NEWS - JULY 2014
Meeting with Sr.General Manager (Pers):
We met the Sr.GM (Pers) today and discussed the following:1.Retention in parent circle on promotion to DE Adhoc:
Sr.GM (Pers) said that the relieving orders were issued after BSNL was asked to file an affidavit in a court case in Chennai, where retention of junior executives in Chennai on promotion has been questioned by senior executives posted to other circles and had declined promotion.2.JTO to SDE promotion under seniority cum fitness quota:
We expressed our serious concern that the promotion is being delayed due to prolonging court case and requested Sr.GM (Pers) to make serious efforts to secure an early decision from the court. Sr.GM (Pes) said that all efforts are already being made with all seriousness.3. Promotion to DE on Regular basis:
Sr.GM (Pers) informed us that APAR of 1400 executives are complete in all respects and remaining are being examined and that there is good progress in the preparatory work.4.Proper implementation of Transfer Policy:
We expressed concern that the case relating to West Bengal/CTD is yet to be settled. Sr.GM (Pers) said that Corporate Office has already written to the Circle that stay in Kolkata under West Bengal Circle alone can be counted along with stay in Kolkata under CTD for arriving at long stay and compliance is awaited.31.07.2014:
Implementation of fair usage policy on office service Broadband connections:
BSNL CO has decided to implement Fair Usage Policy on office service Broadband connections, restricting the speed to 2 Mbps upto 2 GB (upload/download) and 256 Kbps thereafter. View letter31.07.2014:
Transfer and Posting in Executive Engineer (Electrical) grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer and posting orders in EE (E) grade. View orders30.07.2014:
Encashment of Earned Leave at the time of availing LTC by Government Servants on deemed deputation to BSNL:
BSNL CO has circulated the clarification issued by DoP&T that the liability for leave encashment in question logically rests with the borrowing authority, BSNL. View letter30.07.2014:
Preparatory work for DE Regular Promotion - ACR/APAR of untraceable officers:
BSNL CO has issued III Reminder in respect of ACR/APAR of untraceable officers. View letter25.07.2014:
Looking Beyond - The solution to India’s onion price inflation is an obvious one. Hint: it’s not the hoarders:
'Each state has its own version of the model Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee Act (APMC Act). This determines the market structure—who can buy and sell to whom, where, when and the charges and taxes to be paid at each stage—which has created the onion supply chain as we know it. About 97% of the country’s onion harvest is sold in 50 major onion market yards, regulated under the APMC Act. And it’s because of this law that India’s onion farmer gets a poor price for his produce even as consumers pay a high price.' Read More24.07.2014:
Setback to govt e-services project; BSNL reluctant to lease out dark fibre:
'BSNL could not be reached immediately for comment but DoT insiders familiar with the matter said the telco is averse to leasing its unused fibre on grounds that it needs spare bandwidth for ensuring uninterrupted telecom coverage in remote areas and for its own network expansion needs.' Read More24.07.2014:
Preparotory exercise for DPC under seniority quoto - Furnishing current vigilance status:
BSNL CO has called for fresh vigilance status of the eligible JTOs as per All lndia Eligibiliiy List circulated on 30.10.2012 to keep ready all the relevant inputs required to conduct Seniority quoto promotion from JTO(T) to SDE(T). View letter24.07.2014:
Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer orders to SDEs (T) who have completed their tenure and to their substitutes. View orders23.07.2014:
Recommendations of Deloitte Consultants for revial of BSNL:
BSNL had, in December 2013, appointed Deloitte to craft a detailed revival plan for it. Deloitte has now submitted its detailed recommendations. View Major RecommendationsView Recommendations on Area Office Concept
View Recommendations on Staffing Norms, Additional Skills, Career Progression
View Recommendations on Executive Man Power
View Recommendations on Non-executive Man Power
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM/DE(T) on regular basis and requirement of ACRs:
BSNL CO has circulated the list of Executives in respect of whom ACRs are yet to be received/incomplete, for consideration for promotion to DE Regular. View letter22.07.2014:
CHQ writes to Secretary, DPE requesting removal of anomaly in pay fixation on promotion for Executives:
'Regarding pay fixation on promotion, the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 provides that, "One increment equal to 3% of the sum of the pay in the pay band and the existing grade pay will be computed and rounded off to the next multiple of 10". But the DPE letter says "One notional increment equal to the increment being drawn by the executive in the pay scale, before such promotion would be granted and pay fixed in the promoted pay scale and rounded off to the next multiple of Rs.10."' Read More22.07.2014:
PMO forwards our letter to DoT for appropriate action:
Prime Minister's Office has forwarded CHQ letter dated 2.6.2014 addressed to Prime Minister of India, to DoT for appropriate action. View letter22.07.2014:
.Inter-circle transfer in SDE (TF) grade:
BSNL CO has issued inter-circle transfer orders in SDE (Telecom Factory) grade. View orders21.07.2014:
Introduction of Promotional Combo Voucher 786 during Ramzan festival season under prepaid mobile services:
BSNL has introduced Promotional Combo Voucher 786 during Ramzan festival season for 90 days effective from 24.7.2014. View letter21.07.2014:
Introduction of Promotional STD STVs under prepaid mobile services:
BSNL has introduced Promotional STD STVs under prepaid mobile services for 90 days w.e.f. 1.8.2014. View letter21.07.2014:
Confirmation of Direct Recruit DGM:
BSNL CO has issued orders confirming four DR DGMs on successful completion of 2 years probation. View orders19.07.2014:
AIBSNLOA CWC Meeting at Bhopal notified:
Formal notification for conduct of CWC Meeting of AIBSNLOA at Bhopal on 16th August 2014 has been issued. View notification18.07.2014:
Meeting with CMD:
We met CMD today and requested his intervention in respect of orders issued by Pers-I section where instructions have been issued for relieving of all the executives, who were promoted last year in July 2013 and were retained in their respective circles upto 31.3.2014. We requested CMD that relieving of theses officers may be deferred till the issue of STS Regular promotion orders for which CPC is likely to be held in a month or two. We submitted that work has already begun after getting direction from Hon'ble Supreme court for filling the STS regular posts for vacancy years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14. We said that after filling all the posts of STS in these circles i.e. Chennai and Tamilnadu, executives found to be in excess may be posted outside the circles. CMD said that all the posts in these circles cannot be filled and that some posts will be kept vacant giving importance to other circles where more number of posts are lying vacant. However he assured us that he will have a re-look into the issue and will take appropriate action. We also discussed about JTO (T) to SDE (T) promotion and requested him to make all efforts for getting an early decision of the court. We also requested that finalisation of E2 and E3 scale for JTO/ JAO and SDE/AO should be done immediately, since DPE has not agreed to BSNL proposal to introduce E1A and E2A scales. CMD told us that case is pending with DoT and no communication has been received from DoT till date. He assured us that a final decision will be taken after a decision from DoT is received.18.07.2014:
CHQ writes to CMD regarding retention of Executives promoted as DE – case of Chennai Telephones and Tamilnadu Circles:
'We recollect the discussions with you on 2.5.2014, when you were Director (HR), wherein you were kind enough to empathise with these executives, saying that you did not want them to be disturbed.' Read More17.07.2014:
Modification in circle of posting on promotion as DE Adhoc:
BSNL CO has modified the circle of posting in respect of one Executive. View orders16.07.2014:
Timely and expeditious disposal of pension cases:
DoT has pointed out that delay in settlement of pension cases not only results in a feeling of dissatisfaction and harassment among employees of BSNL but at the same time such cases are potential court cases. Read More15.07.2014:
AIBSNLOA has today submitted the application for participation in the membership verification of BSNL Executive Associations.15.07.2014:
CHQ writes to CMD BSNL reiterating its earlier arguments regarding grant of E2 and E3 scales for JTO and SDE and equivalent cadres:
'We had also time and again pointed out that Department of Public Enterprises, in its O M No. 2(70)/08-DPE(WC)-GLVA/09 dated O2.04.2009 (vide Para, had clearly instructed against introduction of any intermediary scales and further asserted that "If there has been any aberrations, they need to be corrected."' Read More15.07.2014:
BSNL (REA) Rules - stay on clause 5 (1):
BSNL CO has conveyed the decision of Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka staying clause 5 (1) of BSNL (REA) Rules for one month. [Clause 5 (1): The Association shall be registered with the Registrar of Societies with its constitution/Memorandum of Association duly approved by the Registrar. Similarly, any amendment in their constitution/Memorandum of Association shall require approval of the Registrar of Societies.] View letter15.07.2014:
Preparatory work for promotion to DE/AGM on regular basis - VC pending:
BSNL CO has circulated the list of Executives in respect of whom VC is yet to be received. View letter14.07.2014:
Looking Beyond - First, give the patient right to know:
'In many of our five-star corporate hospitals, where the main motive seems to be profit for the shareholders, there is an institutionalised system of so-called “facilitation charges” or fees for “diagnostic help” given to the physicians who refer patients regularly and for expensive procedures like organ transplants, which may reach Rs1-2 lakh. The senior doctors, we are told, whose pay is in astronomical figures, are visited by neophyte financial experts at the end of every month with sheaves of financial data and asked to justify whether they deserve the salaries [they] are being paid, especially when the revenue they have generated for the hospital from investigations and operations falls short of certain set goals.' Read More14.07.2014:
Retention of DE/AGM in parent circle on promotion:
BSNL CO has issued orders retaining one executive in his parent circle upto 31.10.2014. View orders12.07.2014:
CWC Meeting at Bhopal:
Central Working Committee Meeting of AIBSNLOA will be held at Bhopal on 16th August 2014. Formal notification will be issued in a day or two. All CHQ office-bearers, Circle Presidents, Circle Secretaries and CWC Members may book journey tickets immediately.11.07.2014:
Looking after arrangement in Electrical wing:
BSNL CO has given instructions that looking after arrangement in the grade of SDE (E)/EE (E) are to be made on stand alone basis and not on combined basis. View letter11.07.2014:
Preparatory work for promotion to AGM/DE(T) on regular basis and requirement of ACRs:
BSNL CO has circulated a list of Executives whose ACR/APAR have not yet been received by DPC Cell. View letter11.07.2014:
Retention of DE/AGM in parent circle on promotion:
BSNL CO has issued orders retaining one executive in his parent circle upto 31.12.2014. View orders10.07.2014:
Meeting with GM (FP):
GS met GM (FP) today and discussed the following issues:1. Promotion from JAO to AO:
GM (FP) said ACR/APAR have been received from most of the circles and efforts are being taken to get them from remaining circles. DPC will be then held for promoting around 1600 JAOs.2.Promotion from AO to CAO:
GM (FP) said that BSNL Board is yet to approve diversion of MT quota vacancies, as has been done in respect of Telecom Operation stream.3. Regular promotion to CAO and DGM grades: GM (FP) informed us that the work is in progress.
Meeting with Addl GM (Pers):
GS yesterday met Addl GM (Pers) and requested him to expedite holding of CPC for promotion to STS Telecom on regular basis, in view of Hon'ble Supreme Court allowing BSNL to grant promotion subject to final verdic of the court. Addl GM (Pers) said that work is in progress and will be completed at the earliest.10.07.2014:
Personal Tax Exemption Limit Raised by Rs. 50,000/- ; No Change in the Rate of Surcharge:
'The General Budget 2014-15 presented by the Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley has raised the personal income-tax exemption limit by Rs. 50,000/- that is, from Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 2.5 lakh in the case of individual taxpayers, below the age of 60 years. Exemption limit raised from Rs. 2.5 lakh to Rs. 3 lakh in the case of senior citizens. However there is no change in the rate of surcharge either for the corporates or the individuals, HUFs, firms etc. The budget proposes to continue education cess at 3 percent. Investment limit under section 80C of the Income-tax Act has also been raised from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 1.5 lakh and Deduction limit on account of interest on loan in respect of self occupied house property raised from Rs.1.5 lakh to Rs.2 lakh.' Read More10.07.2014:
Government announces raising of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Select Sectors:
Government has announced several steps to promote Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) selectively in sectors where it helps the larger interest of the Indian economy. Announcing this during his maiden Budget Speech in the Lok Sabha today, the Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley said that composite cap of foreign exchange is being raised from the existing 26 per cent FDI to 49 per cent in defence manufacturing with full Indian management and control through the FIPB route. The composite cap in the insurance sector is being increased upto 49 per cent from the current level of 26 per cent with full Indian management and control through the FIPB route. Announcing this, Shri Jaitley said that the insurance sector is investment starved and several sectors of the insurance sector need an expansion.(PIB)10.07.2014:
Matters regarding furnishing of stay particulars of SDE (T):
BSNL CO wants Copy of the updated Career History downloaded from the HR Package in respect of such officers to be supplied in support of the long stay shown. View letter10.07.2014:
Rationalisation of tariff under pre-paid mobile services:
BSNL has rationalised tariff under prepaid mobile services, effective from 1.8.2014. View orders10.07.2014:
Promotion in the grade of EE (Civil):
BSNL CO has issued promotion orders in EE (Civil) grade on regular basis. View orders09.07.2014:
Increase in IDA w.e.f. 1.7.2014:
BSNL has endorsed DPE orders revising IDA from 88.4% to 91.3% w.e.f.1.7.2014. View orders09.07.2014:
Promotion and posting and transfer and posting in SDE (Civil) grade:
BSNL CO has issued promotion and posting orders from JTO (C) to SDE (C) grade on the basis of LDCE held on 15.12.2013 and a few inter-circle transfer orders. View orders08.07.2014:
Joining date on Adhoc basis of STS (Telecom) Executive of BSNL - inviting objections/discrepancies:
BSNL CO has circulated the list of Adhoc STS (Telecom) officials who were promoted in the year 2013, with information regarding date of joining/not joining on promotion, inviting objections regarding errror/omissions/discrepancies in the date of joining. View list08.07.2014:
Modification in policy for grant of concessional telephone facility to retired/retiring employees of BSNL:
Retired BSNL employees who are unable to appear in person before the commercial officer in November every year for producing life certificate, due to serious illness, can now submit, through courier or otherwise, xerox copy of the pension book carrying entry regarding receipt of pension payable on 1st November, attested by any serving Exeutive of BSNL. Read More08.07.2014:
Modification in DE posting orders:
BSNL CO has issued orders modifying the circle of posting in respect of two executives. View orders08.07.2014:
Forgoing of promotion as DE (Adhoc):
BSNL CO has cancelled the promotion of six executives who have foregone their promotion. View letter07.07.2014:
Supreme Court allows BSNL to grant promotions:
Acceding to BSNL's prayer in its IA, Hon'ble Supreme Court today reportedly allowed BSNL to promote the officers concerned, which will however be subject to its final verdict.07.07.2014:
Increase in IDA w.e.f. 1.7.2014:
DPE has issued orders revising IDA from 88.4% to 91.3% w.e.f.1.7.2014. View orders04.07.2014:
A valid Email ID and Mobile Number to be Registered/Updated on the E-Filing Website of the Income Tax Department:
'Email ID and Mobile Number has to be registered/updated on the e-filing website of the Income Tax Department so that direct communication with taxpayer can be possible.' Read More04.07.2014:
Revised ISD tariff w.e.f. 1.8.2014:
BSNL CO has revised IDS tariff effective from 1.8.2014. View tariff chart04.07.2014:
Regular promotion to SDE (Civil) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of regular promotion to SDE (Civil) grade. View orders02.07.2014:
Non-receipt of APAR in respect of Telecom Finance Executives:
BSNL CO has circulated the list of Telecom Financial Executives in respect of whom APARs upto the period ending 31.3.2013 have not yet been received in SEA section and a list of Executives whose APAR for the year 2013-14 have been received till now. View letter01.07.2014:
A N Rai given interim charge of BSNL CMD:
Shri A N Rai Director (Enterprise) BSNL has assumed the additional charge of post of CMD, BSNL with effect from 01-07-2014 and until further orders.01.07.2014:
DoT refutes CAG's charges of favouring Reliance Jio by allowing it to convert it's ISP permit into a unified license:
"As far as the auctions are concerned, IBSPL complied with all the required documents and unlike the previous allotment of telecom permits, this time the spectrum was being sold through competitive bidding, so there were no restrictions on sale of equity," the official said, explaining why the company was allowed to sell 95% of its stake to Reliance Jio. Another telecom department official clarified that the fact that there was no lock-in clause for promoter's equity was also factored in by bidders "who finally drove the price so high". Read More01.07.2014:
Option for IDA scale w.e.f. date of promotion after 1.10.2000 - withholding of recovery for non-executive employees:
BSNL CO has decided that recovery of over payment due to nullifying of the option exercised by Group C & D employees may be withheld till a decision is received from DoT, subject to an undertaking to be obtained to that effect. View letter01.07.2014:
Retention in parent circle on promotion and posting in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders retaining one executive in his parent circle upto 31.3.2015. View orders