Furnishing of information for up-dating data in connection with promotion to the grade of STS (CAO/AGM) in Telecom Finance:
BSNL CO has asked the circles/units to to intimate the date on which the executives mentioned in the Annexure-A have taken over the charge of the post of Accounts Officer on regular basis, to initiate the required process in respect of executives who shall fulfill the eligibility criteria. View letter30.04.2014:
Missing APARs in connection with regularisation/promotion to STS on regular basis in Telecom Finance:
BSNL CO has circulated the List of Missing APARs in connection with regularisation/promotion to STS on regular basis in Telecom Finance as on 24-04-2014. View list29.04.2014:
Meeting with GM (FP):
GS met GM (FP) and discussed the following issues:1.Promotion to DGM (Adhoc):
GM (FP) informed us that the CPC will start its work on 5th May 2014 and promotion orders are likely to be issued in the second week of May 2014.2.Promotion to CAO grade:
We requested him to initiate action for holding CPC as around 175 posts were lying vacant. He informed us that SEA section was awaiting approval of BSNL Board for re-distribution of STS posts in Accounts and Finance stream among the seniority and DR quotas as has been done in Telecom Operations stream.3. Promotion to AO grade:
GM (FP) informed us that ACR/APAR for five years (2008-09 to 2012-13) and VC has already been called for so that DPC can be held at a short span of time. He said that although the last date of receipt of the particulars is 30th April 2014, many circles have not yet sent the details. Circle Secretaries may ensure that the details are sent early.29.04.2014:
Meeting with Addl.GM (CP&M):
GS met the Addl.GM (CP&M) who is presently heading the committee on restructuring of Hindi cadres and requested him to finalise the recommendations of the committee early. Addl.GM (CP&M) said that a meeting of the committee has been scheduled for 30th April 2014 and assured that all efforts will be made to finalise the recommendations.29.04.2014:
Meeting with Sr.GM (Pers):
GS met Sr.GM (Pers) yesterday and requested him to take an early decision on the requests of DEs for retention in their parent circles. Sr.GM (Pers) persisted with his earlier stand that a decision will be taken only after completion of the process of General Elections. We said that a huge number of DE posts was lying vacant in all circles and by holding DPC early and filling up these posts, the shortage can be addressed and these DEs can be retained. Sr.GM (Pers) said that he was unhappy that the executives wanted to remain in the same place and do not want to go out of their circle even at the time of promotion. We have conveyed our contention that had the Management not decided to keep 20% posts vacant in the circles, all these executives, including those who have now joined in other circles could have been accommodated in their parent circles and insisted that the problem can be solved by holding DPC for filling the remaining vacancies.29.04.2014:
Inter-circle transfer orders in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued Inter-circle transfer orders in DE/AGM grade. View orders29.04.2014:
Tenure transfers in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer orders to DEs/AGMs who have completed their tenure. View orders28.04.2014:
Guidelines on treatment of effect of penalties on promotion — role of Departmental Promotion Committee:
'All the administrative authorities in the Ministries/Department are advised to place relevant records, including chargesheet, if any, issued to the officer concerned, penalty imposed, etc., before the DPC/ACC who will decide the suitability of officer for promotion keeping in view the general service records of the officer including the circumstances leading to the imposition of the chargesheet or penalty imposed. If such an officer is found suitable, promotion will be given effect after the currency of the penalty is over.' View DoP&T circular28.04.2014:
Regular promotion to DE grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders promoting three executives to DE grade on regular basis. View orders28.04.2014:
LICE for promotion to PA grade in BSNL CO - declaration of results:
BSNL CO has declared the results of the LICE held on 22-12-2013 for promotion from Stenographers grade 'D' to Personal Assistant grade in BSNL Corporate Office. View letter27.04.2014:
We plan to offer 4G services by March 2015 - BSNL's Anupam Shrivastava:
'We are still EBITDA positive and not making operational loss. Most of the losses are coming from the depreciation of huge assets, which we had taken from the Government. We have prepared a plan and we see that by 2018, we should be in a position to even overhaul the depreciation loss and be in a positive situation.' Read More25.04.2014:
Preparatory work for ensuing CPC for promotion from Adhoc DGM (T)/Regular DE/AGM to DGM on regular basis:
BSNL CO has called for ACR/APAR for the period from 2007-08 to 2012-13 along with screening committee report towards Preparatory work for ensuing CPC for promotion from Adhoc DGM (T)/Regular DE/AGM to DGM on regular basis. View letter24.04.2014:
CHQ writes to Sr.GM (Pers) requesting filling up DE vacancies and retention of those who were promoted in July 2013:
'But to our disappointment, Management has not initiated the process of holding CPC, citing court cases. It is pertinent to mention here that there is no stay from any court for conduct of CPC. Instead of waiting to know the outcome of the court cases, Management should take a decision either way and kick-start the process of conducting CPC.' Read More24.04.2014:
Meeting with Addl.GM (Pers):
GS met Addl GM(Pers) yesterday and discussed the following:(i) Extension/permanent Retention of executives of Chennai, Tamilnadu and Karnataka Telecom Circles:
In view of report from one of these circles that the circle administration was contemplating to relieve these executives on 30th April 2014, we requested Addl. GM(Pers) to convey to the circles about the decion already taken not to relieve them till the completion of the process of General Elections to Lok Sabha. Addl GM (pers) informed us that oral / telephonic instructions have been already given to the concerned circles not to relieve these executives till a decision is taken by Corporate Office in this regard.(ii) Holding of DPC for promotion from SDE to DE:
We requested Addl GM(Pers) to initiate action for conduct of DPC to fill up more than 2500 posts of DEs laying vacant. Addl GM(Pers) informed us that due to court cases personnel section is not able to hold the DPC. We told Addl GM (Pers) that presently there is no stay by any court which prevents Personnel section holding the DPC. Addl GM(Pers) said that there was a status quo order on the seniority of 147 Executives by Hon'ble Supreme court of India and there was no clarity as to whether these executives could be considered for further promotion. He also informed us that an IA will be filed within one or two days and efforts will be made to get direction before closing of Supreme Court for summer vacation. Promotion from SDE to DE Adhoc as well as promotion to DE Regular and DGM (Adhoc) grades depend on the disposal of the IA. However he said that process of holding DPC for regularisation of Adhoc DGM (T) is being initiated.(iii) In respect of promotion from JTO to SDE,
Addl GM(pers) said that preparatory work for holding DPC is in progress and holding of DPC will depend on the outcome of the case in Hon'ble High Court of Kerala, which will be next heard on 26.5.2014.24.04.2014:
Review of Rules 32, 33 and 56 to 82 of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972- suggestions called for:
DoP&PW has proposed to review Rules 32, 33 and 56 to 82 of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 and has called for suggestions/comments from all the stakeholders. View letter24.04.2014:
Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer orders to the SDEs (T) who have completed their tenure and to their substitutes. View orders23.04.2014:
‘BSNL has already started turning around’ - CMD:
'Business Line asked the outgoing chief to give his views on the future of the company. Excerpts.' Read More23.04.2014:
Inter-circle transfer in SDE (T) grade
BSNL CO has issued inter-circle transfer orders in SDE (T) grade. View orders22.04.2014:
Empanelment of hospital at Chennai and Kolkata:
In order to redress the difficulties faced by employees of non-territorial circles working in Chennai and Kolkata and to maintain uniformity and single authority for empanelment of hospitals in Chennai and Kolkata, BSNL CO has directed that hereinafter CGMs of Chennai and Kolkata will empanel the hospitals in the concerned city and the other units including Tamilnadu circle in the former case and West Bengal circle in the latter case will enter into separate agreement with these hospitals for extension of credit facility to the employees. View letter22.04.2014:
Tenure transfer in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer orders to the DEs/AGMs who have completed their tenure in tenure circles and to their substitutes. View orders22.04.2014:
Department of Space waives bandwidth charges payable by BSNL:
'The BSNL leadership recently told Farooqui that providing coverage in Andaman & Nicobar islands, in particular, is "not remunerative" due to the huge mismatch in coverage costs and revenue. For instance, though the telco spent Rs 122.18 crore towards operations in 2012-13, it earned only Rs 48.16 crore as revenue. Nearly 54% of such annual cost was towards satellite transponder charges.' Read More21.04.2014:
Presentation by BSNL Management on proposed subsidiary tower company:
As reported earlier by us, BSNL Management made a Presentation to all Unions and Associations on 'Subsidiary Tower Company' today. GS and AGS (HQ) attended the meeting on behalf of AIBSNLOA. Making the presentation, GM (Infra) said that BSNL is having more than 60,000 towers and started leasing out the towers to other operators in 2009. But around 3000 towers alone have been leased out till date, aggregating to 5% of total towers, and revenue generated has not been satisfactory. Due to lack of co-ordination between field units and Corporate Office, there has been no improvement in the tower leasing business. The consultant KPMG engaged by BSNL submitted its recommendation in August 2013 that formation of a separate Tower Company will serve the purpose of optimum revenue generation through leasing of towers. Then BSNL sent the proposal to DoT and was later considered by the Group of Ministers which has approved the proposal. Cabinet approval however is yet to be taken. KPMG has, also recommended that after formation of subsidiary tower company, BSNL Management can take a decision to run this company along with a Strategic Partner who will do O&M and S&M work for BSNL. AIBSNLOA and all the other participating unions and associations voiced their protest that BSNL has not taken them into confidence before a decision was taken and saw the proposal for separate tower company as an indirect way of disinvestment in the name of strategic partnership. We conveyed that there was no necessity for forming a separate company and the task of successful leasing of towers can be achieved by forming a separate business vertical similar to CM, CFA etc. GM (SR) who had organised the presentation said that he will convey our feelings and observations to the Management. AIBSNLOA will submit its response in detail in a few days.21.04.2014:
BSNL endorses DPE orders revising IDA w.e.f. 1.4.2014:
BSNL has endorsed the DPE orders revising IDA from 90.5% to 88.4% w.e.f. 1.4.2014. View letter17.04.2014:
CHQ writes to Sr.GM (Pers) on violation of transfer policy:
'We therefore request you to kindly issue instructions to all Territorial Circles to maintain a single combined long stay list in each grade for the Territorial Circles and the other non-territorial circles falling within its jurisdiction for the purpose of inter-circle & tenure transfers.' Read More17.04.2014:
Reporting and Reviewing structure for Civil, Electrical Executives:
BSNL has endorsed the DoPT letter dated 4.3.2014 (already published in this site on 4.3.2014) for information, guidance and necessary action in the cadre of JTO (Telecom). View letter16.04.2014:
Consolidated instructions on inter-se-seniority between Direct Recruits and promotees:
BSNL has endorsed the DoPT letter dated 4.3.2014 (already published in this site on 4.3.2014) for information, guidance and necessary action in the cadre of JTO (Telecom). View letter16.04.2014:
Regular promotion to CAO grade - calling of CR for 2012-13:
BSNL CO has circulated the list of eligible Sr.AOs/CAOs (Adhoc) under consideration for regular promotion to CAO grade and has called for CRs for 2012-13. View letter15.04.2014:
Adhoc promotion and posting in SE (Electrical) grade:
BSNL CO has issued adhoc promotion and posting orders in SE (E) grade. View orders15.04.2014:
Transfer and Posting in SE (Electrical) grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer and posting orders in SE (E) grade View orders14.04.2014:
BSNL to start technical varsity, offer engineering and management courses:
'"BSNL has sufficient infrastructure to meet AICTE guidelines for engineering and management education. We also have sufficient supporting staff to meet norms as laid down by UGC. Our staff is working on it. We should be able to send it for formal approval in 6-8 months," BSNL Director (Consumer Mobility) Anupam Shrivastava told.' Read More11.04.2014:
Details of departmental JAO - 2010 batch:
BSNL CO has circulated the details of departmental JAOs 2010, calling for omissions/error/modifications in respect of name, HRMS number etc., for finalising seniority/gradation list. View list09.04.2014:
Lok Sabha Elections 2014 - Consolidated Analysis of Criminal Background, Financial, Education, Gender and other details of Candidates - Phase 1 to 5:
To get information on candidates/MP/MLA from your constituency, send SMS MYNETA07.04.2014:
Preparatory exercise for DPC under seniority quota - Furnishing current vigilance status:
BSNL CO has called for fresh vigilance status of the eligible JTOs as per All India eligibility list circulated on 30.10.2012. View letter07.04.2014:
Promotion of JTOS to the grade of SDE (Telecom) against 33% Competiiive quota - modification in serial numbers after change/correction in eligibility year in the result:
BSNL CO has circulated the modified serial number of 11 JTOs promoted under 33% competitive quota due to change/ correction in eligibility year. View letter04.04.2014:
CHQ writes to CMD requesting diversion of MT quota posts to seniority quota in Civil/Electrical streams:
'The possibility of recruiting arrd appointing Executive Engineers in these streams under MT quota is also very less in the near future. The sma-ll number of vacancies under seniority quota has resulted in a situation where the chances of SDEs in these streams becoming Executive Engineers are very remote. This is one of the reasons for the conflict of interest between graduate and non-graduate SDEs in these streams.' Read More04.04.2014:
Presentation on subsdiary Tower company:
BSNL CO has proposed to make a presentation to all unions/associations on 'Subsidiary Tower Company', on 21st April 2014. View letter04.04.2014:
LDCE for promotion to AE (Arch) - Declaration of result:
BSNL CO has declared the result of the LDCE for promotion to AE (Arch) under 33% quota. View orders04.04.2014:
Posting on promotion as DE Adhoc - retention:
BSNL CO has issued orders extending retention of one Executive upto 30.9.2014. View orders03.04.2014:
Meeting with Sr.GM (Pers):
GS met Sr.GM (Pers) today and discussed the following issues:1.Further retention of DEs/AGMs who have been retained upto 31.3.2014:
Sr.GM (Pers) informed us that no decision will be taken on this issue till the General Elections are over, ie. upto May end. CGMs will not be asked to relieve these officers now. After May, a general policy decision will be taken on the requests for further retention.2.Holding of CPC for filling up DE vacancies:
Sr.GM (Pers) said that the process will depend on the outcome of the court case on seniority lists No.6 & 7.3.Holding of CPC for filling up DGM (T) vacancies:
Sr.GM informed us that BSNL is filing an IA in the Apex Court (in the 147 case) with the plea to allow promotion of eligible Executives.4.Ordering inter-circle/tenure transfers as per combined long-stay list of territorial and the non-territorial circles:
We expressed our concern that Executives with longer stay in West Bengal Circle are being spared while Executives with lesser stay in Kolkata Telephones are disturbed time and again. Sr.GM (Pers) categorically stated that he would ensure that the stipulations in the transfer policy are followed strictly and that he would talk to the West Bengal administration in this regard. He requested the help of the association in pointing out any discrepancy in the long-stay lists.03.04.2014:
Revision of IDA w.e.f. 1.4.2014:
DPE has issued orders revising IDA from 90.5% to 88.4% w.e.f. 1.4.2014. View orders03.04.2014:
Transfer and Posting in SDE (C) grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer and posting orders in SDE (Civil) grade. View orders03.04.2014:
Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer orders to the SDEs who have complete their tenure and to their substitutes. View orders02.04.2014:
Second amendment to BSNL employees gratuity trust rules:
BSNL has issued second amendment to BSNL Employees Gratuity Trust Rules, clarifying 'continuous service' and related issues under Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. View amendments View Rules after amendment02.04.2014:
Extension of CGHS facilities to retired BSNL employees:
BSNL CO endorses DoT letter dated 20.2.2014, allowing willing BSNL employees to avail CGHS facilities by opting by complying with the requisite formalities. View letter01.04.2014:
Guidelines for providing certain facilities in respect of persons with disabilities who are already employed in Government for efficient performance of their duties:
DoP&T has issued guidelines to provide certain facilities/amenities to the persons with disabilities. View guidelines01.04.2014:
Promotion to the grade of JAO of candidates who got minimum qualifying marks in JAO Part-II LICE against 40% quota but not promoted due to not coming in the merit:
'The matter has been examined in detail and it has been decided by the Competent Authority that the request of the officials who are not coming in merit of the vacancies notified for the exam for promotion and to post them to nearby Circle or deficient Circles cannot be acceded for reasons given below:' Read More01.04.2014:
Appointment of "Junior Accounts Officer on probation" under 40% quota / 10% quota consequent on completion of 4 weeks of Phase-I induction training:
BSNL CO has issued appointment orders to 39 successful candidates under 40% quota / 10% quota of JAO examination who are undergoing Phase-I induction training at NATFM Hyderabad. View orders01.04.2014:
Regular promotion to DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued promotion and posting orders in DE/AGM grade for five Executives on regular basis. View orders01.04.2014:
Tenure transfers in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer orders to those DEs/AGMs who have completed their tenure and to their substitutes. View orders