CHQ writes to Director (HR) on Relaxation in minimum qualifying marks for the recently held competitive examination for promotion from TTA to JTO:
'We learn that in Kolkata Telephones, 5O candidates appeared in the LICE held on 2.6.2013. Results were declared in respect of 23 candidates with no one scoring the minimum qualifying marks. Results of 27 candidates who were allowed to sit for the examination were withheld. Therefore the 216 vacancies under department quota remain unfilled, when there is acute shortage of JTos in the field.' Read More31.01.2014:
BSNL, MTNL to get loan for paying staff inherited from DoT:
'Sources, however, said the VRS proposal is now on hold as it required huge outgo of around Rs 12,000 crore at one-go. On tower assets Farooqui said: "Yes, we will be working on it to hive off towers assets of BSNL as a subsidiary," Farooqui said. He said on tower business, the GoM has indicated a way forward and the Department will now see what all approvals are needed to be taken to take it forward. BSNL has over 60,000 towers across India. It also has tower sharing pacts with many private operators. No decision was, however, taken on the issue of monetisation of land assets of the state-run companies, which may fetch them nearly Rs 14,000 crore.' Read More31.01.2014:
Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) December 2013:
According to a press release issued by the Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour & Employment the All-India CPI-IW for December, 2013 declined by 4 points and pegged at 239.(PIB)31.01.2014:
Entries in ACRs/APARs and proper disposal of representation in a quasi-judicial Manner:
DoP&T has clarified that orders of the competent authority which do not contain specific reasons for up gradation cannot be termed as disposed off in a quasi-judicial manner. View O.M31.01.2014:
Tenure Transfer in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer orders to SDEs (T) who have completed their tenure and to their substitutes. View orders30.01.2014:
Deputation of Group 'A' officers of Department of Telecommunications and other ministries, with telecommunication and information technology background to Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd.:
Union Cabinet today gave its approval to allow Telecommunications Consultants India Limited (TCIL) to fill up such number of posts by deputation of Group ‘A’ officers of the Department of Telecommunications (DOT) and other ministries who have telecommunication and information technology background for a further period of three years from 01.10.2013. This will be according to Department of Public Enterprises guidelines subject to a maximum of 10 percent of the total number of below board level posts in TCIL. This arrangement will provide effective and efficient utilization of the pool of technical manpower available in the Department of Telecommunication and other ministries. The decision will enable TCIL to meet its short term requirement of technical manpower.(PIB)30.01.2014:
Amendment to Fundamental Rules:
DoP&T has notified Fundamental (First Amendment) Rules, 2014, substituting Sub Rule (k)(1)(c) and Sub Rule (m) stipulating conditions in which the appropriate authority can withhold permission to a Government Servant to voluntarily retire from service. View Notification29.01.2014:
One nation, One number, One rupee a day - Roaming free by BSNL:
'BSNL has launched nation vide free roaming facility to its customers with nominal charge of Rupee l/- a day. Customers are required to recharge through a Special Tariff Voucher(STV) of Rs.90/- which will allow unlimited free incoming calls for 90 days while roaming anywhere in the whole of country.' Read More29.01.2014:
CHQ writes to GM (SR) on electronic device for conduct of membership verification among BSNL Executives:
'The primary condition for use of any electronic device for recording the vote of the Executive should be that, such voting should be conducted in a controlled environment of specified date, time and place, under supervision by senior level officers or an outslde agency, so as to address the concerns about secrecy of the vote, group voting, intimidation, compulslon and diktat from controlllng officers. Voting in uncontrolled environment like voting from office or home through personal computer, voting through mobile or any common device and recording the votes on different dates and times cannot be accepted on any account. In short, the procedure should be such that the electronic device replaces only the paper ballot, keeping intact all the procedures and precautions involved in the paper-ballot voting.' Read More29.01.2014:
CHQ writes to ED (F) on proposed amendment to AO RR - 2002:
'We once again request that, any amendment to AO RR - 2OO2, providing LDCE for promotion to Accounts Officer grade should be applicable only in respect of future vacancies and after completing the process of promotion to AO grade which has been initiated long back.' Read More27.01.2014:
CCI rejects BSNL complaint against Airtel, Vodafone, Idea:
'CCI noted that Airtel, Vodafone and Idea got 3G spectrum in 13, 11 and 9 service areas respectively out of total 22 circles. "Had the opposite parties (Airtel, Idea, Vodafone) formed a cartel, the total number of licences obtained would have been 22 and not 33," CCI said, adding that no other information has been furnished to show that the companies had formed a cartel.' Read More24.01.2014:
BSNL CO has issued orders promoting 10 Executives to DE/AGM grade on regular basis. View orders24.01.2014:
Transfer & Posting in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer orders from and to tenure circles in DE/AGM grade. View orders24.01.2014:
MTNL, BSNL likely to offer free roaming plans from January 26:
'He added, however, that BSNL will also have a roaming plan for free calls, but its customers may have to shell out Re 1 a day to avail of the facility.' Read More23.01.2014:
GS met Addl. GM(Pers) today and discussed about:1. Retention and re-allotment of circle for the Executives of Chennai Telephones, Tamilnadu and Karnataka Circles
who got their orders of promotion from SDE to Adhoc STS on 19.7.2013 but could not join in allotted circle due to their personal and health problems. We requested consideration of their requests for retention/reallotment sympathetically so that these remaining executives can also join their duty as STS and serve the BSNL in a better way. Addl GM(Pers) informed us that some of such cases are already under consideration and in some cases they will call for report from the circles about their genuineness.2.Permanent retention of those who have been retained upto 31.3.2014:
We also requested permanent retention of those STS (Adhoc), who have been retained in their circles till 31.3.2014. Addl GM(Pers) assured us that soon a policy decision will be taken by Management in such cases.3. Promotion to DE/AGM and DGM grades:
We conveyed our thanks for issuing orders in respect of redistribution of DE/AGM level post under schedule I A of BSNL MSRR 2009 and requested him to initiate action for filling up all the existing/new vacancies on regular basis so that executives, who are waiting for promotion as STS for a long time may get their due promotion now. Addl GM(Pers) informed us that in February 2014 two important cases related to the seniority of TES Grp B are coming up for hearing and management is trying to get some interim relief in these cases so that promotion may be given in DGM and DE/AGM grades.23.01.2014:
DoP&T has clarified that, in the case of a review DPC, where a junior has been promoted on the recommendations of the original DPC, the official would be considered for promotion if he/she is clear from vigilance angle on the date of promotion of the junior, even if the provisions of para 2 of DoPT OM dated 14.9.92 get attracted on the date the actual promotion is considered. View clarification23.01.2014:
Distribution of posts at DE/AGM level in Telecom Operations under Schedule IA of BSNL MSRR-2009 - intermediate arrangement till a review of HR Plan by BSNL Board:
BSNL CO has decided to redistribute the DE/AGM level posts as an interim measure, till the review of the impending HR Plan by the BSNL Board. View letter23.01.2014:
Transfer and Posting in DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued cancellation of transfer orders to some Executives as well as transfer orders to other Executives. View orders22.01.2014:
GS alongwith Circle President of BSNL CO Circle met PGM (Elect) and discussed about improper implementation of transfer policy by CE (Elect) Chennai TD/ TN TC. We also informed him that CEs are not following the direction issued by the BSNL CO, thereby favouring a group of Executives to the disadvantage of others. PGM (Elect) assured us that he will take necessary action for the safeguard of the executives. He assured us that he will write to CGM TN and CGM Chennai TD for taking necessary action. PGM (Elect) also assured us that he will study the points raised in our letter and issue necessary direction for proper implementation of transfer policy and promotion policy in the Chennai / TN Electrical circles.22.01.2014:
CHQ writes to Secretary, DoT on Proposal for shifting the telephone expenses paid by the Central Government - mobile, landline, broadband and enterprise bills - to BSNL and MTNL and to give exclusive rights to them:
'The COAI crying foul on this issue is nothing but a ploy for putting pressure on the Government to abandon its rightful decision on the plea of level playing field. If at all anyone is to complain about absence of level playing field, it should be BSNL and not the private operators.' Read More22.01.2014:
CHQ writes to PGM Electrical on Improper implementation of BSNL Transfer Pollcy in Tamilnadu Electrical Zone, which includes Chennai Telephones Electrical Circle:
'The matter was discussed in details with you when we met you on 1.10.2013 and you were kind enough to cause issue of another letter cited under reference 4 above designating the CE (E) Tamilnadu Circle as co-ordination unit for Tamilnadu / Chennai Telephones for HR related matters. But no action has been taken in this matter till now.' Read More22.01.2014:
Membership verification of Executives' associations - development of electronic/IT device for conduct thereof:
BSNL SR section has sent a reminder for our suggestions before 25th January 2014. View letter21.01.2014:
Meeting with GM (FP):
GS and AGS (HQ) met GM (FP) today and discussed:1.Promotion to AO grade:
GM (FP) shared our concern about the hurdle in holding DPC for promotion to AO grade and said that an interim solution has been worked out and is being put up for approval by the Director (HR) through GM (Pers).2. Promotion to CAO grade:
We requested him to ensure inclusion of the additional posts in view of amendment to BSNL MS RR. GM (FP) agreed to do the needful.3. Promotion to DGM (Adhoc):
GM (FP) informed us that the work is in progress.21.01.2014:
6 Steps Completed in the Auction of Spectrum in 1800 MHz and 900 MHz Band:
'Now, the next step in the scheme of things is the submission of Bidder Ownership Compliance Certificate by the applicants which shall be done on 23rd January 2014. The Auction is to start on 3rd February 2014.' Read More21.01.2014:
Disciplinary Authority for awarding major penalty to a non-executive Group C official in case of non-availability of DGM level officer:
BSNL CO has clarified that the situation has already been taken care of in the BSNL CDA Rules 2006 that "where the officers of the level indicated in the Schedule are not available, then the officers of the higher scale(s)/ grade shall exercise the powers. View clarification21.01.2014:
BSNL CO has issued modified the circle of posting in respect of two Executives. View orders
'India has the world’s largest population that defecates in the open. According to data released by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) in December 2013, 59.4 per cent of rural India defecates in the open. Jharkhand and Odisha are the worst performers with 90.5 per cent and 81.3 per cent of their population without toilets respectively. The Centre gives India just about eight years to free its villages of open defecation. This seems unlikely. But the states of Sikkim, Haryana and Jharkhand... have shown the way. Their models stress on behavioural change and disapprove of government subsidy to install toilets.' Read More20.01.2014:
Tenure transfers in SDE (T) grade:
BSNL CO has issued transfer orders to SDEs (T) who have completed their tenure and to their substitutes. View orders17.01.2014:
Revision of Recruitment Rules of JTO (Telecom)-2001:
As reported by us earlier, BSNL CO has circulated the draft revised RR of JTO (T) for our comments. The revision is intended to fill up the 50% Internal Quota vacancies by absorbing the Screening Test qualified and Phase-I trained officiating JTOs. The vacancies remaining after absorbing them will be filled through LICE. View draft RR17.01.2014:
CHQ writes to Secretary, DoT on payment of pension contribution on the basis of actual pay drawn:
'Since, the Hon'ble Minister of Finance happens to be the Chairman of the Group of Ministers and has been also a party to the cabinet decision, there should not be any difficulty in getting the concurrence of Ministry of Finance in DoT's long pending proposal for allowing BSNL to pay pension contribution in respect of its employees on the basis of actual pay drawn w.e.f. 1.1.2006.' Read More17.01.2014:
Preparatory work for promotion to DGM (Adhoc) - VC PENDING & REQUIRED:
VC is said to have not yet been received or fresh VC is required in respect of the Executives in the enclosed list for consideration for promotion to DGM (Adhoc). View list17.01.2014:
Preparatory work for promotion to DGM (Adhoc) - APAR PENDING:
APARs from the folloiwng circles have not yet been said to be received: AP, BRBRAITT, KTK, MH, NTR, STR, WTP, ITPC, UKND, WB17.01.2014:
Meeting with ED (Finance):
GS and AGS (HQ) met ED (Finance) today and requested him to find a way out of the present stalemate in conducting DPC for promotion to AO grade. ED (Finance) was requested to seek clarification as required from DoT so that the matter in the court could be resolved early. ED (F) said that he would discuss the point with GM (FP).17.01.2014:
Meeting with GM (Est):
GS and AGS (HQ) met GM (Restg) yesterday and discussed the issue of finalisation of E2 & E3 scales for JTOs & SDEs. GM (Est) said that the committee constituted for the purpose is yet to take any decision on this issue. We requested that we should be consulted before the committee finalises its recommendations. During the discussions, GM (Restg) informed us that, in addition to the proposal for rationalisation of SSAs, the Management was thinking on clubbing two or three SSAs headed by TDEs and making them report to a Director, in line with the concept of Area Managers existing before formation of BSNL.17.01.2014:
Meeting with CMD:
GS and AGS (HQ) met CMD yesterday and thanked him for the Board approval to amend BSNLMS RR, raising the STS quota for seniority cum fitness from 50% to 75% and requested him to ensure that the additional posts are filled by giving regular promotion as STS to eligible Executives. CMD assured that he will give instructions to the concerned officers in this regard.Then we requested CMD to consider the requests of Executives of Chennai Telephones for retention in Chennai Telephones on their promotion as DE Adhoc. We also requested that the Executives belonging to Chennai Telephones, Tamilnadu Circle and Karnataka Circle, who have been given retention upto 31.3.2014 may be permanently retained in their parent circles. CMD remarked that there was more number of vacancies in other circles than these circles which is the reason for their posting to other circles. However he agreed to examine our request.
CMD appreciated our initiative in observing Translate Strategy Day and wanted our full co-operation in his efforts to reviving BSNL.
Meeting with GM (CA):
GS and AGS (HQ) met GM (CA) yesterday and requested him to take up with the DoT the issue of payment of pension contribution of BSNL employees on the basis of actual pay drawn w.e.f. 1.1.2006 as per the decision of the Cabinet in respect of MTNL employees. GM (CA) wanted us to provide with the said Cabinet decision so that he could take up the issue with the appropriate authorities. We have agreed to provide him with the copy of the Cabinet decision.16.01.2014:
Meeting with GM (Estt):
GS and AGS (HQ) met GM (Estt) today and conveyed our views on yesterday's meeting onPension for BSNL recruited employees.
GM (Estt) said that he will supply the contents of the powerpoint presentation made by him in yesterday's meeting for our comments and views. We requested him to take an early decision onregular appointment as JTO of TTAs officiating as JTO.
GM (Estt) assured that JTO Recruitment Rules are proposed to be modified for enabling their regular appointment and the draft RR will be circulated in a few days for our comments and suggestions. We requested him to expedite decision ongrace marks in order to meet the situation wherein no one has passed the LICE held in Kolkata Telephones.
GM (Estt) said that the Management was thinking of holding another LICE after notifying the revised JTO RR. As far as the issue ofrevised pay scales for Rajbasha Adhikari
, which is under consideration by the committee on restructuring of Hindi cadres, we requested GM (Estt) to ensure that the committee submits is report immediately or else to find out an alternate for early settlement of the issue. GM (Estt) has agreed to take up the issue with all concerned.16.01.2014:
Meeting on Pension for BSNL recruited employees:
On invitation from GM (Estt), GS attended the meeting held yesterday on Pension for BSNL recruited employees. On 21st August 2013, we had reported that BSNL proposed to operate through insurance companies on fixed contribution basis and the amount of pension, gratuity and post-retirement benefit will be based on the returns from the schemes to be operated. In this regard, Bajaj Allianz made a power point presentation spelling out its proposition. Later GM (Estt) made a power point presentation explaining BSNL's plan. The contents of the presentation will be supplied to all unions and association for their views. GM (Estt) assured that all the unions and associations will continue to be consulted on this matter.16.01.2014:
Revision of IDA w.e.f. 1.1.2014:
BSNL CO has endorsed DPE orders revising IDA from 85.5% to 90.5% w.e.f. 1.1.2014. View orders16.01.2014:
Promotion to SDE (T) under 33% quota on the basis of LDCE held on 4.3.2012:
BSNL CO has issued promotion orders to two executives as SDE (T) under 33% quota on the basis of LDCE held on 4.3.2012. View orders16.01.2014:
Direction by Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh in OA 584/CH/2013 filed by Shri Virender singh - action regarding:
'ln the above context, it is to be.noted that in respect of any post based promotion, its implementation process gets completed only after joining by the promoted officer in the higher grade, not on the issuance of promotion order itself.' Read More15.01.2014:
Procurement quota to M/s. Indian Telephone Industries Ltd. on procurements made by BSNL and MTNL:
BSNL and MTNL will be requested to extend the benefit of reservation quota to ITI Limited for a period of one year with effect from 21.09.2013. The extension of the benefit of (i) 30 percent of procurement orders placed by BSNL / MTNL for M/s ITl Ltd. for products manufactured by it and (ii) 20 percent of the network roll out orders for turn key projects (like GSM network roll-out, etc.) of BSNL/ MTNL with 10 percent advance against the orders placed on M/s ITI Ltd., subject to liquidation of advances outstanding against previous projects awarded to M/s ITI Ltd. by BSNL/MTNL will ensure enough orders for ITl for production activities. Read More15.01.2014:
Regular promotion to DE/AGM grade:
BSNL CO has issued regular promotion as DE/AGM to 15 Executives. View orders15.01.2014:
Modification in SDE (T) promotion orders issued under 33% quota:
BSNL CO has issued orders retaining seven Executives in AP circle upto 30.6.2014. View orders15.01.2014:
Transfer and Posting in SDE (Civil) grade:
BSNL CO has issued orders of transfer and posting in SDE (Civil) grade. View orders14.01.2014:
Similar meetings have been held at Kolkata and Bhopal with senior officers attending and addressing the meetings. In all the other circles, meetings have been conducted and elaborate discussions have been held. Read More View Photos of meeting in BSNL CO14.01.2014:
BSNL’s spectrum return - Blessing in disguise for Reliance Jio:
BSNL has surrendered six circles- Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kolkata. Out of the six circles, five are category A circles and one is metro circle. In the case of MTNL, both are metro circles of Delhi and Mumbai. With this surrender, Reliance Jio becomes the sole pan India operator and the industry feels that it has been done strategically to benefit Reliance Jio. Read More13.01.2014:
EPFO approves raising Provident Fund interest rate to 8.75%:
EPFO on Monday decided to increase the rate of interest on Provident Fund deposits to 8.75% for 2013-14, a move that will benefit about 5 crore subscribers. "We have decided to recommend to the government 8.75% rate of interest for 2013-14 to its subscribers," labour minister Oscar Fernandes told reporters after a meeting of the EPFO trustees. The Central Board of Trustees, which is the apex decision-making body of the Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), met on Monday and approved the interest rate.(TOI)13.01.2014:
Don't mandate only BSNL/MTNL connections for govt staff - COAI:
The industry body said implementation of the proposal violates Article 14 of the Constitution of India and against various judgements of the TDSAT where BSNL/MTNL have been directed to be treated equally with other private operators. Read More11.01.2014:
JAO induction training at ALTTC Ghaziabad:
On 27.12.2013, AIBSNLOA had requested GM (Trg) to cause approval for conducting various phases of JAO training at ALTTC Ghaziabad and to depute candidates from BSNL Corporate Office, NTR, UP (West) circle and Uttaranchal circle for Phase II JAO training at ALTTC Ghaziabad. We had also pointed out that ALTTC has necessary infra-structure and faculty strength for commencing JAO training. GM (Trg) had immediately faxed our request to CGM ALTTC for necessary action. Now we have been informed that ALTTC will conduct JAO induction training and the first batch will commence on 3rd February 2014. We are thankful to the CGM NATFM, CGM ALTTC and the GM (Trg) for considering our request and causing a decision so fast.11.01.2014:
Meeting with GM (Pers):
GS met GM (Pers) yesterday and requested him to consider the requests for retention in Chennai Telephones from Executives who are still waiting to join as DE/AGM adhoc on promotion. He also requested GM (Pers) to order permanent retention of those belonging to Chennai Telephones, Tamilnadu and Karnataka Circles, who have been given retention upto 31.3.2014. GM (Pers) agreed to examine our request. GS then raised the issue of filling up the 900 and odd STS vacancies at the earliest. GM (Pers) said that the matter was stuck in court cases but the Management was trying to find a way out. On our request for DGM (T) adhoc promotion and DE regularisation, GM (Pers) informed that reply has been filed by BSNL in the SLP in Hon'ble Supreme Court of India and that he was hoping early disposal of the case. We have also requested to GM (Pers) to use his good offices for early submission of the report by the Committee on Restructuring of Hindi cadres, pointing out that the dealy has been unduly long. GM (Pers) has agreed to do the needful.11.01.2014:
VC Pending/VC expired cases for regular promotion to DE grade:
BSNL CO has circulated the list of Executives whose VC is either pending or expired, for consideration for regular promotion to DE grade. View list09.01.2014:
Financial support to Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited on surrender of Broadband Wireless Access spectrum with refund of upfront charges:
The Union Cabinet today gave its approval for financial support to Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) on surrender of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) spectrum by them. Upfront charges paid for such spectrum would be refunded. The objective of this decision is to provide financial support to the extent of one-time upfront charges paid for BWA spectrum for six service areas of BSNL and both service areas of MTNL on surrender of the spectrum. The six Licensed Service Areas of BSNL are Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kolkata. The amount to be refunded to BSNL is Rs. 6724.51 crore and Rs.4533.97 crore for MTNL. The refund will be made to ensure support for the revival and revitalisation of BSNL and MTNL in the competitive telecom sector. It shall also help these PSUs to arrange finances to meet basic financial commitments such as operation and maintenance of their telecom network. (PIB)09.01.2014:
BSNL CO has cancelled the promotion orders in respect of Executives who have refused to accept the promotion. View orders08.01.2014:
According to reports received from Circles, Translate Strategy Day has been successfully observed in all Branches. In BSNL CO Shri S.K.Seth PGM (EB), Shri S.C.Sharma Sr.GM (PP-CM) and Shri R.C.Arya Sr.GM (IT-CFA) participated in our meeting and addressed the large gathering and watched the proceedings throughout the three hours session. Com.A.A.Khan, Circle Secretary, SNEA was present and addressed the meeting. Com.Ravi Shil Verma GS AIGETOA was present. A report on the meeting at BSNL CO and in other circles will be published shortly.08.01.2014:
IDA rate w.e.f. 1.1.2014:
DPE has issued orders revising IDA w.e.f.1.1.2014 from 85.5% to 90.5%. View orders08.01.2014:
In compliance with the directions of the Hon'ble High Court of Kolkata, DoP&T has circulated the copy of the judgment for appropriate action. View O.M.07.01.2014:
BSNL CO has notified the BSNL (Recognition of Executives Association) Rules, 2014 which shall come into force from the date of notification. The only major change from the draft rules circulated earlier is that now the membership verification will be done through secret ballot, either electronically or otherwise, instead of the check off system proposed earlier. The process of the membership verification along with associated time lines would be scheduled through the notification from the SR cell. View Notification07.01.2014:
Appointment to the grades of Executive Directors in BSNL on immediate absorption basis:
BSNL CO has published the Procedure for Appointment to the grades of Executive Director (ED) in BSNL through lmmediate Absorption. View publication07.01.2014:
Amendment to Rule 32 of CCS (CCA) Rules 1965:
In compliance with the judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, DoP&T is amending CCS (CCA) Rules 1965, providing that a copy of the advice of UPSC, in all cases where the Commission is consulted, may be provided to the Charged Officer, not withstanding the provisions of Rule 17 and Rule 32 of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 before a final decision is taken by the Disciplinary Authority (DA). View O.M.07.01.2014:
Government may discuss Rs 12,800 crore refund to BSNL, MTNL on January 9:
The Cabinet on January 9 is likely to discuss refund about Rs 12,800 crore to state-run MTNL and BSNL which the telecom PSUs had to pay for wireless broadband spectrum in 2010 auctions. "It is on agenda of Cabinet meeting on Thursday," a source told PTI when asked about status of refund of broadband wireless access (BWA) spectrum amount to the telecom PSUS. The proposal was approved by the Group of Ministers, headed by Finance Minister P Chidambaram, tasked to chart the course. (ET)07.01.2014:
Revised ISD Tariff for UITC, FLPP Gen. & FLPP PCO:
BSNL CO has circulated revised ISD Tariff for UITC, FLPP Gen. & FLPP PCO. View tariff table07.01.2014:
Modification in posting orders of DE Adhoc:
BSNL CO has modified the circle of posting in respect of two Executives. View orders06.01.2014:
BSNL CO has waived the condition of completing entry level training to those regular SDEs (C) who could not undergo the entry level training as JTO (C)/JE (C) and hence not yet been considered for confirmation. View orders06.01.2014:
CAG to audit private telecom operators, rules Delhi High Court; Airtel, RCOM, Vodafone to come under CAG purview:
The Delhi High Court has upheld a Telecom Dispute Settlement Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) decision that Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) can audit the accounts of private telecom service providers such as Bharti Airtel and RCOM. This is mainly due to the reason that the telecom service providers have to share a percentage of their revenue with the government as the annual licence fee.05.01.2014:
All Branches are requested to make earnest preparation for observing 8.1.2014 as 'TRANSLATE STRATEGY DAY' by holding meetings. Banners, Posters and Notices may be displayed prominently. Circle and Branch office-bearers are to study the proposals given by the Management and explain the details in the meeting. Serious discussions on implementing the proposals found workable and offering alternate/additional suggestions in a constructive manner should be the aim of the meeting. Difficulties faced in the field may be listed out separately so that the Management may be requested to make suitable adjustments in its strategy. The design of the banner being displayed in BSNL Corporate Office is given here as a model. Circle and Branches can create designs on their own. A short Note on the issues to be discussed has been provided here to help the Circle and Branch Office-bearers. View banner Download Notes for discussion Read Circular View BSNL's document04.01.2014:
APAR pending for promotion to DGM (T) on adhoc basis:
APARs for consideration for promotion to DGM (T) on adhoc basis are yet to be received by DPC section of BSNL CO from ALTTC, AP, AS, BRBRAITT, CHGR, BBNW, JKND, KTK, MH, NTR, STR, NE-I, NE-II, ETP, WTP, ITPC, UP-W, UKND, WB AND UP-E (Part).04.01.2014:
VC & APAR pending for consideration for promotion to DE on regular basis:
BSNL CO has circulated the list of Executives for whom Vigilance Clearance and/or APAR are yet to be received in DPC section for consideration for promotion to DE on regular basis. View VC pending list View APAR pending list02.01.2014:
Implementation of Principal CAT New Delhi orders on fixation of pay under FR 22 (1)(a)(i) for TTAs officiating as JTOs:
BSNL CO has clarified that the relief sought by the applicants be granted from the date they became eligible for pay fixation and not from the date of orders of Hon'ble PCAT New Delhi in OA No.1282/2010 (ie. 26.8.2010). View clarification View original orders01.01.2014:
E-DIARY 2014:
Continuing his initiative for the second year towards 'SAVE ENVIRONMENT', Shri Chandagani Naga Sekhar has designed an e-Diary 2014. We are thankful to him for permitting us this year also to upload the e-Diary in our website for use by viewers. All are requested to download and use the e-Diary thus contributing to the 'Green Initiative'. The download link is made permanently available at the bottom of the right column of this site. Download e-Diary 2014.01.01.2014:
JTO to SDE Promotion under 67% quota for vacancy year 2008-09 and backlog vacancies - cases kept under sealed cover:
BSNL CO has called for inputs from circles regarding cases kept under sealed cover in the DPC 2011 for promotion from JTO (T) to SDE (T) under 67% seniority cum fitness quota pertaining to vacancy year 2008-09 and backlog vacancies. View letter