NEWS - MAY 2016
BSNL launches Free to Home Service:
The "Free to Home Service" has been launched to facilitate BSNL Mobile Customers to receive 'crystal clear voice calls' on their landlines wilhout worrying the quality and strength of Mobile Signals inside buildings. lvlany a times one tends to get irritated by day long use of mobile phones. This is an ideal solution for forwarding the mobile call to their BSNL landline numbers free of cost. Read More31.05.2016:
Non-transfer of Executives till completion of first membership verification of BSNL Executives Associations:
BSNL CO has issued orders keeping in abeyance all out station transfers of Executives till completion of first membership verification of BSNL Executives Associations.(other than those on promotion and own cost/request transfers) View orders31.05.2016:
Promotion and posting in DE/AGM grade on regular basis:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion and posting in DE/AGM grade on regular basis. View orders31.05.2016:
Promotion and posting in DGM (T) grade on adhoc basis:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion and posting in DGM (T) grade on adhoc basis. View orders30.05.2016:
Promotion and posting in DE/AGM grade of Telecom Factory stream:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion and posting in DE/AGM grade of Telecom Factory stream. View orders30.05.2016:
Transfer and postings in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued inter-circle/tenure transfers/cancellation of transfers in SDE (T) grade. View orders29.05.2016:
CHQ writes to CMD regarding Formation of Joint committees with officers representing Management as well as representatives from Executives Associations – resolving of issues of E2, E3 scales, CPSU Cadre Hierarchy etc:
'Now, the associations which were part of the joint committee have launched agitation programmes separately, two of them questioning their own recommendations made through the committee. After a meeting with these associations on 11.5.2016, Director (HR) has issued an appeal, wherein it has been stated that another Joint Committee will be formed to look into the issues out of implementation of the modified structure of CPSU cadre hierarchy based on discussion with top Management.' Read More29.05.2016:

Who is fooling whom?:
Justifying their decision to defer the agitation and celebrating their achievement (?) of settling E2 to E7 scales, two associations have declared in their websites that 'To our understanding, Management has already taken the first step towards fulfilling the commitment by approving the Management Committee proposal of replacing the scales from E2 to E7'. In their letter defering the agitation, they have claimed that, 'It is agreed to implement Khan Committee recommendations wherein E1A and E2A scales shall be replaced with E2 and E3 scales respectively. The date of effect of replacement of scales shall be 01.01.2007 i.e. E1A by E2, E2A by E3, E3 by E4, E4 by E5, E5 by E6 and E6 by E7. The promotions to the next scale shall be after a span of five years as per EPP. A proposal to this effect has already been submitted on 23.05.2016 for approval and the same shall be presented in the next MC Meeting for ratification by MC and thereafter by BSNL Board.' But the GM (SR) letter dated 25.5.2016 addressed to them says, "In this regard it is informed that a proposal on the demand which is being more vigorously purused ie. for E2 & E3 pay scales for JTO & SDE equivalent is being submitted to Management Committee as per the program. The proposal with the recommendations of MC will be subsequently submitted for approval of BSNL Board and thereafter to DoT." When the GM (SR) letter dated 25.5.2016 talks about only E2 and E3 scales, how could the MC proposal submitted on 23.5.2016 have suggested replacing all scales with E2 to E7, as claimed by the two associations? Who is trying to fool whom? [A Fact-file will be published shortly]25.05.2016:
Grant of E2 scale and E3 scale replacing E1 and E2 scales in BSNL:
Queries are being raised about our stand on this issue. It may be recollected that it was AIBSNLOA which took up the issue first with all concerned authorities immediately after issue of presidential orders for pay revision of executives w.e.f. 1.1.2007, when other associations were seeking only replacement scales equivalent to E1A and E2A. Since then we have been pursuing the issue relentlessly without loosing any opportunity, including our submission to the Joint Committee headed by Shri Md.Ashraf Khan. Our stand has been consistent throughout demanding "grant the following IDA pay scales to the Executives from JTOs level to Dy GMs i.e. (i) JTOs level : E-2 grade, (ii) SDEs level : E-3 grade, (iii) Sr SDEs/Sr AOs : E-4 grade, (iv) DEs level : E-5 grade and (v) DGMs level : E-6 grade will help to resolve a genuine long pending demand of the JTOs/ equivalent and SDEs/equivalent cadres and also to abide by the instructions issued by DPE not to create any intermediary scales."We will soon publish a fact file on this.
View our letter to DoT on 5.11.2009 View our letter to the Joint Committee on 9.7.2015
Recognition of majority representative association of serving executive employees in BSNL:
BSNL CO has started the verification process afresh with election to be held on 27.9.2016. View notification25.05.2016:
Recognition of majority representative association of serving executive employees in BSNL:
BSNL CO has issued orders providing some facilities to the associations participating in the verification with a view to ensure level playing field. View orders25.05.2016:
Amendment to BSNL Executives Association Recognition Rules, 2014:
BSNL CO has issued an amendment to Para 5 (1) providing associations registered under the Trade Union Act also eligible for participation in the verification process. View letter24.05.2016:
Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued tenure transfer orders in SDE (T) grade. View orders24.05.2016:
Inter-circle transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued inter-circle transfer orders in SDE (T) grade. View orders23.05.2016:
BSNL replies to AIBSNLOA CHQ request to remove discrimination in grant of JAG selection grade scale to absorbed BSNL Executives:
In reply to CHQ request to remove discrimination in grant of JAG selection grade scale to absorbed BSNL Executives, BSNL CO has stated that JAG NFSG is applicable only to those officers who have achieved DGM grade substantively. This scale cannot be prescribed for officers who do not attain DGM grade and get the benefit of higher scale only through Time Bound Financial Upgradation. View BSNL letter23.05.2016:
Posting on promotion to DGM (T) grade - modification:
BSNL CO has issued orders retaining four executives in their present circles on their promotion to DGM (T) grade. View orders23.05.2016:
Grant of perks to Executives in BSNL:
BSNL CO has clarified that th executive who joins duty on transfer in new place of posting on the very next working day after availing admissible joining time will deem to have joined within the prescribed joining time for the purpose of entitlement to furnishing allowance. View clarification23.05.2016:
Extension of benefit of pay protection to the internal officials selected against DR JTO quota who have applied through proper channel:
BSNL CO has reiterated its earlier orders that officials appointed as DR JTO (who were earlier working as TTA) are entitled for benefits of past service if otherwise admissible under rules. View letter23.05.2016:
Declaration of result of LDCE for promotion to SDE (T) grade held on 21.6.2015:
BSNL CO has declared the result of LDCE for promotion to SDE (T) grade held on 21.6.2015 in pursuance of CAT Chandigarh interim order subject to the final outcome of the OAs. View result20.05.2016:
Meeting with Joint General Manager (Pers):
GS met Jt.GM (Pers) on 18.5.2016 and discussed regarding promotion to SDE (T) and DE/AGM grades. Jt.GM (Pers) said that advice has been sought for from Legal section of corporate office and decision to hold DPC to DE/AGM grade will be taken after receipt of advice from Legal Section. In respect of SDE (T), additionally the decision of Kerala High Court is to be awaited.20.05.2016:
DPC under seniority quota - furnishing current status of left out JTO w.r.t. AIEL circulated on 20.2.2015:
BSNL CO has asked UP East circle to furnish VC for 52 left out JTOs. View letter19.05.2016:
Inter-circle transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of inter-circle transfers/cancellation of transfers in SDE (T) grade. View orders18.05.2016:
Promotion and posting in DGM (T) grade on adhoc basis:
BSNL CO has issued orders promoting one executive to DGM (T) grade on adhoc basis. View letter18.05.2016:
Tenure transfer in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders retaining four executives in the present circle upto March 2017. View orders17.05.2016:
DPC under seniority quota - furnishing current status of left out JTO w.r.t. AIEL circulated on 20.2.2015:
BSNL CO has asked Jharkand and Inspection circles to furnish VC for 20 left out JTOs. View letter17.05.2016:
Promotion and posting in SE (E) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion and postings in SE (E) grade. View orders17.05.2016:
Tenure transfer in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders retaining one executive in the present circle upto March 2017. View orders16.05.2016:
Retention in present circle on promotion to DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders retaining one executive in the present circle upto 31.12.2016. View orders13.05.2016:
Revision of time limit for drawal of advance for the purpose of LTC journey by train:
DOPT has issued orders revising time limit for drawal of LTC advance from 65 days to 125 days consequent to Ministry of Railways increasing advance reservation period from 60 days to 120 days. View orders13.05.2016:
Updated List comprising particulars of SDEs(T) promoted to the grade under seniority and competitive quota in BSNL against vacancy years 2005-07 to 2008-09 etc. - Errors and Omissions:
BSNL CO has circulated separate lists comprising updated particulars of SDEs (T) of seniority quota against vacancy years 2006-07 to 2008-09 and of SDEs of competitive quota against vacancy years 2007-07 to 2009-2010 and has called for communication of errors and ommissions if any, before compiling seniority list 9 for SDEs (T). View letter13.05.2016:
DPC under seniority quota - furnishing current status of left out JTO w.r.t. AIEL circulated on 20.2.2015:
BSNL CO has asked West Bengal Telecom circle to furnish VC for 10 left out JTOs. View letter13.05.2016:
Modification in allocation of zone on promotion to SDE (Civil) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders modifying allocation of zone on promotion to SDE (Civil) grade. View letter13.05.2016:
Transfer and postings in ao/ grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in AO/Sr.AO grade. View orders12.05.2016:
Admissibility of catering charges in respect of rail journey performed on LTC:
DOPT has issued orders clarifying that if the Government servant has to to compulsorily avail the catering facility and the cost is included in the rail fare for Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto trains, the fare charged shall be reimbursable in full as per the entitlement/eligibility of the Government servant. View orders12.05.2016:
Change of designation of major cadres of non-executives in BSNL:
BSNL CO has issued orders giving new functional designations to major grades of non-executives in BSNL. View letter11.05.2016:
Promotion to DGM (T) grade - requirement of APAR:
BSNL CO has called for ACR/APAR in respect of 34 executives under consideration for promotion to DGM (T) grade on adhoc basis. View list10.05.2016:
Promotion in the grade of Architect (STS) (E4) on regular basis:
BSNL CO has called for ACR/APAR in respect of six SDE (Arch) under consideration for promotion to Architect grade on regular basis. View list10.05.2016:
DPC for promotion to SDE (T) under seniority quota - missing VC:
BSNL CO has circulated the names of JTOs in respect of whom fresh VC is yet to be received. View list10.05.2016:
Two more District Branches formed in UP West:
AIBSNLOA UP West Circle has added two more District Branches, Meerut District Branch on 7.5.2016 and Circle Office Branch on 9.5.2016. Com.D.K.Sharma CAO, Com.Praveen Kumar SDE IT and Com.P.K.Gupta SDE have been elected President, Secretary and Finance Secretary respectively of Meerut District Branch. Com.Vibhuti Jhingran SDE, Com.Amit Kumar SDE IT and Com.Y.K.Sharma AO have been elected President, Secretary and Finance Secretary respectively of Circle Office Branch. Both the meetings were conducted with enthusiasm and more than 50 members participating in each meeting. CHQ congratulates the members and office-bearers of these District branches.09.05.2016:
We are hoping to cross revenue of Rs 30,000 crore: BSNL CMD:
'As per unaudited figures, we are hoping to cross revenue of Rs 30,000 crore in the year ended on March 31, 2016 that includes mobile, landline and enterprise business. This is going to be 3-4% higher than last year. We have also been able to bridge the Rs 150 crore gap on account of free roaming services. Debt to equity ratio is 0.13% which is lowest in the industry.' Read More09.05.2016:
Promotion and postings in SE (Civil) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion and postings in SE (Civil) grade on regular basis. View orders09.05.2016:
Transfer and postings in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in DE/AGM grade. View orders06.05.2016:
Transfer and postings in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued four orders of transfer and postings/modification of orders in DE/AGM grade. View orders06.05.2016:
Direct Recruitment in JTO (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued instructions for conduct of direct recruitment in JTO (T) grade from open market for the year 2015-16. View orders06.05.2016:
Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued two tenure transfer orders in SDE (T) grade. View orders06.05.2016:
Inter-circle transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders retaining one executive upto 31.3.2017. View orders05.05.2016:
CHQ writes to CMD BSNL regarding Promotion to DGM (T) on adhoc basis – purely based on seniority as per the pronouncements of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in C.A.4389/2010:
'In this regard, we would like to draw your kind attention to a DoP&T order No.14017/12/88- Estt.(RR) dated 25.3.1996 which stipulates that, “Where juniors who have completed their qualifying/eligibility service are being considered for promotion, their seniors also be considered provided they are not short of the required qualifying/eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying/eligibility service or two years whichever is less, and have successfully completed their probation period for promotion to the next higher grade along with their juniors who have already completed such qualifying/eligibility service.”' Read More05.05.2016:
Inter-circle transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued inter-circle own request transfer orders in SDE (T) grade. View orders04.05.2016:
Amendment to SDE (TF) Recruitment Rules 2002:
BSNL CO has issued an amendment allowing Chemist cadre to appear in the LDCE for promotion to SDE (TF) under 33% quota. View orders04.05.2016:
Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued a tenure transfer order and another order of temporary retention in SDE (T) grade. View orders04.05.2016:
Inter-circle transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued three orders of transfer/modification/cancellation of transfer orders in SDE (T) grade. View orders03.05.2016:
Circulation of AIBSNLOA CHQ office-bearers list:
BSNL CO has circulated the list of AIBSNLOA CHQ office-bearers elected in Kolkata AIC on 10th and 11th April 2015. View orders03.05.2016:
Central Civil Services (Leave Travel concession) Rules, 1988- Reimbursement of rail fare on LTC in respect of children of 5-12 yrs age group - Clarification :
'Several references have been received in this Department from various Ministries/ Departments seeking clarification as to whether the full fare charged by the Railways for reservation of berth for children between 5 years and 12 years shall be reimbursable while availing LTC facility.' View DoP&T Clarification03.05.2016:
Promotion to SDE (T) grade- LDCE held on 4.3.2012:
BSNL CO has issued orders promoting one executive to SDE (T) grade on the basis of LDCE held on 4.3.2012 notionally w.e.f. 30.9.2013. View orders03.05.2016:
Modification/retention in promotion and posting orders:
BSNL CO has issued orders modifying circle of posting and retaining executives in their parent circles. View orders03.05.2016:
Tenure ransfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued tenure transfer orders in SDE (T) grade, to Bihar circle. View orders02.05.2016:
Transfer and posting in SDE (T) grade- cancellation/retention/modification:
BSNL CO has issued four orders cancelling/modifying the transfer orders and retaining some executives temporarily. View orders