
BSNL CO has issued orders reducing the quantum of allowance to 25% of the annual ceiling w.e.f. 1.4.2018 subject to a minimum of Rs.12000 per annum payable in four equal monthly instalments. View orders12.07.2018:
CHQ writes to CMD on promotion from DE/AGM to DGM (T) grade:
'We learn that a case pending in CAT, Chandigarh on the issue of catch-up rule is standing in the way of promotion to DGM (T) grade. We request that the stated proposal of BSNL to file a Miscellaneous Application may kindly be expedited so that the eligible DEs/AGMs are not deprived of their promotion when executives in all other grades have been given their long due promotion.' Read More12.07.2018:
Details of all Junior telecom officers who joined after after 2000:
BSNL CO has asked circles to forward details of all JTOs who have joined after 2000 but were assigned seniority of years prior to 2000 or up to 2000, along with reasons for such allotment. View letter12.07.2018:
Revision of annual ceiling limit for reimbursement of outdoor treatment:
BSNL CO has issued orders that the Establishment Branch letter dated 1.1.2018 revising the ceiling for calculation of reimbursement with voucher on revised IDA basic pay with 78.2% fitment at 23 days, will be applicable to retired employees also. View orders10.07.2018:
Meeting with General Manager (pers):
GS met GM (Pers) on dated 09.07.2018 and discussed the following:(i) SDE to DE/AGM promotion from the list number 8 onward:
GS requested GM (Pers) to consider issue of promotion orders from SDE to DE/AGM from the seniority list number 8 onwards. GM (Pers) said that it is under consideration and after getting approval from competent authority promotion orders will be issued.(ii) JTO to SDE promotion:
We also requested GM (Pers) to issue promotion orders from JTO (T) to SDE(T) for all the existing vacancies at the earliest as a huge number of BSNL recruited JTOs are waiting for their first promotion even after 18 year of their service as JTOs. We said that we are aware that due to court case it is being delayed but management can take an appropriate decision, as taken in issue of other promotion orders. We requested early action in this regard.(iii) DE/AGM to DGM promotion:
We also requested GM (Pers) for considering issue of orders of promotion from DE/AGM to DGM since after issue of SDE to DE/AGM promotion orders about 10,000 DEs/AGMs will be working against which only 700 DGM will be available. As per HR plan the ratio between DGM to DE should be 1:4 which means about 2500 DGMs will be required. Therefore Pers section should not only move a proposal of creating additional 1800 posts for DGM but also take necessary action for promoting all the eligible AGMs/DEs. GM(Pers) told us that our proposal may be considered but due to court case pending in CAT Chandigarh BSNL management cannot take any decion in this regard. However he informed us that in this regard soon a MA will be filed by BSNL in CAT Chandigarh. GM (Pers) said that after getting favorable decision necessary will be taken for issuing of promotion orders from DE to DGM.10.07.2018:
Promotion from AO to CAO grade:
The Miscellaneous Application filed by BSNL is reported to have been admitted and next date of hearing fixed for September 18th.10.07.2018:
Payment of gratuity to the employees of CPSE - clarification:
DPE has issued clarifications regarding the effective date of the enhancement of ceiling of Gratuity from Rs.10 lakhs to Rs.20 lakhs. View DPE orders09.07.2018:
Transfer and posting in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and posting in SDE (T) grade. View orders06.07.2018:
Transfer and postings in JAO grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in JAO grade. View orders06.07.2018:
Promotion and postings in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued promotion and postings to 98 more executives in the grade of DE/AGM grade retrospectively from 29.6.2018. View orders05.07.2018:
Immunity from transfer:
BSNL CO has clarified that the facility of immunity from transfer shall not be available to those who become office bearers after the issue of their transfer order. View orders05.07.2018:
Release of pensionary benefits to a retiree against whom personal court cases (other than departmental) is pending in the comptent court:
BSNL CO has issued orders clarifying that vigilance clearance shall henceforth be granted for the limited purpose of releasing pensionary benefits of BSNL employees against whom personal court cases (other than departmental) is pending at the time of their retirement, provided that such an employee is otherwise clear from vigilance angle. View orders05.07.2018:
Bharat Sanchar Seva Padak - 2016:
BSNL CO has announced the names of awardees of Bharat Sanchar Seva Padak 2016. View orders05.07.2018:
Implementation of Supreme Court judgment dated 12.12.2017 in the case of 147 plus executives - stay by PCAT and CAT Jabalpur:
BSNL CO has issued orders keeping in abeyance its earlier orders implementing Supreme Court judgment dated 12.12.2017 in respect of the applicants in OA/100/2430 in PCAT and OA/200/585/2018 in CAT Jabalpur. View orders05.07.2018:
Promotion and posting in SDE (T) - left out executives:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion and posting in SDE (T) grade for the left out executives, notionally w.e.f. 15.6.2018. Congratulations to all the promoted Executives. View orders04.07.2018:
Meeting with GM (Pers):
GS and CS UPW met GM PERS on Monday and extended our heartiest congratulations and thanks for issuing the promotion orders from SDE to DE and considering our request for cancellation of transfer order of our CS UPW. We also requested him early issue of promotion orders from DE to DGM along with increase of DGM posts from existing 1350 to 2000, since after issue of all the promotion orders number of DE will reach more than 8000. As per existing HR policy also ratio between DGMto DE post should be 1:4. GM PERS assured us he will definitely consider this in accordance with existing HR plan. We believe that, necessary action will be taken soon by PERS section for increase in number of DGM posts.04.07.2018:
Revision of IDA w.e.f.1.7.2018:
DPE has issued orders revising IDA w.e.f. 1.7.2018 from 127.2% to 128%. View orders04.07.2018:
Promotion and posting in DE/AGM grade - left out executives:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion and posting in DE/AGM grade for the left out executives, w.e.f. 29.6.2018. Congratulations to all the promoted Executives. View orders04.07.2018:
Implementation of common order of High Court, Kerala dated 5.6.2018 -details of JTO appointed/promoted upto JTO Recruitment Year 2008:
In addition to the details already called for, BSNL CO has asked circles to forward Vigilance Clearance including Screening Committee report for the JTOs appointed/promoted upto JTO Recruitment year 2008. View orders03.07.2018:
Composition of CPC for promotion in different streams as per BSNL MS RR 2009:
BSNL CO has issued orders with fresh composition of CPC members for forthcoming CPCs w.e.f. 1.7.2018 to 30.6.2019. View orders03.07.2018:
Implementation of order dated 25.8.2011 of High Court Kerala reg promotion to stenographer grade ii:
BSNL CO has now clarified that in cases where such officials who have qualified LICE for the post of PA in the restrctured cadre, the actual benefits will be admissible from heir date of promotion to the post on the bases of qualifiying the LICE. View orders03.07.2018:
Discontinuation of link officer arrangement in Civil Engg stream:
BSNL CO has issued orders withdrawing the arrangement of 'Link Officer' to run the day-to-day affairs of Civil Divisions, with immediate effect. View orders03.07.2018:
Peparatory work for Promotion in SDE (C) grade:
BSNL CO has called for APAR and VC in respect of 190 Executives under consideration for promotion as SDE (C) for the vacancy year 2018-19. View orders03.07.2018:
Modification in postings in EE (C) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders modifying posting in respect of 7 executives. View orders03.07.2018:
Promotion and postings in EE (C) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion and postings in EE (C) grade for 11 more executives. Congratulations to all promoted SDEs (E). View orders03.07.2018:
Promotion and postings in EE (C) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion and postings in EE (C) grade. Congratulations to all promoted SDEs (E). View orders03.07.2018:
Promotion and postings in SDE (C) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion and postings in SDE (C) grade. Congratulations to all promoted JTOs (C). View orders02.07.2018:
Amendment to Child care leave:
DOPT has conveyed the decision that the limit of 22 years in case of disabled child for the purpose of Chile Care Leave and that Child Care Leave may not be granted for a period less than five days at a time. View DOPT OM02.07.2018:
Transfer and postings/re-posting in SDE (C) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings/re-postings in SDE (C) grade. View orders02.07.2018:
Transfer and postings in SDE (E) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in SDE (E) grade. View orders02.07.2018:
Promotion and postings in SDE (E) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion and postings in SDE (E) grade. Congratulations to all promoted JTOs (E). View orders