Revision of SDE (T) seniority lists 6 & 7:
It is reliably learnt that DoT has given clearance to BSNL for revising SDE (T) seniority lists 6 & 7 based on the recent Supreme Court judgment.31.03.2015:
Increase in IDA w.e.f. 1.4.2015:
According to calculations based on All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial workers for December 2014 (253), January (254) and February 2015 (253), IDA is to increase by 0.2% w.e.f. 1.4.2015 from 100.3% to 100.5%31.03.2015:
Transfer and Postings in Accounts Officer grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer and posting orders in Accounts Officer grade. View orders31.03.2015:
Preparation of All India Eligibility List of JTOs:
BSNL CO has sent a reminder to circles which have not yet sent the required information for preparation of All India Eligibility List of JTOs for promotion to SDE (T) under seniority quota. View letter31.03.2015:
Allotment of Staff Quarters - Ladies Pool:
BSNL CO has conveyed the approval of the competent authority for 2% quota for Ladies Pool under each category of quarters. View letter30.03.2015:
Discrepancy in BSNL MS RR in respect of SDE grade of Civil/Electrical/Architecture wing in BSNL - Denial of promotion to EE grade in respect of non-graduates - DoT issues orders vindicating our stand:
While repeatedly taking up the issue of discrpeancy in BSNL MS RR in respect of SDE grade of Civil/Electrical/Architecture wing in BSNL, denying promotion to EE grade in respect of non-graduates, through our letters dated 29.5.2013, 26.7.2013 and 28.3.2014, we had pointed out a Principal CAT judgment on 26.4.2013 that the applicants in the OA may be considered for grant of the benefit in terms of Government of India Instructions dated 26.05.1977 by which diploma in Engineering with ten years technical experience has been recognized as equivalent to degree in Engineering. [View CHQ letter dated 28.3.2014] DoT challenged the judgment of PCAT in High Court of Delhi. Delhi High Court dismissed the appeal on 5.8.2014. Now DoT has issued orders cancelling its orders dated 20.7.2012 and allowing the applicants being considered for grant of the benefit in terms of Government of India instructions dated 26.5.1977 by which diploma in Engineering with ten years technical experience has been recognized as equivalent to degree in Engineering, vindicating our stand. Although the case before PCAT was related to withdrawal of benefit of second ACP scheme, in response to consultation by DoT in the light of the Delhi High court order, DoP&T has stated that, "Further if the order of the Hon’ble High Court is complied, it has application on normal promotion cases also." View DoT letter29.03.2015:
General Secretary to attend meeting at Lucknow:
A meeting has been organised by UP East circle at Amantran, Lucknow on 30.3.2015 at 1200 Hrs. General Secretary will address the meeting. All, irrespective of membership, are invited to attend the meeting.27.03.2015:
Guidelines for grant of sanction for prosecution:
DoP&T has reiterated that Supreme Court guidelines for grant of sanction for prosecution need to be complied upon. View letter27.03.2015:
Revision of pension / family pension of pre-2007 retirees BSNL IDA pensioners / family pensioners, who retired prior to 01.01.2007 and post 2007 BSNL IDA pensioners / family pensioners, who retired between 01.01.2007 and 09.06.2013:
BSNL CO has called for information regarding the number of pre-2007 pensioners as well as pensioners who retired during 01.01.2007 to 09.06.2013 cadre/grade-wise as required by DoT. View letter27.03.2015:
Appointment in BSNL under Rule-37- preparation Service Book:
BSNL CO has circulated the names of 15 officers who have been appointed in BSNL under Rule 37, for preparation of service book. View letter26.03.2015:
Transfer and Posting in SDE (Civil) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and posting in SDE (Civil) grade. View orders25.03.2015:
BSNL life time plan with auto validity extension launched:
BSNL has launched Life Time Plan with auto validity extension at lowest plan charge of Rs.8/- with validity of 180 days. View press release25.03.2015:
DPC for promotion to SDE (T) under seniority quota - furnishing of fresh VC:
BSNL CO has requested all Circle Heads to arrange to furnish fresh VC of JTOs included in the All India Eligibility List circulated on 20.2.2015 to Corporate Office latest by 6.4.2015. View letter25.03.2015:
Spectrum auction ends - Government garners around Rs 1.10 lakh crore:
India's biggest telecom spectrum auction ended today after 19 days of fierce bidding that fetched about Rs 1.10 lakh crore to the government. "The auction has concluded," an official source told PTI. The auction for airwaves in four bands ended after 115 rounds of bidding, a source said. The total value of bids stood at Rs 1,09,874 crore. The DoT will disclose details of the result and names of successful bidders after the Supreme Court's permission as a case is pending before it. While Idea, Airtel, Vodafone and Reliance Communications participated in the auction mainly to defend their existing spectrum holding, Reliance Jio, Tata Teleservices, Telewings (Uninor) and Aircel participated to buy additional spectrum.(PTI)24.03.2015:
Declaration of holiday on 14th April 2015 - Birthday of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar:
BSNL has circulated DoP&T order dated 19.3.2015 declaring 14th April 2015 as closed holiday on account of Birthday of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. View circular24.03.2015:
Data purification in respect of Account & Finance personnel:
'The desired information has not been received from most of the Circles/Metro Districts/Units (Except a few) even after lapse of a period of two months. Due to non receipt of the same the work relating to the data purification, preparation and circulation of gradation lists of various cadres could not been completed by this office.' Read More22.03.2015:
CHQ Circular on All India Conference:
'All Circle Secretaries are requested to ensure that Quota is paid by all branches to all levels upto March 2015. CHQ quota may be paid to CHQ through Indian Overseas Bank, Nungambakkam Branch, Chennai - A/c No. 018301000034379, IFSC Code: IOBA0000183, in the name AIBSNLOA and the details of quota sent may be intimated to CHQ Finance Secretary Com.V.Gurumurthy (Mobile: 09868141819) through his email: Branches/Circles can send resolutions for adoption in the AIC. These may be sent as soft copy to General Secretary in his email: gsaibsnloa before 5th April 2015. Similarly proposal for amendments to the Constitution may be sent to the above email ID before 5th April 2015.' Read More22.03.2015:

In a meeting held on 13.3.2015 at Meerut, Com. Radhey Shyam Sharma AO has been elected as Circle Secretary and Com.Rajendra Prasad, ADT as Circle Finance Secretary, filling up the vacant posts. Large number of executives attended the meeting. In the recent past, GS has been receiving mails from nook and corner of the country, appreciating the stand and activities of AIBSNLOA on various issues. A few such comments also appear in the Suggestion Box. There has been a flurry of activities recently with members from AIBSNLEA joining AIBSNLOA in various circles. UP West is no exception.20.03.2015:
Meeting with Addl.GM (Pers):
GS met Addl.GM (Pers) yesterday and discussed the following issues:1.Promotion from DE to DGM (T) grade:
We requested that the DPC for promotion to DGM (T) be held and promotion orders issued early since Supreme Court decision in favour of following Rule 206 has already been received. Addl. GM (Pers) informed us that promotion orders can be issued only to those DEs/AGMs who had qualified in 1985 as DPC in respect of these executives has already been completed. We requested him to ensure that orders are issued at the earliest.2.Promotion from JTO to SDE (T):
We requested Addl.GM (Pers) to ensure that promotion orders are issued without much delay as and when the status quo order by Kerala High Court is got modified. Addl.GM (Pers) assured us that all efforts will be made to issue the promotion orders immediately after the interim order is vacated.3.Filling up DE vacancies arising due to foregoing of promotion:
We requested that a large number of vacancies have arisen due to foregoing of promotion by hundreds of executives. Addl.GM (Pers) said that in respect of Supreme Court orders regarding seniority lists 6 & 7, DoT's advice/approval has been sought for. Appropriate action will be taken after receipt of advice from DoT. However the vacancies will be filled only along with 2014-15 vacancies.4. Retention in Tamilnadu on promotion to DE (Regular):
We wanted Addl.GM (Pers) to consider the requests of Executives who could not join in other circles due to physical condition. Addl.GM (Pers) agreed to give instructions to the concerned section to process the pending requests.5.Transfer request of DGMs/AGMs of BSNL CO:
We also requested Addl. GM (Pers) to consider own cost transfer requests in respect of DGMs/AGMs of BSNL CO. Addl. GM (Pers) agreed to take necessary action on such requests if these executives have completed three years of service at BSNL CO. We pointed out that as per transfer policy own cost transfer request should be considered after completion of two years of service. Then Addl. GM (Pers) agreed to process such requests. We hope that soon action will be taken on pending own cost transfer requests.20.03.2015:
BSNL undertakes Rs 1,000 crore investment plan:
"We have taken several measures. Only last week we began migration of landline customers to next generation service facility. It will provide lot of services to customers. Second, we are experimenting with BSNL Skype. For the Wi-Fi hotspots, 14 centres in tourist places in South zone have been identified," BSNL Director N K Gupta said. Read More19.03.2015:
Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2015- Birthday of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar:
DoP&T has issued O.M. declaring Tuesday, the 14th April 2015, as a Closed Holiday on account of the birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, for all Central Government Offices including Industrial Establishments throughout India. View O.M.19.03.2015:
Introduction of new Plan voucher for prepaid mobile customers:
BSNL has introduced a new Plan with MRP Rs.8 and validity 180 days for prepaid mobile customers. View details18.03.2015:
BSNL to examine the demand for restoration of medical allowance without voucher for retired employees:
In order to examine the demand for restoration of medical allowance without voucher for retired employees, BSNL CO has called for details of number of retired employees claiming medical reimbursement and the expenditure incurred on outdoor treatment for the past three years. View letter18.03.2015:
Calling of volunteers in JTO grade for posting in ERP core team:
BSNL CO has called for volunteers from directly recruited JTOs less than 40 years of age to work in ERP core team at ALTTC Ghaziabad on temporary transfer basis for a period of two years. View letter17.03.2015:
Regular promotion to CAO grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion to CAO grade on regular basis in respect of four executives. View orders16.03.2015:
Promotion to CAO on regular basis - filling up the vacancies available on date:
Even before orders of promotion to CAO grade on regular basis were issued by BSNL CO on 30.10.2014, AIBSNLOA has taken up the issue with GM (FP) for promoting all the executives who were found eligible by filling up the vacancies that have arisen upto date, instead of upto 1.8.2014. AIBSNLOA has been continuously pursuing the issue from then onwards writing to GM (FP) periodically. During informal discussions, GM (FP) had also agreed to examine our request. Now it is reliably learnt that approval of the competent authority has been obtained for filling up around 60 vacancies on regular basis and the process for promoting eligible executives has commenced.13.03.2015:
Look after arrangement in EE (Electrical) grade - clarification:
Personnel section of BSNL CO has those who are not eligible for promotion to a grade, should not be considered for giving the charge of higher posts through look after arrangement with functional powers. View letter13.03.2015:
Provisional seniority list in the grades of regular architects, SDE/AE (Arch) and JTO (Arch):
BSNL CO has circulated provisional seniority list in the grades of regular architects, SDE/AE (Arch) and JTO (Arch). View letter13.03.2015:
Regular promotion to CAO grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of promotion to CAO grade on regular basis in respect of four executives. View orders12.03.2015:
Strike call by Forum of BSNL unions and associations:
GS Com.Rakesh Sethi addressed the lunch hour demonstration organised today by the Forum of BSNL unions and associations. Later the Forum issued notice for two days strike on 21st and 22nd April 2015 on a charter of demands for revival of BSNL and other issues. AIBSNLOA is a signatory to the strike notice. View strike notice11.03.2015:
Air India, MTNL join list of Sick Central Public Sector enterprises:
'A CPSE is declared sick after it has accumulated losses in any financial year equal to 50% or more of its average net worth during four preceding years. The accumulated losses of Air India stood at Rs 5,388.82 crore in 2013-14, as against Rs 5,490 crore in 2012-13 and Rs 7,559 crore in 2011-12. MTNL posted a profit of Rs 7,821 crore in 2013-14, mainly due to exceptional items—or write back of provisions on account of pensionary liabilities and spectrum amortization costs—of Rs 11,621 crore.' Read More11.03.2015:
List of pending court cases pertaining to recruitment:
Director (HR) has requested CGMs of all circles to make all out efforts for early disposal of pending court cases. View letter11.03.2015:
Retention in parent circle on promotion to DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued three orders retaining some executives in their parent circles. View orders11.03.2015:
Modification in posting order on promotion to DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders modifying the circle of posting in respect of one executive. View orders11.03.2015:
Foregoing of promotion to DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders accepting declining of promotion to DE Regular in resepct of 37 executives. View orders11.03.2015:
Rejection of declining regular promotion to DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders rejecting declining of regular promotion to DE/AGM grade in respect of one executive of Maharashtra Circle. View orders11.03.2015:
Transfer and postings in SDE (Civil) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and postings in SDE (Civil) grade. View orders10.03.2015:
Tenure transfers in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer orders to DEs/AGMs who have completed their tenure and to their substitutes. View orders09.03.2015:
CHQ issues notification for the second All India Conference:
CHQ has issued formal notification for the second AIC to be held at Kolkata on 10th and 11th April 2015. View notification for AIC View notification for pre-AIC CWC09.03.2015:
CHQ writes to CMD requesting extension of the benefit of various court decisions to similarly placed Executives in BSNL :
'We feel that extending the benefit only to the members of applicant associations, leaving out bulk of other affected Executives will only lead to large number of further litigations resulting in avoidable legal expenditure both to the individual as well as BSNL. The outcome of such litigations will ultimately be only in extending the benefit of the earlier decision by the concerned courts. We believe that extending the benefits of the judgments to others who have not approached the Court, but similarly placed, will do complete and substantial justice.' Read More09.03.2015:
Admission of BSNL employees and their wards for PGDTTM programme 2015:
In order to secure more enrolments, NATFM Hyderabad has circulated the prospectus and application form for PGDTTM programme 2015. Last date for filing the application is 16.3.2015. View details09.03.2015:
Offering 3G data card (3.6 Mbps) at reduced sale price as a back-up to the ADSL Broadband customers under ADSL Broadband plan in all the circles:
BSNL CO has conveyed the decision of the competent authority to launch the above scheme in all the circles w.e.f. 16-03-2015 on reqular basis. View orders07.03.2015:
Meeting with Sr. General Manager (Pers):
GS met Sr.GM (Pers) on 5.3.2015 and conveyed Greetings on the eve of Holi festival. He then requested Sr.GM (Pers) to initiate action for promotion to DGM (T) on adhoc basis, since Supreme Court has given its verdict. Sr. GM (Pers) assured us that our request will be examined in accordance with the Supreme Court verdict and action for promotion to DGM (T) on adhoc basis will be initiated. Now the seniority lists 1 to 17 will have to be recast as per Rule 206 based on Supreme Court's verdict. We request all Executives of Recruitment Years 1978 & 1979 and have qualified in the years 1985 & 1987 to ensure that their APARs are complete in all respect up to date and Certificate to the effect that their APARs have been shown to them have been duly submitted. Sr.GM (Pers) informed us that in respect of Supreme Court verdict regarding seniority lists No.6 & 7, BSNL is examining filing of a SLP. We requested him to cause early and appropriate action so as to bring the uncertainities to an end.05.03.2015:
Foregoing of regular promotion to DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders cancelling regular promotion to DE/AGM grade in respect of 112 executives who have foregone the promotion. View orders05.03.2015:
Rejection of declining regular promotion to DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders rejecting declining of regular promotion to DE/AGM grade in respect of 4 executives of Inspection Circle. View orders04.03.2015:
Celebration of International Women's Day in BSNL:
BSNL CO has circulated a list of events for a week towards celebration of International Women's Day and asks Circles and SSAs to organise similar events. View letter04.03.2015:
PMO among top 'rejectors' of RTI applications:
'Report:The analysis by the CIC shows a whopping 44 per cent of RTI applications being rejected by the public authorities in 2013-14 citing reasons as "others" and not giving any of the reasons in the RTI Act for rejecting the requests for information.' Read More04.03.2015:
Telecom operators have over Rs 2.42 lakh crore debt:
'Of the total debt, the share of public sector firms MTNL and BSNL stood at Rs 18,579 crore or 7.6 per cent, Minister of Communications and IT Ravi Shankar Prasad said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha. BSNL and MTNL's debt stood at Rs 4,459 crore and Rs 14,120 crore respectively, while that of other operators totalled to Rs 2,24,317 crore in 2013-14, he added. Prasad said an amount of Rs 1,142.72 crore is outstanding against the private operators towards the payment of interconnect usage charges to BSNL. "Out of this outstanding amount, an amount of Rs 1,002.92 crore is disputed and is sub-judice. The disputed amounts relate to CDR (Call Details Record) issue, non-payment of SMS invoices and interest amount invoices on late payments," he added. Bharti Airtel had the highest gross outstanding of Rs 255.91 crore, followed by Data Access Rs 211.53 crore, Reliance Communication and Reliance Telecom Rs 203.82 crore, and Tata Communications Rs 108.15 crore as on December 31, 2014.' Read More03.03.2015:
Review petition by DoT in Delhi High Court dismissed?:
A petition filed by DoT to review the orders of Delhi High court dated 17.4.2012, directing relieving of "such of the petitioners, who opt to revert to Government service within 2 weeks of receipt of options from them" is reported to have been dismissed by the Delhi High Court.