CHQ writes to MOSC stressing that approval of MOSC is enough for pay revision of BSNL executives:
'Thus it may be seen that there is no necessity for DoT seeking Cabinet approval for pay revision of BSNL Executives on similar circumstances and when BSNL Board has already communicated in its proposal for pay revision that the additional financial outgo will be met from its own resources.' Read More27.04.2018:
Transfer and postings in DGM (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in DGM (T) grade. View orders25.04.2018:
Meeting with Jt. General Manager (Pers):
GS met Jt GM(Pers) today and discussed the following:1. Holding of DPC for JTO to SDE and SDE to AGM/DE:
Jt Gm (Pers) informed us that a Management Committee memo has been prepared and will be submitted to Management Committee for approval in the next week. After approval, work for DPC will be started for both the cadres.2.Financial upgradation to E6 scale:
We also discussed about financial up-gradation of adhoc DGM to E6 scale and requested him to clear it at the earliest. Jt DGM (Pers) assured us that necessary action will be taken soon.3.AGM to DGM promotion:
We also requested him to take necessary action for filling up the vacant posts of DGM by giving promotion to AGM (T). Jt DGM (Pers) told us that BSNL CO is not able to issue the promotion orders due to pending of court case. However BSNL has already filed a writ petition in the High court for vacation of the stay. Once the stay is vacated, BSNL will be in a position to issue the promotion order from AGM to DGM(T).25.04.2018:
Review of extension of without voucher facility to retired employees:
BSNL CO has issued orders requesting circles to release the last two quarterly instalments for 2017-18, pending review. View orders25.04.2018:
Promotion and posting as DE/AGM on regular basis:
BSNL CO has issued orders promoting one executive to DE/AGM grade on regular basis. View orders24.04.2018:
Direct recruit DGM - field training:
BSNL CO has issued orders posting DR DGMS for 39 weeks field/on the job training. View orders24.04.2018:
Transfer and posting in SDE (T) grade - cancellation:
BSNL CO has issued orders cancelling transfer of one executive. View orders23.04.2018:
MTNL is winding up finally; here’s why:
'What has forced the government to explore the option is that MTNL’s 20-year licence fee will come up for renewal in April next year, which would require the company to pay an unaffordable Rs 11,000 crore.' Read More20.04.2018:
DPE needlessly advises DOT to get cabinet approval to relax/amend affordability clause for BSNL:
In our letter to Secretary DPE and then our submission to the Minister of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, we had drawn attention to the fact that the amendment to Presidential Order issued by DoT modifying the fitment benefit from 5% to 30% for MTNL Executives inspite of existence of affordability clause in Second PRC recommendations had only the approval of Hon’ble MOC&IT with the concurrence of Finance Wing of DoT. Therefore we feel that DPE advice to DoT to get cabinet approval for relaxation/amendment of guidelines is needless. AIBSNLOA will continue to take up the matter with DPE as well as MOSC.20.04.2018:
Imposing penalty as per bsnl cda rules 2006 in case of disproportionate assets and illegal gratification:
BSNL CVO has reiterated that the disciplinary authorities should impose penalty of Removal/Dismissal from service on the delinquent officer in the cases involving disproportionate assets or illegal gratification. View letter20.04.2018:
updation of data in erp:
BSNL CO has instructed all execcutives to keep ready necessary data for updation to be done by them in ERP. View orders20.04.2018:
Longest circle stay of SDE (E) working as EE (E) on adhoc basis:
BSNL CO has circulated the list of SDEs (E) working as EE (E) on adhoc basis with longest stay in circle and asked them to exercise option for three vacant stations. View letter20.04.2018:
Transfer and posting in AO/Sr.AO grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in AO/Sr.AO grade. View orders17.04.2018:
Transfer and posting in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in SDE (T) grade. View orders16.04.2018:
Transfer and posting in AO/Sr.AO grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings/reallotment in AO/Sr.AO grade. View orders16.04.2018:
Preparation of all india eligibility list of JTO - discrepancies observed:
BSNL CO has circulated another list pointing out discrepancies in the gradation particulars sent by circles, requesting rectification of the discrepancies. View letter16.04.2018:
Grant of immunity to the office bearers of Associations - clarifications:
BSNL CO has issued clarifications on grant of immunity to the office bearers of associations. View letter13.04.2018:
Procedure to be observed by the Departmental Promotion Committees:
Based on the model calendar for DPCs issued by DoP&T vide its letter dated 8.5.2017, BSNL CO has modifed/changed APARs to be considered in the DPC/CPC, calculation of vacancies on calendar year basis and dates of various processes/stages involved in DPC/CPC. View letter12.04.2018:
Amendment in the payment of gratuity act, 1972 - enhancement of ceiling of the payment of gratuity to the employees of CPSE:
DPE has brought to the notice of all the CPSEs, the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Act, 2018 and Ministry of Labour & Employment Notification dated 29.3.2018 enhancing the ceiling amount of gratuity payable to an employee to Twenty Lakh Rupees and indicating that the Act shall come into force from 29th March 2018. View DPE OM12.04.2018:
Child Care Leave (CCL) — Clarification:
DoP&T has issued orders clarifying that (i) An employee on CCL may be permitted to leave headquarters with the prior approval of appropriate competent authority.(ii)LTC may be availed while an employee is on CCL.
(iii)An employee on CCL may proceed on foreign travel provided clearances from appropriate competent authorities are taken in advance. View DoP&T OM
Holiday on April 14 2018:
BSNL CO has endorsed DoP&T OM published in this site on 3rd April 2018 declaring 14th April 2018 as closed holiday on account of birthday of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. View letter11.04.2018:
Leaders of Organisation of BSNL Unions and Associations meet Shri Anant Geete, Hon'ble Minister of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises:
Taking forward their efforts further in the matter of early implementation of pay revision for BSNL employees, Leaders of Organisation of BSNL Unions and Associations, Com.Rakesh Sethi GS AIBSNLOA, Com.Rana Pratap GS BEA, Com.Zile Singh GS BSNLSU, Com Manoj Dewadi and Com.P.C. Rastogi AGS, AIBSNLOA met Shri Anant Geete, Hon'ble Minister of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises today and submitted a Memorandum requesting him to direct DoT regarding revision of pay scales of BSNL employees. They explained to him that BSNL's losses was due to its implementing social obligations of Government of India by providing financially unviable service in rural and remote areas, the Government not keeping its assurance at the time of formation of BSNL that it will be compensated for these services and BSNL being compelled to make pension contribution on the maximum of the pay scale instead of on the basis of actual pay, to cite a few reasons. They pointed out that MTNL employees were given pay revision with the maximum of 30% fitment during second pay revision, inspite of existence of affordability clause then too and MTNL making losses consecutively. BSNL had added 40 million subscribers in March 2018 alone, and it was necessary to keep the morale of the employees high in order to achieve early turn around of BSNL. They requested the Minister to ensure that DPE gives positive advice to DoT in response to its letter forwarding BSNL proposal for pay revision. Hon'ble Minister said that he will forward the Memorandum to DPE for examination and necessary action. View the Memorandum11.04.2018:
Leaders of Organisation of BSNL Unions and Associations meet Shri Krupal Tumane, Hon'ble MP, Ramtek (Maharashtra):
Leaders of Organisation of BSNL Unions and Associations, Com.Rakesh Sethi GS AIBSNLOA, Com.Rana Pratap GS BEA, Com.Zile Singh GS BSNLSU, Com Manoj Dewadi and Com.P.C. Rastogi AGS, AIBSNLOA met Shri Krupal Tumane, Hon'ble MP, Ramtek (Maharashtra) today and submitted a memorandum requesting him to take up the issue of pay revision of BSNL employees with Hon;ble Minister of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises. They explained to him in detail about strategic importance of BSNL and BSNL employees cannot be denied pay revision on the plea of affordability. Since DoT has forwarded BSNL proposal for pay revision to DPE for its advice, we urged him to talk to MoHI&PE regarding this. He assured that he will take up the issue with MoHI&PE and request him to do the needful for early implementation of pay revision of BSNL employees.11.04.2018:
Transfer and postings in SDE (E) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in SDE (E) grade. View orders11.04.2018:
Promotion and postings in DGM (TF) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion and postings in DGM (TF) grade on regular basis. View orders11.04.2018:
Promotion and posting in DGM (F) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion and posting in DGM (F) grade on adhoc basis. View orders10.04.2018:
CHQ writes to Secretary DPE regarding Pay revision of BSNL Executives despite the affordability clause:
'From the amendment dated 10.5.2010 it may be seen that the fitment benefit of 30% had the approval of Hon’ble MOC&IT with the concurrence of Finance Wing of DoT. In both the occasions, MTNL making losses for several years consecutively and the Government Orders on 2nd PRC stipulating ‘affordability’ clause almost similar to the one recommended by the 3rd PRC were not a bar for MOC/DOT deciding to grant the maximum allowed fitment to MTNL executives....In view of the above, we request you to kindly advise DoT that Hon’ble MOSC is competent to approve pay revision of BSNL Executives w.e.f. 1.1.2017 as proposed by BSNL Board.' Read More10.04.2018:
CHQ writes to Secretary DoT regarding its proposal for disbursement of pension by CCAs directly in the accounts of Pensioners:
'In order that the pensioners/family pensioners are not put into unwarranted difficulties, we request that the proposal to entrust the PCCA/CCA offices with the job of disbursement of pension directly in the accounts of pensioners/family pensioners may be re-examined and withdrawn.' Read More10.04.2018:
Transfer and posting in DGM (F) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer/reallotment/cancellation in DGM (F) grade. View orders09.04.2018:
Reiteration of instructions relating to application of own merit in Direct Recruitment for appointment of Other Backward Classes:
'As per instructions issued vide this Department's OM No. 36012/2/96- Estt.(Res) dated 02.07.1997, in direct recruitments to Central Government jobs and services, the reserve category candidates who are selected on the same standard as applied to general candidates will not be adjusted against reserved vacancies.' Read More from DoP&T OM09.04.2018:
Transfer and posting in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and posting in DE/AGM grade. View orders09.04.2018:
Transfer and posting in CAO grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and posting in CAO grade. View orders09.04.2018:
Tenure transfers in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of tenure transfers in DE/AGM grade. View orders08.04.2018:
Meeting with GM (Pers):
GS along with Com. P.C.Rastogi, AGS and Com. Sanjay Vishnoi met GM (Pers) on Friday (6.4.2018) and discussed the following:(i) Granting upgradation to E6 pay scale for executives working as DGM on adhoc basis:
We told GM(Pers) that this issue is pending from 2016 but till date no action has been taken to issue necessary clarification by pers section. We told GM (Pers) that due to wrong interpretation of an earlier clarification issued by Personnel section on 25.07.20012, not only field units but also BSNL CO is not allowing financial upgradation from E5 to E6 to DGM(Adhoc). We explained that while the clarification issued by BSNL Corporate Office vide letter No.400-66/2011-Pers.I dated 25th July 2012 on applicability of Foot Note-1 under Schedules IA, IB, IC and ID of BSNL MS RR 2009 states that “Any other level executives viz. DGM and above are not eligible for consideration under the EPP as their time bound upgradation to NF grades is clearly enshrined in the BSNL MS RR-2009.” As there is no provision for DGM (Adhoc) in BSNL MS RR, it is to be taken that the term ‘DGM’ in the above clarification is to be taken as Regular DGM. The substantive grade of Adhoc DGM is to be treated as Regular STS and these executives should be given the benefit of upgradation upto E6 scale as provided in the BSNL EPP 2007. GM (Pers) immediately called AGM (Pers-Policy) and asked him about the status of the issue. AGM told him that issue was submitted to MC but till date no decision has taken by the MC. GM (Pers) has given instruction to AGM (Pers-Policy) to submit the issue once again so that clarification can be issued.(ii) Re-opening of eAPAR window for 2016-17:
We once again requested GM (Pers) for re-opening of eAPAR window for those executives who could not complete their eAPAR for the year 2016-17 due to various reasons. GM (Pers) assured us that necessary action will be taken soon.(iii) Delay in finalisation of EPP Amendment & RR (Cadre Hierarchy) and Promotion from JTO to SDE and SDE to SDE to DE:
We drew attention of GM (Pers) on this issue and enquired him about the present status of finalisation of EPP Amendment & Recruitment Rules. GM (Pers) said that necessary details, as requested have already been forwarded to DoT and BSNL is waiting for their reply so that further action may be taken. We requested GM (Pers) that as finalisation of EPP A&RR is edelayed necessary action for issue of promotion orders from JTO to SDE and SDE to DE may be taken as per our earlier discussion, since there is lot of frustration among all the executives because of delay in issue of promotion orders. We requested him that the alternate plan may be implemented immediately for holding DPCs. GM (Pers) assured that action will be taken for getting early approval from BSNL Management for the alternate plan. We also drew the attention of GM (Pers) that still some senior executives of list no 3, 4 and 5 are waiting for their promotion. Earlier these executives could not get the promotion due to some reasons but now promotion orders can be issued for these executives because presently there is no dispute in these seniority lists. GM (Pers) spoke to Jt GM (Pers) and asked him to prepare list of executives who are still working as SDE and are in list no. 3, 4 and 5. He assured us necessary will be taken on this soon.In addition, we also discussed some local issues of BSNL CO like Delay in releasing of look-on orders from SDE to DE, posting of staff in vacant posts and issue of look-on order for DE to DGM posts as number of DGM posts are lying vacant in BSNL CO. GM (Pers) assured us tht he will look in to this and issue necessary orders.
BSNL CO has issued corrigendum to its letter dated 26.3.2018. View Corrigendum06.04.2018:
Revision of pension of BSNL pensioners/family pensioners who retired prior to 10.6.2013, allowing fitment benefit of 78.2% IDA:
BSNL CO has requested the circles that the remaining pension revision cases as per 78.2% IDA fitment may be identified and sent to the concerned CCA at the earliest. View letter06.04.2018:
Refusal of promotion - implementation of guidelines:
SEA section of BSNL CO has requested circles to adhere to the instructions on the subject without fail. View letter05.04.2018:
e-APAR - Comprehensive guidelines:
BSNL CO has made it compulsory for all executives except unabsorbed ITS Group A officers to fill their APAR online w.e.f. 1.4.2018 for financial year 2017-18 onwards. View letter05.04.2018:
Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued two orders of tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade. View orders04.04.2018:
Increase in IDA w.e.f. 1.4.2018:
DPE issues orders revising IDA from from 126.9% to 127.2% w.e.f.1.4.2018. View DPE letter04.04.2018:
BSNL adds over 4 million subscribers in March:
'BSNL said that it has added more than 4 million subscribers in the month of March 2018. It has also added 1.2 million subscribers through MNP during the month.' Read More03.04.2018:
Declaration of holiday on 14th April 2018 - birthday of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar:
DoP&T has issued orders declaring 14th April 2018 as a closed holiday on account of birthday of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, for all Central Government offices including Industrial Establishments throughout India. View DoP&T letter03.04.2018:
All India Eligibility list of JTO - Discrepancies in respect of UP (E) Circle:
BSNL CO has circulated the list of JTOs in respect of whom discrepancies have been found and requested UP (E) circle to correct the discrepancies. View letter02.04.2018:
Grant of vigilance clearance for passport:
After reviewing the existing guidelines, DoP&T has laid down fresh guidelines for grant of vigilance clearance to the Government Servant for obtaining Indian Passport. View DoP&T letter