Organisation of BSNL Unions and Associations continues its efforts to achieve early pay revision:
Continuing their efforts to impress upon MOSC and keep pressure on DOT for early implementation of 3rd pay revision for BSNL Executives, leaders of Organisation of BSNL Unions and Associations - Com.Rakesh Sethi, GS AIBSNLOA, Com. Rana Pratap GS BEA and Com.S.P.Sharma, GS BSNLWRU - met five Members of Parliament, Shri Suresh Angadi, Chairman House committee Loksabha, Shri Sanjay Jaiswal, MP from Pachim Champaran (Bihar), Shri Rajesh Verma, MP from Sitapur (UP), Shri Ajay Tamta, MP from Almora (Uttrakhand) and Shri L.N.Yadav MP from Sagar (MP) separately on 27.3.2018.A memorandum was submitted to all the Hon'ble MPs, explaining how BSNL is fulfilling the social objectives of Government of India by providing services in rural and remote areas where no other service provider is ready to go, thereby incurring losses; how BSNL is implementing the Digital India Programme: how BSNL alone could rise to the occasion whenever natutal calamities occured and about BSNL's strategic importance of keeping the telecom services affordable to the customers. The MPs were requested to take up this issue with the Govt as well as with the MOSC. All the MPs assured us that they will not only strongly recommend our demand of implementation of 3rd pay revision in BSNL but also try to meet MOSC personally and request him to look into the issue seriously and find ways to implement it without further delay.
Shri Suresh Angadi, Chairman House Committee Loksabha had asked his PS to make necessary arrangement for the meeting with us in his office at Parliament House New Delhi. He listened to us very patiently and assured us that he will write to DoT and will also talk to Hon'ble MOSC on this issue.
Shri Sanjay Jaiswal, MP listened to us with intent and told us that he knew the importance of BSNL in telecom area and that he also wanted implementation of pay revision early. He assured us that he will raise this issue with the DoT and write a letter to MOSC for early implementation of pay revision in BSNL.
Shri Rajesh Verma, MP wanted to know whether this organisation is raising this issue with all the MPs. We told him that this issue is very much important for the employees of BSNL and for the survival of BSNL. To keep BSNL employees motivated, implementation of 3rd pay revision in BSNL is vital and therefore we are trying to meet maximum number of MPs. Shri Rajesh Verma MP appreciated our efforts and assurded us that he will strongly recommend the case to Hon'ble MOSC and also try to meet him in this regard.
Shri Ajay Tamta, MP listened to us with focus and told us that he will strongly recommend our case for early implementation of pay revision to Hon'ble MOSC. Shri L. N. Yadav, MP told us that he was very well aware about the importance of PSUs he always supported the PSUs and opposed privatisation of PSUs. He also emphasized that to keep the employees motivated, it is very much important that their pay revision takes place in time. He assured us that he will make all possible efforts so that employees of BSNL get pay revision early. View Photographs
Increase in IDA w.e.f. 1.4.2018:
According to calculations based on All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial workers for December 2017 (286), January 2018 (288) and February 2018 (287), IDA will increase w.e.f. 1.4.2018 by 0.3% from 126.9% to 127.2%.27.03.2018:
Shri Pradeep Tamta MP writes to MOSC on pay revision issue:
Hon'ble Member of Parliament Shri Pradeep Tamta, whom we met on 21.3.2018, has forwarded our representation to Hon'ble MOSC, requesting that the matter be examined thoroughly so that the employees of BSNL get justice without any further delay. View letter27.03.2018:
GS meets members/executives at ALTTC Ghaziabad:
GS visited ALTTC Ghaziabad last week and had interactions with members/Executives of ALTTC Ghaziabad and ERP Centre. Com.Shesh Pal, Circle Secretary was present. GS explained the present status of various issues like 3rd Pay revision, proposed EPP Amendment & RR, status of court cases and stalemate in holding of DPC for promotion to various cadres. He also answered queries raised by the Executives present.27.03.2018:
Declaration of results of JAO DR examinations held in November 2017:
BSNL CO has published the circle-wise merit list of provisionally selected candidates. View letter27.03.2018:
Preparation of all india eligibility list for jto - discrepancies:
BSNL CO has circulated details of discrepancies noticed in the data sent by circles and has requested the circles to correct the discrepancies. View letter26.03.2018:
Meeting with Director (PSU), DoT:
GS and Com.Sanjay Vishnoi met Director (PSU) today and enquired about the present status of the matter of pay revision of BSNL Executives. Director (PSU) informed us that the proposal of BSNL has been sent to DPE seeking its advice. We informed him that when we met Director (DPE) in the first week of November 2017 he agreed that BSNL Executives deserve the pay revision inspite of the affordability clause and assured us that DPE will favourably consider the case if recommended by DoT. We requested Director (PSU)/DOT that DoT should send specific recommendations on the issue. Director (PSU) said, now that the process has been initiated, appropriate decision will be taken after receiving the advice from DPE.26.03.2018:
Opening of offices on Holidays - 29th and 30th March 2018:
BSNL CO has issued a clarification that all offices need not remain open on 29th and 30th March 2018, but the CGMS must ensure that there should be unhindered commercial activities during holidays. View clarification22.03.2018:
Leaders of Organisation of BSNL Unions and Associations meet Members of Parliament:
Leaders of Organisation of BSNL Unions and Associations, met Shri Pradeep Tamta, Hon'ble MP, Rajya Sabha from Uttarakhand yesterday and submitted a Memorandum in respect of Implementation of 3rd pay revision in BSNL. Hon'ble MP listened to our views and assured us that he will take up the matter with Hon'ble MOSC so that of 3rd pay revision is implemented in BSNL at the earliest. Later they met Shri Dharmendra Kumar Kashyap, Hon'ble MP, Aonla Constituency and submitted the Memorandum to him requesting him to impress upon the Hon'ble MOSC for early implementation of third pay revision. Hon'ble MP wanted us to explain the issue in detail and then assured us that not only he will write to Hon'ble MOSC but also will meet him in person and urge early action on the issue. View photos22.03.2018:
Opening of offices on Holidays - 29th and 30th March 2018:
BSNL CO has issued orders for keeping all BSNL field offices open on 29th and 30th March 2018 for achieving all physical and financial targets for the financial year 2017-18. View orders22.03.2018:
Transfer and postings in AO/Sr.AO grade - cancellation and re-allotment:
BSNL CO has issued orders cancelling the transfer for one executive and reallotting another executive to a different circle. View orders21.03.2018:
Provisional eligibility list for promotion to DGM (F) on regular basis:
BSNL CO has circulated the provisional eligibility list of DGMs (F) who have completed 4 years service on adhoc basis and asked Circles to submit correct details after removing discrepancies, if any. View letter21.03.2018:
Transfer and postings in JAO grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in JAO grade. View orders21.03.2018:
Regular promotion from JTO (C) to SDE (C) - calling of VC & APAR:
BSNL CO has circulated the details of VC/APAR received and has asked the circles to VC/APAR of remaining Executives. View letter20.03.2018:
Relieving of AO/Sr.AO:
BSNL CO has issued orders relieving the AOs/Sr.AOs temporarily retained upto 31.3.2018. View orders19.03.2018:
Applicability of BSNL letter dated 27.9.2013:
BSNL CO has clarified that the clarification dated 27.9.2013 is not applicable to cases of relieving or assumption of charge/joining on promotion prior to 18.1.2007. View orders19.03.2018:
Transfer and posting in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of tenure transfers in DE/AGM grade. View orders19.03.2018:
Preparation of all india eligibility list for jto:
BSNL CO has requested the circles which have not yet sent gradation particulars of JTOs, to send the same at the earlliest. View letter19.03.2018:
Transfer and posting in DE/AGM grade - modification:
BSNL CO has issued orders modifying circle of posting for one Executive. View orders16.03.2018:
Transfer and posting/reallotment in AO/SR.AO grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and posting/reallotment in AO/Sr.AO grade. View orders16.03.2018:
Transfer and posting in DGM (T) grade - retention/modification:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and posting/modification/retention in DGM (T) grade. View orders16.03.2018:
Transfer and posting in SDE (T) grade - cancellation:
BSNL CO has issued orders cancelling the transfer of one executive in SDE (T) grade. View orders16.03.2018:
Transfer and posting in DE/AGM grade - cancellation:
BSNL CO has issued orders cancelling the transfer of one executive in DE/AGM grade. View orders15.03.2018:
Method of membership verificaion for granting recognition to Unions/Associations of BSNL employees:
BSNL CO has proposed membership verification by check-off system in the future. View letter15.03.2018:
Lok Sabha passes bill to enable govt to double tax-free gratuity to Rs 20 lakh:
'After the passage of the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill in the Rajya Sabha, the government would be able to enhance the ceiling of tax-free gratuity to Rs 20 lakh from existing Rs 10 lakh for employee under the Payment of Gratuity Act.' Read More15.03.2018:
Transfer and posting in DGM (F) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and posting/retention in DGM (F) grade. View orders15.03.2018:
Transfer and posting in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and posting/modification in DE/AGM grade. View orders14.03.2018:
Extension of benefits to Direct Recruit JE also selected as JTO (T) through GATE:
BSNL CO clarified that such JEs who have been appointed as JTOs, may be paid salary of the previous post during their pre-appointment training in JTO (T) cadre. View letter09.03.2018:
Structure/size of the Executives' bodies in non-territorial circles:
BSNL CO has called for details of number of bodies and executives each such body represents - association-wise in Non-territorial circles. View letter09.03.2018:
Handling of investigation/departmental action in non-vigilance cases:
CVO BSNL has issued instructions that Vigilance Units should not investigate/initiate departmental action in cases of administrative nature having no vigilance angle. View letter07.03.2018:
Meeting with GM (Pers):
GS along with Com.P.C.Rastogi, AGS and Com.Sanjay Vishnoi met GM (Pers) today and discussed the following issues:1. Early implementation of Executive Promotion Policy Amendment & RR:
GM (Pers) said that some details sought by the Government Director in the BSNL Board are being furnished and efforts will be made for early decision by the Board. We requested that if Board approval is likely to be delayed, serious efforts should be taken to hold DPCs for promotion to various grades since large number of executives are retiring every month without getting their due promotion. GM (Pers) said alternate plans for holding DPC keeping in mind the court judgments are in place but he hoped that EPP A&RR will be approved by the Board at the earliest and will be implemented.2. Action on recent Court Judgments:
GM (Pers) said that decision has already been taken in respect of '147' case after discussion with concerned sections including Legal and instructions have been given to DPC Cell. Discussion on '206' case has commenced and decision will be taken at the earliest.3.Cancellation of some transfer orders:
We requested that representations from our members for cancellation of transfer orders be considered early. GM (Pers) has assured to consider the representations.07.03.2018:
Meeting with GM (SR):
GS along with Com.P.C.Rastogi, AGS and Com.Sanjay Vishnoi met GM (SR) today and handed over copy of the letter addressed to Director (HR) and requested that the proposal to reduce ceiling limit on outdoor medical claim and to withdraw 'without voucher' facility to retired employees residing in CGHS areas be dropped forthwith. We emphasized that the cost of medical treatment has risen manifold and reducing the limit will defeat the purpose of the scheme itself. GM (SR) agreed to discuss with the concerned sections for re-examining the proposal.07.03.2018:
Meeting with GM (FP):
GS met GM (FP) yesterday and requested early issue of transfer orders for those who have completed two years. GM (FP) said the case is under process.07.03.2018:
CHQ writes to Director (HR) requesting dropping of proposal to reduce annual outdoor ceiling limit of medical reimbursement:
'We are surprised by the proposal as only two months back orders were issued to include 78.2% fitment for calculating the annual ceiling for outdoor treatment with voucher upto 23 days w.e.f. 1.4.2018. Therefore, the proposal to reduce the ceiling to 12 days w.e.f. the same date does not appear to be a well thought out one. The proposal to bring down the ceiling by 50% will put the employees to great difficulties, striking at the root of the Medical reimbursement scheme.' Read More07.03.2018:
Longest circle tenure list in SDE (E) grade - disposal of representations:
Disposing of the representations in respect of long stay tenure transfers, BSNL CO has directed the Executives who have not yet submitted their option for postings to submit their options within 7 days. View letter07.03.2018:
Retention of original certificates in respect of directly recruited JTO/JE etc in BSNL:
BSNL CO has clarified that retention of original documents for a period of 2 years or till the date of confirmation should not be insisted upon and the same is not permissible. View clarification05.03.2018:
Refund of security deposit for declined DR candidates - clarification:
BSNL CO has clarified that the security deposit of Rs.5000 may be refunded to all the direct recruited candidates who decline their candidature after attending the pre-recruitment formalities but before joining induction training. View clarification05.03.2018:
Transfer and postings in DE/AGM grade - cancellation & retention:
BSNL CO has issued orders cancellation/retention in DE/AGM grade. View orders05.03.2018:
Transfer and postings in SDE (TF) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in SDE (TF) grade. View orders05.03.2018:
Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of tenure transfers/cancellation in SDE (T) grade. View orders01.03.2018:
Transfer and posting in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders cancelling the transfer of one Executive. View orders01.03.2018:
Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of tenure transfer/modification in SDE (T) grade. View orders