30.06.2012:Increase in IDA rate w.e.f. 1.7.2012:According to calculations based on the AICPI figures for Industrial Workers for March, April and May 2012, IDA rate has increased by 4.8% from 56.7% to 61.5% w.e.f.1.7.2012.
29.06.2012:Meeting with Director (HR): While handing over copy of CHQ's letter on grant of second ACP to Civil/Electrical wing officers and Membership Verification, GS had discussions on the issues with Director (HR). It was explained to him that only a very few officers who had completed 24 years of service between 21.2.2004 and 1.10.2004 are yet to get the benefit of second ACP. Discussions also were held on the issue of membership verification and extension of equal trade union facilities to all associations pending verification. Director (HR) assured to examine both the issues.
29.06.2012:CHQ writes to CMD BSNL on Membership Verification of Executives'/Officers' Associations and extension of equal facilities to all associations pending verification: 'Verification must be on secret ballot basis as in the case of non-executive employees. This only will allow exercise of free and fair mandate. Otherwise the Executives will always be subject to coercion and intimidation.' Read More...
29.06.2012:TDSAT directs BSNL to give time to Loop Telecom to clear dues: 'Observing that Loop has a right to get reasonable time to satisfy the demand raised, the Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal Telecom tribunal TDSAT has directed state owned BSNL to give at least a week's time to the former to clear dues before encashing its bank guarantee to settle the network interconnect usage charges.' Read More...
28.06.2012:CHQ writes to CMD BSNL on removing anomaly in grant of second ACP to Civil/Electrical wing officers: 'Now that only a very few candidates, who have completed 24 years of service between 21-02-2004 and 01-10-2004 have been left out, we request you to settle the issue once for all by granting one time relaxation to extend the benefit of second ACP upto 1.10.2004 by adopting the same principle envisaged in DOT orders cited above.' Read More...
28.06.2012:Modification in policy for provision of concessional broadband connection to the below JAG level BSNL retired employees at their residence: BSNL has issued orders extending the concessional broadband connection to below JAG level retired employees at their residence which was earlier available only to serving employees. View orders...
28.06.2012:Transfer and Postings in EE (Civil) grade: BSNL has issued orders of transfer and postings in the grade of EE (Civil). View orders...
27.06.2012:Telecom department may offer higher compensation to prompt ITS officers to stay back in BSNL, MTNL: "This is the main bone of contention and government is trying to address this urgently. One option is to allow ITS officers seeking absorption in BSNL and MTNL to retire from government service on current date. That way, they get to keep their central pension for the full deputation period, and thereafter earn additional sums as per PSU scale. But there is no decision yet," said a committee member. Read More...
27.06.2012:Court case related to promotion from TES Group B to STS on adhoc basis: According to our information, the case came up for hearing in Hon'ble CAT Jabalpur Bench today. The court wanted to hear the final arguments today. But BSNL advocate expressed his inability to argue the case today and wanted adjournment. The advocate of the officers impleading in the case who was expected to request vacating of the stay based on an order of High Court of Karnataka did not reach the court in time. Although the applicants' advocate was willing to argue today, the case has been adjourned for final hearing to 25th July 2012, since BSNL advocate pleaded for time.
26.06.2012:Sanctioned and working strength in SDE/Sr.SDE(T): BSNL has circulated a list of circle-wise sanctioned and working strength in SDE/Sr.SDE cadre, asking circles to intimate any changes within 3 days. View list...
26.06.2012:Entry of qualification acquired by Executives of Electrical Wing: BSNL Electrical wing has clarified that acquiring qualification of a degree for promotion to STS can be through any mode, whether full time, part time or distance education. View clarification...
26.06.2012:Storage of CAF/documents after permanent disconnection of telephone connections: BSNL has circulated DoT's clarification that CAF/documents should be preferred for a period of three years after permanent disconnection of telephone connections. View circular...
22.06.2012:Unified telecom licences get a big ‘no’ from consumers, industry: 'Further, implementing mobility under a UL is a potential nightmare since spectrum is priced and allocated on a circle-wise basis. Additionally, SDCA (Short Distance Calling Area) and circle-linked long distance tariffs, carriage charges, and an entire administration across the private sector and BSNL-run telecom networks through neatly divided circle-specific licenses. Changing these network configurations will take time, money and man hours, raising uncertainty on issues such as revenue definition (AGR), interconnection, level playing field and migration to UL, without any tangible benefits.' Read More...
21.06.2012:Suitable Electricity tariff for BSNL: Electrical wing of BSNL has again asked the Circles to take up with the State Electricity Regulation Commission for modification of the existing tariff structure to a suitable tariff structure. View letter...
21.06.2012:BSNL Holidays for the year 2013: BSNL has circulated the list of Closed Holidays and Restricted Holidays for the year 2013. View circular...
20.06.2012:Empowered Group of Ministers set to formulate plan for spectrum mortgage: 'The telecom department (DoT) has asked the panel of ministers, headed by Pranab Mukherjee, to approve a key policy change permitting telcos to mortgage spectrum and raise funds from banks. The DoT has added this to the agenda of the nine-member Empowered Group of Ministers' (EGoM) next meeting on Thursday.' Read More...
20.06.2012:Marks secured by unsuccessful candidates of LDCE 2012: The unsuccessful candidates of the LDCE for promotion to SDE (Telecom) held on 4.3.2012 can view the marks secured by them using the userID and password provided to them.View marks...
19.06.2012:Promotion from AGM/DE to DGM (T) on adhoc basis: BSNL Management Committee is said to have given its approval for holding CPC for promotion of 414 DEs/AGMs as DGM (T) on adhoc basis subject to the condition that they should have completed 4 years service as STS Adhoc/Regular as on 1.1.2012. In this connection, preparatory work had already been started and it is learnt that ACR/APAR along with details such as Staff No., Date of birth, Category, Present Circle in which working etc., are yet to be received from AP, HP, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Inspection Circle, IT Pune and TS Kolkata.
19.06.2012:Promotion from EE (E) to SE (E) on adhoc basis: BSNL Management Committee is said to have given its approval for holding of CPC for promotion from EE (E) to SE (E) on adhoc basis.
18.06.2012:CHQ writes to CMD requesting review of the usefulness of Mandatory Training under BSNL Executive Promotion Policy: 'There appears to be no proven data to establish the usefulness of the mandatory training in upgrading the skills of the Executives. The fact is that the Executives learn and work in any new technology area without any difficulty, when they are actually posted to that area. The learning of new technology without actual exposure remains a futile exercise.' Read More...
18.06.2012:Identification of training needs: BSNL has requested Heads of Circles/Units to identify the special training needs of the 2500 successful candidates of LDCE 2012 for promotion to SDE (T) for arranging specialised training to enhance the skill set of the officers. View letter...
15.06.2012:Launching of 'Employee Suggestion Scheme-2012: In the first phase this scheme is being launched for a period upto 31st August 2012 during which BSNL Mangement will make focussed efforts to listen to the voice of the employees of BSNL to improve delivery of our services. View letter...
15.06.2012:Relaxation of journey by air to Jammu & Kashmir: Relaxation of LTC travel by air to Jammu & Kashmir has been extended for a period of two years w.e.f.18th June 2012 subject to conditions. View DoP&T orders...
15.06.2012:ZTE may bag entire Rs 4,000 crore BSNL deal for supply of GSM equipments: 'ZTE would probably bag the Rs 4,000-crore deal since its competitive bidders - Huawei, Alcatel Lucent, Ericsson and Nokia Siemens Networks - have declined to match the lowest price of $50 per line quoted by ZTE, said three people familiar with the development.' Read More...
15.06.2012:Tax tribunal asks Bharti Airtel to pay $125 million - Report: Bharti imported mobile telecom equipment by splitting the value of the equipment into hardware and software, the newspaper said, citing case documents seen by it. The case was over "undervaluation of the imported goods and non-inclusion of the value of software in the imported goods", the paper said. Read More...
14.06.2012:Results of LDCE 2012: In a covering letter declaring the provisional results, BSNL explains the reason for not publishing the year-wise result and asks discrepancy/errors if any to be brought to its notice before 23.6.2012. View letter...
13.06.2012:Expenditure Management: DPE has requested all CPSEs to comply with the instructions contained in Dept. of Expenditure OM dated 31.5.2012 regarding economy measures and rationalisation of expenditure. View OM...
13.06.2012:Calling of volunteers/option from DE/AGM (T) for posting in tenure circles/stations: BSNL has called for volunteers/option from amongst DE /AGM (T) for posting in Tenure Circles except Andaman & Nicobar. View letter...
13.06.2012:DoT to roll out uniform revenue share across platforms from July 1: 'The DoT decided to go in for a uniform licence fee after external auditors appointed by it alleged that leading mobile phone companies had understated revenues and paid lower levies during 2006-07 and 2007-08.' Read More...
12.06.2012:Strike by Forum deferred: The strike called by the Forum of BSNL unions and associations has been deferred following an agreement with BSNL Management that "Revision of pay is agreed as per fitment benefit @ 78.2% w.e.f.1.1.2007 subject to approval by the competent authority. However, actual payment will be made prospectively and arrears thereof will be deferred for the time being and will be paid only when the financial position of the company improves. This will be applicable for the pensioners also. Medical reimbursement with voucher for outdoor treatment, Professional Upgradation allowance and HRA will continue to be paid at basic pay with 68.8% fitment."
12.06.2012:Results of LDCE for promotion to SDE (T) under 33% quota declared: BSNL has declared the results of the LDCE held on 4.3.2012 for promotion to SDE (Telecom) under 33% quota. View list of successful OC candidates... View list of successful SC candidates... View list of successful ST candidates... View Answer Key...
11.06.2012:CHQ writes to CMD on creation of additional posts of ADOL in MP Circle: 'This decision of BSNL CO has not only affected the progress of Hindi work in MP Telecom Circle but also badly affected the career progression of young Hindi translators in MP Telecom Circle.' Read More...
11.06.2012:Grant of revised rates of HRA to Saharanpur city (Municipal limits): BSNL has conveyed approval of the competent authority for payment of HRA @ 20% w.e.f.1.12.2011 to the staff working in Saharanpur City (Within Municipal Limits). View orders...
06.06.2012:Meeting with GM (FP): GS along with other CHQ and Circle office bearers met GM (FP) yesterday and discussed the issue of early holding/completion of DPC for promotion to AO, CAO and DGM (F) grades. We were informed that the process of promotion to CAO grade is in progress and will be completed before July end. We have requested to speed up the process for early issue of promotion orders. In respect of promotion to AO grade ACR/APAR have not been received from most of the circles. As far as promotion to DGM (F) grade, it was informed that an issue raised by SC/ST Commission Lucknow had to be sorted out before further action.
06.06.2012:Meeting with GM (Estt): GS along with other CHQ and Circle office bearers met GM (Estt), BSNL CO and discussed about Creation of Sr.PPS/PPS posts and restoration of 6 PS posts in BSNL CO which were earlier abolished when 6 PPS posts were created for CMD and Board of Directors' offices in BSNL CO. GM(Estt.) told us that clarification has been asked from CSS section regarding sanctioning strength of Executives Directors, PGMs/GMs and Addl. GM/DGM in corporate office. He assured us that after receiving the information from CSS section, action will be taken soon.
We also brought to the notice of GM(Estt) that Madhya Pradesh Circle was earlier having 30 posts of AD(OL) but after the reassessment in the year 2008, 30 posts have been reduced to 5. This was a reduction of more than 80% posts without any justification. Circles like Punjab, Rajasthan, UP(W), UP(E) etc. are having more AD(OL) posts in comparison to MP Circle. GM(Estt) assured us that he will take necessary action for creation of some more posts of AD(OL) in MP Circle.
06.06.2012:Holiday list 2013: DoP&T has circulated the list of Holidays to be observed by Central Government offices for the year 2013. Read More...
06.06.2012:Missing ACRs in respect of promotion to CAO on adhoc basis: BSNL SEA section has circulated a list of officers for whom still ACRs are to be received by BSNL CO. View list...
05.06.2012:‘World IPv6 Launch Day’ and IPv6 Implementation in India: India has at present 35 million IPv4 addresses against a user base of about 360 million data users. In addition, Government is planning to have a target of 160 million and 600 million broadband customers by the year 2017 and 2020 respectively. Moreover, there is a strong security requirement to provide unique IP address to each individual data user. As IPv6 is not backward compatible with IPv4, the transition to IPv6 is likely to be a complex, mammoth and long term exercise during which both IPv4 and IPv6 will co-exist. Read More...
05.06.2012:BSNL orders on payment of only Central Government Allowances to officers on deputation in BSNL kept in abeyance: As we had predicted, the BSNL orders stipulating that officers on deputation in BSNL will be eligible for only Central Government allowances and cannot claim both Central Government and BSNL approved allowances, has been kept in abeyance. As can be seen from our article 'Mountain?', implemention of this order would have resulted in reduction in allowances and consequent recovery from salary w.e.f. 17.2.2012 (the date of effect of the orders) for the unabsorbed ITS Group A officers. Now they will feel relieved, courtesy the agitation called by the Forum of BSNL unions and associations linking this order to their demands. The hidden agenda - to help the ITS Group A officers - of the association which initiated the call for agitation has now come to the fore.View orders...
05.06.2012:Consumers could pay a price for free national roaming: 'In any event, with 14 operators, it is unlikely that supernatural profits are being earned from roaming tariffs. This means the government is striking at genuine costs linked to the carriage of the call. Operators will compensate their loss by raising local call charges. Hardly the stuff to bring cheer to consumers.' Read More...
03.06.2012:Deputationists cannot enjoy benefits of both Government and the CPSU: "Executives getting CDA pay scale will continue to get benefits, perks and allowances applicable to CDA sclaes"- ordered DPE on 8.6.2009. DoT communicated its decision on the subject to BSNL on 17.2.2012. BSNL has circulated the decision on 25.5.2012. This is now the centre of controversy generating enormous heat. All Executives should go through the three letters without any passion. [MORE FACTS TO FOLLOW] Read all letters...
01.06.2012:Meeting with new Director (CFA): GS along with President, Editor and Executive members of Corporate Office Circle had a courtesy call on the new Director (CFA) Shri N.K.Gupta and welcomed him in his new assignment.
01.06.2012:CHQ writes to CMD BSNL on Counting of experience for the purpose of promotion, annual increments etc. – Case of SDEs promoted in the LDCE held on 1.12.2002: 'Although it is being assured that the matter is receiving attention at the highest level, but no fruitful decision is forthcoming even after expiry of seven months after the deadline provided by the Supreme Court.' Read More...
01.06.2012:CHQ writes to Minister of Communications & IT on Relieving of ITS Group A officers who stand repatriated to DoT: 'We would therefore earnestly appeal to you to kindly review the situation and order relieving of the repatriated officers immediately rather than waiting till the deadline of 30th September 2012 fixed by the Hon’ble Court, since half-hearted and unwilling discharge of work by these officers will only result in further deterioration of the conditions in BSNL.' Read More...
01.06.2012:CHQ writes to Secretary, DoT on Payment of allowances as per the recommendations of 6th CPC to Group A officers on deemed deputation in BSNL: 'When Medical facilities under CGHS are available for Central Government employees, continuing the facility under BSNLMRS for these Group A officers is contrary to the DPE guidelines and BSNL’s own statement in the previous Para of the Order dated 25.05.2012.' Read More...