31.07.2012:Implementation of agreement on fitment benefit of 78.2% for the purpose of pay fixation w.e.f. 1.1.2007 – Faces rough weather: We had earlier reported that the Management Committee of BSNL in its last two consecutive meetings had skipped discussion on the Memo proposing fixation of Pay of BSNL Employees with 78.2% fitment benefit as per the agreement that the BSNL had with BSNL Associations and Unions in June 2012. DoT has objected to commitment made in a particular part of the agreement and has advised BSNL to withdraw the same before taking further action. BSNL has now to respond to DoT’s advice.
31.07.2012:Meeting with Director (F): GS and President, Corporate Office Circle met Director (Finance) yesterday and requested early holding of CPC for promotion to DGM (F), CAO and AO grades. Director (F) was hopeful of sorting out the issue raised by SC/ST Commission Lucknow early and holding of DPC for promotion to DGM (F). As far as CAO promotion is concerned GM (F) of Circles have been asked to monitor and ensure early sending of missing ACRs and issue of Vigilance clearance in pending cases. Director (F) is personally monitoring the matter and also has requested the Chairman of the Promotion Committee to fix a date at the earliest for holding the CPC. In respect of promotion to AO grade, it was informed that efforts are on for vacating the stay in Chandigarh CAT.
31.07.2012:Meeting with GM (Estt): GS along with President Corporate office Circle met GM (Estt) yesterday and discussed (1) the issue of granting five advance increments to JAOs at par with similarly placed JTOs. GM (Estt) informed us that the Committee constituted for considering the issue has recommended grant of advance increments to remove the anomaly and that the Management Committee will consider the recommendation. (2) The issue of creation of more ADOL posts in MP Circle was discussed. GM (Estt) informed us that the matter was being favourably considered. He also informed us that the issue of grant of SDE scale to ADOLs is also under consideration. We have also requested that a promotional outlet to ADOLs should be created. GM (Estt) has agreed to examine the issue.(3) Regarding PS/PPS/Sr.PPS posts in Corporate Office, GM (Estt) informed us that the matter is under active consideration. (4) Regular appointment as JTO - case of TTAs officiating as JTOs: GM (Estt) informed us that any decision in this regard can be taken only after the outcome of the cases in Ernakulam and Chandigarh High Courts are known.
31.07.2012:Meeting with DGM (Pers): GS met DGM (Pers) to know the status of the issues discussed with Sr.GM (Pers) on 5.7.2012. DGM (Pers) conveyed that all the issues are under active consideration.
30.07.2012:Tele-density and Market share as on 30.06.2012: 'Wireless service -In the financial year 2012-13 (upto June 2012), BSNL has added minus 0.24 million connections, as compared to 1.89 million connections added in corresponding period of previous year'. Read More...
29.07.2012:CHQ writes to CMD BSNL on early holding of DPC for promotion to DE (Adhoc) without waiting for disposal of court cases on the issue of seniority as two groups of officers were not covered in any seniority dispute pending in the court: 'Now it is found that as apprehended by us, no final decision by the courts appears to be in sight in the near future. While the eligible officers are retiring every month without getting their due promotion creating a sense of frustration and demotivation in them, the company is also affected due to 2700 DE posts lying vacant.' Read More...
29.07.2012:CHQ writes to Director (HR) on SDE to DE officiating promotion in Kerala Circle: 'Therefore, I request you to kindly intervene in the matter and issue necessary instructions to the CGM Kerala Telecom circle for taking necessary action to fill all vacant DE posts in Kerala by providing local officiating promotion to the eligible SDEs at the earliest. ' Read More...
29.07.2012:Promotion to CAO (Adhoc) - cases of missing ACR and pending VC: Circle Secretaries are requested to follow up cases of missing ACR and pending Vigilance Clearance in respect of AOs/SrAOs under consideration for promotion to CAO (Adhoc), whose names are given in the attached lists. Missing ACR... Pending VC...
29.07.2012:Provision of in-service training to BSNL officers/officials: BSNL has proposed alternate modes of training delivery in place of in-service training. View letter...
26.07.2012:Fitment benefit of 78.2% of IDA as on 1.1.2007: According to sources, Management Committee meeting held yesterday has again skipped the issue. May be the issue will be taken up for consideration in a MC meeting in August.
25.07.2012:Mandatory training in e-mode under Executive Promotion Policy-Status/Review: BSNL circular lists reasons in support of continuing with the mandatory training under Executive Promotion Policy. View Circular...
25.07.2012:Applicability of foot-note 1 below schedules IA, IB, IC and ID of BSNL MS RR 2009: BSNL has issued clarification regarding implementation of foot-note 1 below schedules IA, IB, IC and ID of BSNL MS RR 2009. View clarification...
25.07.2012:Court case related to promotion from TES Group B to STS on adhoc basis: The case came up for hearing in Hon'ble CAT Jabalpur Bench today. Although the counsel for the applicants and the counsel for the impleading party were ready for argument in the final hearing, BSNL counsel wanted adjournment for filing reply statement to the rejoinder by the applicants. The final hearing has been now posted to 13th August 2012.
24.07.2012:Selection of PAs to work as Executive Secretaries in the offices of CMD and functional Directors of BSNL: BSNL has called for applications from PAs of BSNL Corporate Office to work as Executive Secretaries in the offices of CMD and functional Directors of BSNL. View O.M....
24.07.2012:Inter-circle transfers in SDE (T) grade: BSNL has issued inter-circle transfer orders in SDE (Telecom) grade. View orders...
22.07.2012:Release of AIC Souvenir: In a function organised by the Reception Committee for AIC at Trichy on 15.7.2012, the AIC Souvenir was formally released. Com.P.Manoharan, Co-Chairman of the Reception Committee, Com.S.Kamaraj, Convenor, Com.T.Gunasekaran, Treasurer, Com.M.S.Radhakrishnan, ACS, Com.Christopher, DS, Kumabakonam, Com.Thangamani, DS, Thanjavur, Com.Jayaraman District President, Thanjavur, Com.Ranganathan, Convenor of the Sourvenir Committee and Com.Ponnusamy, District President, Trichy were present along with members of the Reception Committee. Com.P.Udayasuriyan, AGS handed over the first copy of the souvenir to retired Com.R.Chandrasekar affectionately called as RC. Copies of the souvenir are being despatched to the Circles.
20.07.2012:CHQ writes to CMD BSNL on Surrender of BSNL MRS Card at the time of transfer – Problems of those joining new Circles on transfer: 'In order to avoid such a situation, we suggest that the officers on transfer may be allowed to carry the MRS Card issued by the Circle from which they are transferred till the issue of fresh card by the Circle where they join.' Read More...
20.07.2012:CHQ writes to CMD BSNL on Representation in BSNL Staff Welfare Board and BSNL Sports & Cultural Board to AIBSNLOA: 'We would therefore request you to kindly take the representatives of all the Executives’ Associations (which have been extended the facility of meeting with the management at all levels) in the BSNL Staff Welfare Board and BSNL Sports & Cultural Board pending verification of membership and granting recognition to the associations on the basis of such verification.' Read More...
20.07.2012:Cabinet to take final decision on reserve price: 'The panel on Wednesday had asked the department of telecommunications (DoT) to work out a matrix, if the reserve price is brought down, how much spectrum fee should increase so that the government revenue remains same.' Read More...
20.07.2012:Fitment benefit of 78.2% of IDA as on 1.1.2007: It is reliably leant that the Memo for fitment benefit of 78.2% instead of 68.8% was not taken up for consideration in the Management Committee meeting held on 19.7.2012 due to want of time. The same will be considered for approval in the next meeting.
19.07.2012:BSNL endorses IDA rate revision w.e.f.1.7.2012: BSNL has endorsed DPE orders revising IDA rate to 61.5% w.e.f. 1.7.2012. View endorsement...
18.07.2012:Fitment benefit of 78.2% of IDA as on 1.1.2007: The Memo for fitment benefit of 78.2% instead of 68.8% has been reportedly put up to Management Committee for approval.
18.07.2012:Executive Promotion Policy - assessment of ACR/APAR for first time bound upgradation: BSNL has issued clarification regarding non-availability of four years of ACR/APAR on the due date of first time bound upgradation. View clarification...
18.07.2012:Tenure transfer of SDE (Telecom): BSNL has ordered transfer of two SDEs who have completed their tenure and substitutes for them. View orders...
18.07.2012:Tenure transfer of SDE (Telecom): BSNL has issued tenure transfer orders for four SDEs (Telecom). View orders...
18.07.2012:Mobile Towers: 'Government decides to cut radiation limits to a tenth from September 1: "India's current radiation exposure limit (9.2 watt/m2) for mobile towers is higher than countries like Russia (0.2 w/m2) and China (0.4 w/m2). In USA, Canada and Japan, however, the radiation exposure limit is much higher (12 w/m2)," he said. ' Read More...
18.07.2012:TDSAT quashes limit of 200 text messages a day: 'The Telecom Disputes Settlement Appellate Tribunal on Tuesday quashed the limit of 200 text messages a day imposed by the sector regulator just days after the Delhi High Court issued a similar verdict. ' Read More...
17.07.2012:Foreign equipment supplier like ZTE violating BSNL tender norms - Telecom equipment manufacturers association: '"One of the clause of the tender relating to bidders eligibility and qualification states that 'if any type product exists, the same shall be offered'. This clause put in by BSNL with the right intent is circumvented by the foreign bidders by ZTE etc.," TEMA said in the letter.' Read More...
14.07.2012:Release of AIC Souvenir: AIC Souvenir will be released in a function organised by the Reception Committee at Trichy on 15th July 2012. Com.P.Udayasuriyan, AGS will participate in the function on behalf of CHQ.
12.07.2012:Meeting with GM (Trg): GS, AGS and CP of Corporate Office Branch met GM (Trg) yesterday and discussed the issue of withdrawing mandatory training under BSNL Executive Promotion Policy. GM (Trg) emphasized the need for mandatory training and said that the same could not be withdrawn without amendment to EPP by the Personnel Section of BSNL CO. He said that the e-mode was introduced on the suggestion of Executive Associations and pass percentage was also good which stood at 96%. He also said that various provisions to remove hardship to the Executives have been made: 1) Hard copies of study materials would be issued on request. Orders alreay exist on this matter. 2) CDs of study materials are available with the Circles and could be supplied on request at the time of issue of orders on financial upgradation.3) Names of instructors are available on the website, who can be contacted for any doubts in the subject concerned. 4) In case of difficulty, the executivbes can appear in one paper at one time. 5) If required more sample questions would be uploaded in the website. However we insisted withdrawal of training and suggested that if training cannot be avoided, it can be given only at the time of post-based promotion and not with every financial upgradation. GM (Trg) appeared to have been convinced over this suggestion.
12.07.2012:Revision of IDA w.e.f. 1,7,2012: DPE has issued orders revising IDA from 56.7% to 61.5% w.e.f.1.7.2012. View orders...
09.07.2012:New Timings for Booking Tatkal Tickets from Tomorrow I.E. 10th July 2012: 'The Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), a Public Sector Undertaking of Ministry of Railways which manages Railways e-ticketing website namely www.irctc.co.in has also implemented following additional steps to streamline Tatkal ticket bookings. Read More...
09.07.2012:Transfer and Postings in AGM/DE grade: BSNL has issued transfer and postings in AGM/DE grade. View orders...
09.07.2012:Transfer and Postings in SDE (T) grade: BSNL has issued transfer and postings in SDE (Telecom) grade. View orders...
09.07.2012:>Own request transfers in SDE (T) grade: BSNL has issued own request transfers in SDE (T) grade. View orders...
06.07.2012:3G Roaming Pacts-DoT seeks legal opinion on TDSAT’s split verdict: DoT has sought the legal opinion on whether Bharti Airtel, Vodafone's Indian unit and Idea Cellular which offered 3G services in most parts of the country because of the roaming pacts can continue to do so in the light of the TDSAT’s split verdict on Tuesday. Read More...
05.07.2012:Meeting with Sr.GM (Pers): GS along with AGS and CP Corporate office Branch met Sr.GM (Pers) and discussed the following issues. DGM (Pers) was present during the meeting:
(1) Provision in Transfer Policy for combined long stay list for territorial and non-territorial circles within the same jurisdiction: Sr.GM (Pers) opined that the provision was already there in the transfer policy. He requested DGM (Pers) to take note of deviations and to cause remedial action.
(2) Posting of husband and wife in the same station in accordance with transfer policy: Sr.GM (Pers) agreed to consider the specific case given to him on the basis of the provision in the transfer policy.
(3) Inter Circle request transfers and relieving of officers who have completed tenure:Sr.GM (Pers) has agreed to consider the list of transfer requests and has assured to do the needful to relieve the officers who have completed their tenure at tenure stations.
(4) Promotion from DE/AGM to DGM (Adhoc):Sr.GM (Pers) informed that work is in progress and promotion orders are likely to be issued before July end.
(5) Promotion from TES Group B to DE(Adhoc):Sr.GM (Pers) informed that there are hurdles yet to be crossed before any promotion can be ordered to DE Adhoc. The first hurdle is the stay in Jabalpur CAT. The second one is the DoP&T order dated 10th August 2009. Although this order has been quashed by CAT Chandigarh, DoPT is yet to issue withdrawal of the orders. The third one is that dispute in seniority list 6 is yet to be resolved. However Sr.GM (Pers) was confident of sorting out these hurdles early.
(6) Allotment of parent circle to the successful JTOs of LDCE for promotion to SDE (T):Sr.GM (Pers) agreed to consider this to the extent possible. But his main aim would be to fill up vacancies in circles having heavy shortage and consideration of pending request transfers in SDE grade. Postings will be strictly made on the basis of merit of the JTOs in the list. Sr.GM (Pers) also informed that already there is a stay by CAT Guwahati for 45 days in this matter.
(7) Creation of additional PS/PPS/Sr.PPS posts in Corporate Office:After our discussions with GM (Estt), he has suggested formation of a committee to decide the issue. But Sr.GM (Pers) accepted our contention that a committee would delay the issue and has agreed to discuss the issue with GM (Estt).
(8) Creation of additional ADOL posts for MP Circle:Sr.GM (Pers) agreed to do his part in creation of additional ADOL posts for MP Circle after proposals in this regard are received from MP Circle.
04.07.2012:Tele-density and market share as on 31-5-2012: In wireless service, BSNL was at 12th position in the new total connections added in May 2012 and 13th (last) position during FY 2012-13 (upto May 2012). Read More...
04.07.2012:Filling up the vacant posts of Rajbasha Adhikari on the basis of LICE as per Recruitment Rules-2005: BSNL has conveyed the approval of the competent authority to hold Limited Internal Competitive Examination for filling up the vacant posts of Rajbasha Adhikari. View orders...
04.07.2012:Final Results of LDCE for promotion to SDE (T) under 33% quota declared: BSNL has declared the final results of the LDCE held on 4.3.2012 for promotion to SDE (Telecom) under 33% quota after taking into account representations received pointing out errors/omissions, vide its letter NO.5-4/2012-DE dated 4-7-2012. View list of successful OC candidates... View list of successful SC candidates... View list of successful ST candidates...
03.07.2012:Meeting with GM (Estt): GS along with AGS and CP Corporate office Branch met GM (Estt) and discussed (1) the issue of granting five advance increments to JAOs at par with similarly placed JTOs. After discussions, GM (Estt) has agreed to take required action after calling for details. (2) The issue of creation of more ADOL posts in MP Circle was discussed. GM (Estt) was convinced and spoke to GM (Admn), MP Circle and requested to send proposals for creation of additional posts. As per his advice we also met Addl.GM (Estt) who was the Chairman of the Committee which reassessed the posts. He has also agreed to take necessary action after receiving the proposal from MP Circle. (3) Regarding PS/PPS/Sr.PPS posts in Corporate Office, after discussion, GM (Estt) has agreed that more number of posts will be created and filled up.
03.07.2012:Fitment benefit of 78.2% of IDA as on 1.1.2007: The proposal is reported to have been approved by Director (F) and is expected to be submitted for approval by the Management Committee.
03.07.2012:BSNL to buy equipment from ZTE, ALU for over 10 mln lines: Chinese telecom gear firm ZTE and European firm Alcatel Lucent will supply equipment to BSNL for network expansion involving 10.37 million lines. "For network, L1 (winner of tender) was ZTE and IN (Intelligent network) it was Alcatel Lucent. Both have accepted advance purchase order. We will soon issue them purchase orders," BSNL Director for Consumer Mobility R K Aggarwal said here.(ET)
03.07.2012:Tenure transfer in DE/AGM grade: BSNL has issued transfer orders to DEs/AGMs who have completed their tenure and substitutes thereof. View orders...
03.07.2012:Tenure transfer in SDE (T) grade: BSNL has issued transfer orders to SDEs(T) who have completed their tenure and substitutes thereof. View orders...
03.07.2012:3G Roaming Pacts - TDSAT gives split verdict: The two member bench comprising TDSAT chairman Justice S.B. Sinha and member P.K. Rastogi held different views in the case. Justice Sinha allowed the telecom operators’ plea against the government’s directive to stop intra circle 3G roaming saying that it was violative of natural justice. Rastogi, however, dismissed telecom operators plea saying they cannot provide roaming. Read More...
03.07.2012:BSNL launches 3G pocket router: The 'Winknet Mf50' router comes in handy when there is a need to connect more than one device on a single SIM card. The router will be available in the market with a best buy price of Rs 5,800. Read More...
03.07.2012:BSNL to buy equipment from ZTE, ALU for over 10 mln lines: Chinese telecom gear firm ZTE and European firm Alcatel Lucent will supply equipment to BSNL for network expansion involving 10.37 million lines. "For network, L1 (winner of tender) was ZTE and IN (Intelligent network) it was Alcatel Lucent. Both have accepted advance purchase order. We will soon issue them purchase orders," BSNL Director for Consumer Mobility R K Aggarwal said here.(ET)
02.07.2012:WITHOUT COMMENTS: At least three Pensioners Associations have come out with their views on the Strike Agreement dated 12.06.2012 signed between "Forum of BSNL unions/associations and the BSNL Management" regarding the pay fixation with 78.2% fitment w.e.f. 1.1.2007 and other issues mentioned in their charter of demands. We reproduce the same for the benefit of our viewers. Views of BDPA... Views of AIBSNLPWA... Views of AIBSNLREA...
02.07.2012:Keeping certain allowances outside the 50% ceiling for perks and allowances: In response to representation from some CPSEs and Administrtive Ministries, DPE has clarified that no allowance/benefit/perks other than those mentioned in DPE OM dated 26.11.2008 is admissible outside the 50% ceiling. View clarification...